Still Not Over

Just curious about the physical stuff
I am coming off using percs for about 6mths straight, it has been over a week now since I quit using them although I did use some less potent pills over the weekend when things seemed really bad (plus as long as i still had pills around the temptation was too much so i used what i had, fortunately no more pain pills in the house now since Sat)
On Monday I went to work and most of the really bad physical stuff seemed to pass than yesterday I was hit with terrible stomach cramps and have not been able to sleep more than 4 hours each night.
Am I about through with the physical stuff by now ??
mentally I feel pretty good to be back working and not using to make it through the day.
I am amazed at how ones body reacts to the absence of drugs !!
I made it further this time and that feels good :)
the last attempt to detox I got more pills after the sleep deprivation and stomach cramps hit.
so other than being very tired and hoping it is over soon and i sleep normal again someday things are good.
hey Fredo! Sorry you are still having some physical symptoms, but I would think that is normal. I didn't use Oxys, my doc was hydrocodone, but it took me about 10-12 days to get over all the physical stuff. So, just hang in there and tough it out.

You are doing awesome! Except for the stuff you took this weekend. That may have lent to the lingering effects, also. You said you have nothing else to take now, though, so don't get anymore. It is hard to not take pills if they are around, I know that.

Don't you love being free of the demon? Good luck with the rest of your recovery, that is, the rest of your life! LOL Take care and keep up the strength!
sorry i am off topic, but i read your post and you said that you took percocet(sp?). well my cousin just called and asked me if blue percocet 5-325 pills are very strong? she is a recovering cocaine addict and does not want to become dependant on any other drug. i have no idea what a blue perc or what any other color of them are. if you or someone could answer i would greatly apprectiate it.

blues......hey and welcome to the board! could you tell your cousin to call the pharmacist, please? Don't want to offend, but stuff like you asked is a trigger to many on here and we would rather keep it off the board. Thanks, and I hope you understand.
you can also call poison control and tell them you found this pill, they will give you an answer almost immediately, or you could look it up on the internet
i am very sorry if i triggered anyone. i told her to call poison control--she told me i don't have time for that sh*t. i am usually on the heroin board. i come to the pill board to read. there are alot more posts on the board. i had no idea that the ??i asked would be a trigger well i guess if someone would describe my drug of choice it might jsut trigger me too. i am now on day 5 of detox w?sub. and i sure donot need any more triggers then in my mind, so anyone out there if what i wrote triggered you i am very sorry. can't someone remove what i wrote?? i have read on otherposts where they can remove things.


Go to pill ID on the site.

That site will tell you anything you need to know about any drug on the market.

You descibe the pill by filling in boxes such as the number on pill, shape of pill. Easy site to use.

Hope that helps you. Although, I dont think it is a good idea for her to take anything. Once an addict always an addict and that goes for me too.
Yes, it's still normal to have physical symptoms, though they should start lessening now....

When I went cold turkey last year, it took over 3 weeks before I could sleep more than 1-3 hours a night.... that seems to be the last thing that gets back to normal, so just give it time or try taking Benadryl before bed to help you get some rest.
I have been off Suboxone for 8 days and am living in a nightmare . I have all the horrible symptoms and they have not let up at all . I went to the Dr. today and he told me that I may have a physical need for this stuff , meaning the symptoms may not go away . He told me to take one mill. and see what happened . I did and now feel normal , at least for a few hours . He told me to give it ten more days and if the symptoms persist , he suggested that I should stay on them forever . This not only floored me but scared the hell out of me . I want to get off this stuff but he is making it sound as though that may not be a choice . Has anyone ever heard of this type of solution ? I fully expect to be back in full withdrawel tommorow . Does anyone know how long this misery will go on for ?