Sub Pro And Cons

Hi all, I was on earlier to get input on rather to take suboxone or not. I shared earlier I was four years sober in A.A, when I hurt my back and got hooked on percocets it been over a year now...Have sarted going back to A.A.meetings I did relapse with alcohol but am sober with alcohol again for a month now. I just cant seem to quit taking these pills. I have a good importnat job and am not able to fake it anymore the pills are all I think about during the day. I took a couple weeks off to figure out what to do when I first got sober four years ago I quit cold turkey was also using demerol then... it was tuff , I really don't know how I did it other than thru the program... I went to a sub doctor the other day and he just gave me a script to take 8mgs every 12 hours and he would see me in a month..... I don't know what to expect with this drug I don't want to be on it for over a couple months is this possible. I was taking 10 to 20 perc every day they were getting where they did nothing... My pain is tolerable and I use Chiroprator and acupunture for it I am not worried about the pain anymore they can help me with it. I just want off thes damn pills it costing me to much buying on streets etc. Is Sub safe is 16 mgs to much to start with. I don't want to be addicted to sub, I want offf ASAP. Does any one have experience withdrawl from sub succesfully and staying clean.. I continue to use N.A and A.A and my sponser. any suggestions. just looking for more input so I can decide what to do. Cold Turkey I did before but this seems more intrenced in my soul this time Iam not sure i could do it cold turkery and inpatient detox would be last option.
Will sub work?
Well I posted to you earlier... I only see a few options here. Keep taking the meds, quit taking the meds and suck up the withdrawl or take the sub and if it works then great. You can go to the bottom of the page and type in Bob and read back through some old posts about suboxone. Or type in Cowgirl, I am pretty sure there is a thread under her name that talks about it. Hopefully you'll find some info you are looking for there.
Good luck, Rae
It's important to realize that sub is not a cure-all..... It helps and to me it's helped in a big way because it's keeping me off the pills. My addiction was as much mental as it was physical.... I used pills to lift my depression, to make classes more interesting, to stay up to study, to clean the house better.... So now I'm going on about my day, still doing all of these things, and they're all triggers for pain pill abuse.

The sub not only kept away the withdrawals, but it's also keeping me from popping a few pills every now and then (because we all know there is no "now and then").

But I am not just relying on suboxone for my recovery..... I'm in therapy, one hour every week, dealing with alot of the things that caused me to self-medicate in the past. I am on antidepressants (I've been off and on them for years and I tend to self-medicate more when I am not on them). I've gone to my doctors and explained my situation so that they will not give me any more pills..... And I'm posting on here every day, so that I can help others as well as help myself.

When is the last time you've taken a percocet?
.... I used pills to lift my depression, to make classes more interesting, to stay up to study, to clean the house better.... So now I'm going on about my day, still doing all of these things, and they're all triggers for pain pill abuse.

I completely agree..there is still definate behavior modification involved.

Thanks to both of you for replying i did go back and read cowgirls take on suboxone,,, I am just still trying to gather as much as I can.... Danielle, I have not had a perc in about ten hours... I think some times if I have to wait 24 hours before using sub. then I can go cold turkey. In the program its taking it 24 hours at a time but I don't know ,I don't want to use anymore. I have a beautiful seven year old girl that is the light of my life... I don't know how in the hell I feel for this and got my self in deep addiction again... Iam a 45 year old male ex-marine done many tough things but ,, I'll be honest with you Iam scared... I just hope this suboxone will get me clean... I think I have said one thing Iam scared of is getting addictedd to it (sub) that is one thing keeping me from going on with it...I read where one girl said her boyfried was on it for just three weeks and he has been clean and sober for a year and a half ,,, that is what I hope for just a short peirod of time on it... but I don't want to trick myself....
I probalbly won't get any sleep tonight I guess if Iam going to do this I will start tomorrow. any other advise would be helpful
Yes, I've also thought before that if I can go the 24 hours needed before I start the sub, then I could go cold turkey.....

Well, that's a great way of thinking, but it's not always true...... With pain pill withdrawal, days 4 and 5 are the worst because it takes 3 days for the pills to completely leave your body.

You have to decide what is best for you..... I'm not worried about getting addicted to the sub because you can't get high from it..... If you take more than the recommended dose, you won't feel a thing different (or, if you do, you'll feel yourself getting sick), so this is not a drug that can really be abused.

And my doctor is going to start tapering me down at 6months and she is going to take another 6 months to gradually get me off of them.
Hey takasha,
I understand your apprehension with this, but you have to remember it took awhile for you to get where you're at, so its gonna take some time to heal. As addicts we all want what we want when we want it, so you want to be off pills and feel good now. Well that plan might not work as fast as you want it.

You can certainly try ct and work the 12 steps, there are good people here to talk to who live this and can give you great advice and support, they swear by it and from what I've seen are very successful.

If you choose sub, you still have to have other support as well, remember what I said earlier about all the pieces of the puzzle? Sub is basically going to take away your physical pain from wd. You'll start at a certain dose and taper from there to nothing, there can be wd from sub, but my doctor and support group assured me it will be alot easier than pain killers. I do think 16 mg is alot to start with and I also think your doctor should be monitoring your first dose. You need a taper schedule as well. And this stuff of "see you in a month" doesn't sit well with me either.

Please, whatever you choose, give yourself time and be humble to this disease, we're dealing with the devil itself so its gonna take time and patience.
