Still Here

well i made it thru the night without any pills soooo proud of myself hope i can get thru this day my chest is still hurting but i think i feel a little bit better
Tammy, are you having upper respiratory problems? Or is it from an injury?
this pain in my chest started with my w/ds so i am assuming its anxiety i really dont know
Tammy today would be a good day to find that Sub dr, if there is not one close by, then you just have to keep sucking it up cold turkey, yea i done it before, and many have here, it's just a rough way to go when their are easier ways. When i went cold turkey i used to do the hot bath thing, eat tons of vitamens, but the opiates were so strong, to be honest? i think i just wasted my money on useless supplements, yea the hot bath helped while i sat in the tub, but the water got cold quick, and was back to pulling my hair out lol Goodluck today (-:
Good for you!! It's almost over. Just get thru today. That's all you have to worry about.
Tammy GOOD FOR YOU.Count it out by hours if you must.If it gets THAT strong try to go out & get some air.Just stand & breath deep & try to let your mind relax.I remember how hard what your doing can be & belive me I know youll be thankful after the worst is over.YOU JUST KEEP ON KEEPING ON