I have a weird question...
Can a person make meth on their own? I DO NOT want to know HOW is it made. Only if it CAN be made.
My brother in law came home from NY 18 months ago, admitting an addiction. He wouldn't specify what drug, but did say that he made it at home. (He is a frugal sort) He holed up with my MIL for 6 months in the country, with no outside contact except for me, DH, MIL and FIL. He managed to kick the addictions on his own.
He has been on his own for the last year and recently we have become suspicious that he may be using again. I don't even know where to turn for help for my DH and his parents without knowing what he is actually addicted to.
Can anyone give me any suggestions?
Yes it can be made at home, in motel rooms, pretty much anywhere that they wouldnt be disturbed for a few hours. There are many different ways to manufacture meth,but not wanting to get into that type of discussion I will just say that you should look for any thing out of the ordinary in terms of what one would normally purchase in the way of cold medication.( normal people dont usually buy more than one package at a time of sudafed, or pseudoephedrine products) Just use common sense when looking around, nowadays people use anything to make it in so dont expect to see a science lab, I hope this helped you some , good luck
justonemore is correct, meth can be made anywhere...it can also be very dangerous. There have been instances where homes have had explosions.
Not only explosions, fires, but a heck of a lot of toxic material left over, usually buried, or dumped in/on the ground or drains.....some very bad stuff