Staying Clean With Chronic Pain

Today I have been clean for 34 days and here's what I need help with: I was in a head on car accident having to have 4 knee surgeries thereafter. I just finished my 3rd detox program because of all the opiates I was on. Now I need 2 more knee surgeries but don't have any time on the books at work because I used all my vacation and sick to detox and stay clean, Then today being 34 days I am in great pain with my knees and I can't seem to explain what I'm feeling without a loved one being fearful that soon I will be on opiates again because of the chronic pain. I can't take anything over the counter because over the 8 years I was clean the Advils and Alieves just tore up my stomach which created my Ulcer. The 3 detox programs I was in was due to Vicodin and Norco at 35 a day. Is there anything out there I can take that will take care of the pain and give me a good quality of life? Trust me. I've done just about every home remedy in the book. Is it possible that another medication like Percocet will work or am I in denial. I just want to be free of pain and some of us with Chronic Pain will take any kind of relief they can. "What's your thoughts"?

Spirit--Can only speak for myself. My Pain is out of control. I met with an addiction specialist who has put me on Kadian which you can google. Initially I was put on embeda but this med was recalled. They are similar morphine extended--12 hour dose.

Also Nycenta for breakthrough pain. I have been doing much better. Able to walk /exercise and have lost some weight which is really important. Eating very healthy and sleeping 6+ hours.

Pain sucks--


I know exactly what you're going through. I was first placed on pain meds for severe endometriosis. After my hysterectomy, I felt much better and did not need them. Then after an extended length of stress, I began to hurt all over, mainly in my hips and legs. An MRI revealed I had tarlov tumors on my lower back. I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I've been taking lorcets and xanax for about five years now. I have stopped taking lorcets on a daily basis and only take about 10 a month. I don't feel as if I'm addicted to them anymore.

However, the lethargy and depression I feel is overwhelming to the point that there are days I cannot get out of bed. I have lost the ability to take care of myself, and if it weren't for my mother, I might not even be able to take care of my kids. They are older now and understand, but the hopeless and self-loathing I feel because of my inability to be independent has crippled me to the point of a major manic depression.

I get up each day and pray that I will feel better, but it rarely happens. Sometimes I wonder why God has laid this burden on me. Is it because he knows I can take it? I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

I hope you feel better and I hope the surgeries work out for you. With you doctor's, families', and friends' support, I'm sure you will make it.
Good luck----mamahink