I've seen you post on a few threads and although it's quiet on the board right now, didn't want you to feel ignored.
Tell me more about yourself. Are you going through w/d's right now?
Glad you're here....
well i am a simple guy 46 years old I have a good job ( they think I have the flu) recently single after 18 years,,about 6 months ago,,so I live alone and I am set in my mind I am gunna enjoy the rest of my life ,,that helps me fight the w/d yes I am in the middle of right now at the end of day2... quit cigs after 32 years
and dont drink or mess with other pills..but for 3 years I took perks every day
the last 6 months very heavy im sure the breakup had somthing to do with it
I am as sick as a dog right now and by typing here it helps me not to dwell on it
tell me about you cowgirl
and dont drink or mess with other pills..but for 3 years I took perks every day
the last 6 months very heavy im sure the breakup had somthing to do with it
I am as sick as a dog right now and by typing here it helps me not to dwell on it
tell me about you cowgirl
Hey Steve...it does help to post here. When I was first getting clean a year and a half ago. I posted here every day, all day. It was the only thing that got me through it in the beginning. I went back to NA and AA and it's because of those rooms that I'm clean and sober today. I didn't drink in the last 19 years but knew it could become a problem if I subsitituted that for the pills.
Why were you on the perks in the first place? Did you hurt yourself or were you sick?
If you can get through the w/d's, that's the easy part. Staying clean takes a lot of hard work and soul searching. I found that I couldn't do it alone. I also found out that I didn't NEED to do it alone.
Jump in to the different posts here, whatever relates to you...spill your guts.
Sorry about your divorce. That's so tough to deal with.
Why were you on the perks in the first place? Did you hurt yourself or were you sick?
If you can get through the w/d's, that's the easy part. Staying clean takes a lot of hard work and soul searching. I found that I couldn't do it alone. I also found out that I didn't NEED to do it alone.
Jump in to the different posts here, whatever relates to you...spill your guts.
Sorry about your divorce. That's so tough to deal with.
I saw where you posted to Kim that you just liked to get high and didn't need the pills for pain....I was the same way although I started taking them for migraines.. probably could have gotten by with just motrin though.
I respect what you say about being private, I couldn't be any more private. That's the beauty about meetings...they are annonymous. What is shared there, stays there. I just love the sense of support and knowing that others are like me.
2 days into w/d's is tough, but if you're determined and really want your life back, you can do this.
Be careful with the xanax, it is very easy to get addicted to and ten times harder to get off than the percs.
I respect what you say about being private, I couldn't be any more private. That's the beauty about meetings...they are annonymous. What is shared there, stays there. I just love the sense of support and knowing that others are like me.
2 days into w/d's is tough, but if you're determined and really want your life back, you can do this.
Be careful with the xanax, it is very easy to get addicted to and ten times harder to get off than the percs.
not taking xannax taking zantac otc for stomach thanks
thanks for all your help I cant tell you how much it means to me
I am going to bed now hopfuly end day2 have a nice night I am sure we shall talk again
thanks for all your help I cant tell you how much it means to me
I am going to bed now hopfuly end day2 have a nice night I am sure we shall talk again
Oh God, how did I mess that up????I thought you said xanax. Geesh. Blonde thing I got going.
Sleep well....
Sleep well....
There was a blond named Brandi who was having extream financial problems. She was about to lose her business so she decided to ask God for help. Dear God, please let me win the lottery. Lottery night came and she didn't win. So she prayed again,,,,please God let me win the lottery. If not I may lose my house. Again lottery night came and Brandi has no luck. So again she prays. Dear Lord, I don't ask you for much. I've lost my business, my house, and I'm about to lose my car. Please, Please help me win the lottery. Just then there's a blinding light, the heavens open up and Brandi's confronted by Gods voice.
Brandi,,,,,work with me on this......buy a ticket.
LOL frank jaxxx
HEY, I resemble that remark....
((hug)) Frank
((hug)) Frank
That was hysterical, hope you dont mind that I cpoied and pasted it and sent it to my friends....
Dear Berksheire, I know that you dont believe it right now , but there is a light at the end of the tunnel......Hang in there!!! xoxo........Shel
That was hysterical, hope you dont mind that I cpoied and pasted it and sent it to my friends....
Dear Berksheire, I know that you dont believe it right now , but there is a light at the end of the tunnel......Hang in there!!! xoxo........Shel
Steve how are you doing?
Just got in jeff am feeling alot better..got this part licked..worked all day felt good. was very productive..now starts the hard part..because I will be surronded by this lifestle part of my job..my phone will be ringing,,there are ppl that will be broke cause I aint buying lol
Are you going to check out any meetings?
