Still Thinking Of Everyone

Dear All,

This is just a quick post to let you know that I am still thinking of everybody. This semester is busy and flying by, though I still wish I could post more often.

My hope is that you are all doing well, and for those of you who are new - Welcome!

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Hey Ben,

I haven't seen you in awhile, guess you've been real busy with school eh? Good to see you are still hanging in there. Good luck with school.

Hi Ben,

I hope school is going well for you. You have often been in my thoughts and I am sending my best wishes your way. I sure have missed seeing your posts around here.....

Hi Ben

Nice to hear from you. Hope all is going well for you too. Good luck in school.

Dear Liz, Boo, and Marie,

Thanks you guys! You made my night! I've also been thinking of you and, as I said, although I don't post as often because of school, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

You are great. That includes all of you!

My buddy Ben... sure do miss you. Glad to hear you're doing well. Stop in more often, ok? If you get a chance drop me a line...

Love you
Dear Cowgirl,

I'll check in more often, and definitely e-mail you ASAP. I've missed all of the people here. This site has been so helpful to me. Well, to tell the truth, all of the members have been the one's that have helped me; however, none of us could be where we are without Ms. Lucy Waletsky creating this site. Thanks Lucy!

I've kept you in my thoughts and prayers, and haven't forgotten about you, Cowgirl.

Love ya, too!

Hey Ben sure do miss ya mate but im pleased your getting on with life. hows studys going? drop me a line hun jackie xxxxx
Dear Jackie,

Classes, though hard, are going well. I am studying a good 6 hours/day, sometimes more, so I'm pretty busy.

How are you, my dear friend? I have thought about you quite a lot. I'll drop you a line soon.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jackie.

Hey Ben,

Just wanted to say thanks for posting on one of my threads earlier. It's nice to hear that you are living clean and going to school. Sounds like a good life. Keep up the good work.

Dear Lou Lou,

Thanks so much for you kind words. With all of the wonderful people here, I know that you'll be able to overcome any obstacle, Lou. Keep us all up-to-date about your progress.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
