Stupid Careers, Off To Work

woofman -

me thinks it's about time you come out of that "he man women hater's clubhouse". you are beginning to resemble the maniacal rantings that go on in my mind on a daily basis! my mind is a dangerous place to be without adult supervision! :o

and as for jagger - yeah he is still strutting his stuff and not too shabby imho for a 61 year old! however, keith richards, gosh that's another story. i saw him on the today show last week as i was leaving for work...poor guy, he looks like someone who died in 1968!

remember the ed sullivan show and what they did as far censorship was concerned when the stones appeared? well i'll remind you that the producers of the show asked the rolling stones to change the lyrics to the chorus of lets spend the night together for their appearance. the band agreed and the phrase lets spend the night together was replaced with lets spend some time together.

ha! the times sure are changing...they censored dylan too but that's another story.

i's only rock 'n roll and i like it! like it! liiiiiiiiiiike it!

hugs -


i remember wn they changed that, boy was that , i dont know, the way things were. Lets spend some time together sure is a long way from lets spend the night togetther. even jerry fallwell could live with that. but really, think of how we have all changed. with me its nothing at all for my kids to hear a song like that & if u think about it, the implications are not all wholesome.

And when i was a kid, i was wholesome indeed.

I'm still waiting for my WIFE TO SHOW ME WHAT SEX IS.. I always find it odd why these guys like the mailman, and the store clerk & pizza guy, well gee, she makes friends so fast. right now she got the pizza guy to bring a free pizza. what i dont get is what they are doing now. whenever one of these new friends of hers comes over, they go in our room and make funny noises.
boy, i sure am lucky to have such a popular girl.

Now on to another topic. I now feel that i am so strong in recovery that i should get a job as one of those guys who disposes of old narcotics. just to test myself.

another interesting career would be the guy who jerks off horses to collect their seman. I guess he could use his experience to qualify him for a lot of other jobs. a male prostitute. (funny how u think of the horsejerker offer as being a man.)

what does ur father do for work. he gives hand jobs to horses.

I do believe that has got to be the best all time career, unless the horse asks for something else. (Everyone knows one of the biggest lies, right?)
I just thought of another one this morning , how about:

A MODERATOR WHO checks out all the messages here & edits them, now thats goota be a hoot of a job.
Er, right.... I wouldnt wish that on anyone, bless their hearts. I imagine it is alot like running a day care.

It is so true what they say about addictions stunting one's mental development. The thesis is proven here daily, right before our eyes.
Dog..just so you know, it isn't a "guy" that jerks off the horse to collect semen. It's a device called "AL". A stud that's ummm, well, let's say, in the mood, isn't going to let anyone, especially a guy, anywhere near them. "AL" is inserted into a "fake" mare and well, you can use your imagination....

Sorry to take the fun outta that one for you.... and yes, I've seen it done. I worked on a breeding farm for awhile as a kid. How do you think I learned about the birds and the bees? My parents? Hah.



Thats an image I could of done without this fine Sunday morning. I'm thinking the job of wrapping the cotton around the end of a Q-tip might be interesting.

sucks to be AL
Cowgirl, you have got to be kidding me. a horse with a blow up they have naked pictures of horses to look at.

What did they do before they had Al?
No, I'm not kidding..and before they had "AL" (which is really called "AI", AL is a fun name), they just let horses do it the old fashion way and had to bring either the stud to the mare or vise-versa. There was no shipping of semen. It's fairly new, only about 30 years old.

Hard to keep it cold...

Pictures for the stud and maybe some KY?

How about the person that has to funnel the toothpaste into that tiny little opening?

what about the guy that has to get the big boat in the little bottle?

I'll bet the horses liked it better in the old days. Speaking of which, do we have any trutle experts out there.?

I have 6 red eared sliders. how do you tell boys from girls & how do they have sex.

Is there a way i can get them together so they can start having babies. Anything u can give turtles that is like cat nip.

I read somewhere that turtles don't care if they are around other turtles or not. To me, when i look at them, they seem so happy to be with each other. When you have one turtle by himself, he must get lonely.

My wife talks to them & she actually has got me talking to them.. They all stick their heads up waiting for food. I am telling you, it is so cute.

Do they have professional turtle masterbators? How would they do it with that little thing, tweesers? What about birds, or alligator or mosquitos. That would be the job of jobs, a masquito jerker-offer.
LMAO... Harry are you just not getting any lately?

Turtle sex, now I've heard everything.