Feel good Steve --Jeff
Feel good Steve --Jeff
Honestly jeff with the 12 hour days im working and plan on working until xmas
I am sure I will be fine,,its just the way I do things quit everything else without meetings..im sure they are good for some ppl.but I feel good about not doing them.I know when the phone will ring ,,I will tell them to go fish,,and someone else will buy them,,I have not gone threw this just to quit..I was scared straight so to speak..I ate so many 1 day I thought I blew up my heart..I am much to young and goodlooking and single and have everything to live for now to die...going to get my heart checked on wendsday I feel fine now..and I will not abuse this body again!!!!!
thanks for all your help Jeff
and I love the artwork as well
thanks again your friend Steve
I am sure I will be fine,,its just the way I do things quit everything else without meetings..im sure they are good for some ppl.but I feel good about not doing them.I know when the phone will ring ,,I will tell them to go fish,,and someone else will buy them,,I have not gone threw this just to quit..I was scared straight so to speak..I ate so many 1 day I thought I blew up my heart..I am much to young and goodlooking and single and have everything to live for now to die...going to get my heart checked on wendsday I feel fine now..and I will not abuse this body again!!!!!
thanks for all your help Jeff
and I love the artwork as well
thanks again your friend Steve
I figured if you could not sleep you would appreciate the fine art. LOL
Why do you have to work 12 hr days. Your replaying my life. Except I used the pills as I was afraid of losing my job.
Steve we all get sober different. If this is working for you great. If you get a chance check out one meeting you might find it gives you some energy.
I am jeaolous of the holdem. I am a good player know the odds. But my short term memory has been affected terribly due to these freakin pills. So I played in a nice 5-10 game. For many years--a club of great men--10 poker players 8 golfers. I prefer Blackjack.
Anyway if you change your mind hit an AA meeting. Nothing to lose.
Why do you have to work 12 hr days. Your replaying my life. Except I used the pills as I was afraid of losing my job.
Steve we all get sober different. If this is working for you great. If you get a chance check out one meeting you might find it gives you some energy.
I am jeaolous of the holdem. I am a good player know the odds. But my short term memory has been affected terribly due to these freakin pills. So I played in a nice 5-10 game. For many years--a club of great men--10 poker players 8 golfers. I prefer Blackjack.
Anyway if you change your mind hit an AA meeting. Nothing to lose.
make your own judgement but i have been here over a year and certain things that get said does not stay here, just use your better judgement and stay vigilant/watch and observe and come to your own conclusion, i am not saying we are all bad like that, but just know it does happen so observe/educate yourself and come to your own conclusion. this is only shared as i have been a victem myself, but fortunately i am strong enough in my year and half recovery to just blow it off and take the high road, i hope i am wrong in your case and that you find the strong foundation in recovery that you are seeking. you sound like an inttelligent man, u have the most confidense in you, now do me a favor please......believe in yourself and go out and get it, take back what belongs to you :)
make your own judgement but i have been here over a year and certain things that get said does not stay here, just use your better judgement and stay vigilant/watch and observe and come to your own conclusion, i am not saying we are all bad like that, but just know it does happen so observe/educate yourself and come to your own conclusion. this is only shared as i have been a victem myself, but fortunately i am strong enough in my year and half recovery to just blow it off and take the high road, i hope i am wrong in your case and that you find the strong foundation in recovery that you are seeking. you sound like an inttelligent man, u have the most confidense in you, now do me a favor please......believe in yourself and go out and get it, take back what belongs to you :)
I dont know what you are trying to say boo I hope its not what im thinking
but i will go to bed and think on it 4 am comes early
Thanks for all the support
but i will go to bed and think on it 4 am comes early
Thanks for all the support
basicly i am saying educate yourself on all you options, there are more then one and you shoud read and talk with outhers and make an educated decision based upon the your findings, i hope i simplicated it a bit better for you. if i am making matters worse then i apologise and will back off and ,,,, step away from the thread hehehehe oh and no hard fealings, we all work differently, some wound to tight, some wanna be right, some need cose ome just like constant reassurance and a pproval. others need friends to post all over thier threads telling them ho great they are. unfortunately some are more insecure an need constant reassurance and approval. thats ok too if thats whta makes them boost ther sel confidence,it boils down to beingh in touch and loving us, nowing our likes and dislikes and overall juts being secure with who we are an what we stand for at the end of the day and be sure you like that person you have to live with. and always striving to make like a better place to live in and change for better thing to help out others,,,,,there is completeky nothing any more rewading than that.
hope that calarifide some, but i have a tendency to get slightly DEEP hehehe
hope that calarifide some, but i have a tendency to get slightly DEEP hehehe
Thanks teri
Mr paranoid here was thinking you were trying to tell me the swat team was getting ready to kick in my doors..lmao
well this is the begining of day5 and i am ready for work have a great day!!
Mr paranoid here was thinking you were trying to tell me the swat team was getting ready to kick in my doors..lmao
well this is the begining of day5 and i am ready for work have a great day!!
I tend to oversimplifly things Im just not gunna take em