My best friend is due to be released from prison in March, 2004. He's been incarcerated since November, 2000. (I promise there's a point and a question.) I noticed that he was behaving rather strangely for quite some time prior to his arrest. I pretty much knew that he was on something, but I didn't know what it was. Through his mail, I've come to find out that he was on heroin, and pretty bad from what he tells me. He seems to be doing really well now. He has a really good attitude about being released soon and he really wants to stay clean. He's asked me to help him, but I know there's more to it than that. Can you give me advice as to what we can do together and what he can do on his own to help keep him from wanting to do it? I know the prison or the parole board will probably put him in some type of NA or AA or some other type of 12-Step program, but I was wondering about other things besides that; tools we can use in addition to those. Thanks for your time. (Sorry for the book.)
There are alot of suggestions in the Holistic Approaches (see top tool bar) part of this web site that could help your friend.I've been especially impressed with the nutritional supplements,mentioned in that section, that one can take to reduce cravings.
it's really great that your doing things to help your friend.
Good luck
it's really great that your doing things to help your friend.
Good luck
the chances of your friend staying clean upon release from prison depend on how well he did inside .you see prison has heroin also and is readily available.if you get caught up in the game your chances of staying clean outside are very small.its simple .dont use. after 6 months of being clean you start to think clearly and seriously do not need to get high.if you try to play and dabble in heroin on the weekend or whatever it will get inside your head and the vicious cycle will start over again.i speak from answer to you is if he is clean in there he should be okay out here but it just takes 1 time to screw your head up .all of the thought process goes out the window.have your friend read this ive been to prison 5 times over heroin and time away from herion is the best advice i can give
i had a b/f who is now in prison beacuse of heroin and it is his second time. i think that it makes a difference about who you hang around with and wether he wants to give up. he had support off his family and his good set of mates and me but he choose the other mates and it got him back where he started. we arent talking at the moment but i would really like to be so i could have the chance to help him but aslong as your friend is strong and wants 2 give up and you give him all the help he needs he should be fine. its really good that he has you. good luck to you and your friend. kaci
If he's willing to, taking your friend away from where he usually stays, would benefit alot. It'll stop him from hanging around those type of people and away from the type of environment he once lived in. Being in prison for a while then returning back to the same surroundings could trigger a lot of memories and make it much harder for your friend to remain clean and strong. Since he's clean now, make the most of it and use it to your advantage to keep him clean!