Still Hanging In There

hi everyone,
it's been over one week drug free and i thought i couln't do it but by the grace of god and everyone's support and encouragement i did. i am now having alot of depression/anxienty. my job has been very stressful and home life isn't going well. i should be on top of the world. i have a great job-husband and son. very active in the church i attend. so why do i feel like a could bite someone's head off and chew it and the next minute cry like a newborn baby and want to be alone. something has to give soon. i have made a dr.'s appointment for monday to maybe get something for depression/anxienty ??? i don't want to get soo overwhelmed that i might consider taking those pills that i have worked so hard to keep away from over a week. guys, please pray for me. i hope every one is doing well. i know i know i don't post often especially as often as i would like but i don't always have access to a computer.
have a great day
Hey C what were you taking and did you go cold turkey.The reason I ask is personally for awhile you will feel alot of dep.and I don't know if your doctor knows about you being a addict or not but I would be careful about going to a doctor so soon.But if you do you might want to tell him up front so that way he will know what exactly is going on with you.I am 13 days clean today and would not step near a doctor or anything like that i had to go pick up sudafed for my nose and went to local pharmacy to get it it was just the closest place to go and I could not handle being there because of I had once picked up scripts there of pain killers and knew in the back of my mind that those pills were somewhere back there in that pharmacy so I jst hurried and got out of there.All I am saying is don't tempt yourself on purpose the devil will try at any way possible even if it seems very innocent and simple.Maybe I can give you a little to look forward to I feel alot better today and its getting better and thats what I look forward to you will be happy one day we all will one day just hang in there it gets better and I am not going to lie the fight will never stop but jesus never promised a bed of roses thats just life...........God bless
i took any form og hydrocodone usually around 20 mg. for about 3 years. yes, i did go cold turkey. i just feel like if i don't get a grip on this frustration, something is going to give. i will not take those pills again. thanks for the reply.

Hi Cindy;

New Be hit the nail on the head. It takes time for the drug to get out of your system, and even when the physical is past there is still the mental aspect to deal with.

So my general advice is to plan for 3-4 weeks (hopefully less) of feeling tired, maybe depressed, etc. Again, your body needs time to adjust.

As difficult as it may seem try and stay active (sounds like you are). Also, have you consdiered going to NA meetings? You can just sit and don't have to say a thing.

If after a month you are still depressed and/or struggling with cravings then I would suggest you see your doctor. But I'm no expert from a medical perspective, so please do what you feel most comfortable with.

Good luck;
hi jim,

it's not so much the sleeplessness i'm battling with. it's the one minute being angry at the world and the next minute being sad. my husband said you know, you don't ever smile anymore. he's right ! i don't. i have so much to be thankful and greatful for but i still have these feelings. i guess i'm trying to get a quick fix from all these problems these drugs have caused but i know there is none. i'm so confused.

still hanging in there
I know that you want take them again I have faith in that I just know it easy to set rules for yourself than it is for someone else too.I am only 28 and I was taking about 10-14 10mg hydrocodone a day and I also 3 children that are 6,5,4 and have a husband that doesn't believe in addiction and they all know that I am an addict and the reason I still call myself an addict is because I still take day by day and I know that there will be a day when I can again just be me but you again have to take it day by day......
Hey Cindy;

I'll bet if you went to a meeting there's a real good chance there might be someone else who can relate to what you're going through.

Or is there someone at church you can confide in?

There's just something about unburdening ourselves when we don't feel's therapeutic. Me me I get so much from my friends in NA and AA.

I also take an AD for depression and Naltrexone for cravings. But these aren't for everyone obviously. I was diagnosed with depression 15+ years ago...

Again, just my experience.


right now jim i don't think there is anyone i'd be willing to share this with. it just hit me like a ton of bricks last week when i quit that i was a addict abusing pain pills. i don't want anyone thinking i'm looking for a quick fix for these feelings. i know it's going to take some time to heal physically and mentally. i just hate to see my husband and son suffer in the time being. it isn't fair to them.

i know where you are cmv...i am on the threshold of going to rehab and the hurt is really upsetting my family...i am going to NA meetings and they are really helping. I'm so proud of your week of sanity! keep your chin up and try to go to a meeting, it will make you feel better...

love ya
