Sub Question Please Help

Hi Everyone,

I am sorry to keep asking but I am VERY ANXIOS and nervous for my appoitment with my sub Dr. today at 5:30 pm. I took a Percocet at 1:00 pm today and everything I've read says you have to be in mild to moderate? I am so nervous he will turn me away tonight because I am not in strong enough withdrawl. Do you take the 1st does at the Drs? He told me after the consultation he would write me a script so maybe I just wait to take it until I get into mild withdrawl.

Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does it work soon or does it have to build up in your system? I feel like this i s my last hope to stay sober and off Pain Pills.

Someone please respond. I've been on the sub website and sub topics here and no luck with my questions.
Hi Beebah...
I have no experience with sub...I can relate to the anxiousness you are going through...maybe a suggestion would be when you go to your doctor appt. to be completely honest with him...let him know how much you've taken and when, don't hesitate with this info cause from what I've read, you could be worse off if you're not far along enough in w/d's before you take the sub....Your doctor is qualified to answer all your questions...

Pray to your HP to help you through this...and don't feel like you cannot do it nor your not ready, that's just the disease talking to you wanting you to continue on the self-destructive path....I've also read where once you are in w/d's and you first take the sub, the w/d's start to subside almost you won't be uncomfortable too long and it is very much doable...keep telling yourself that...

Sorry I couldn't help more but I wanted to at least respond and let you know, you're not alone...I will be praying for you and cannot wait until you can post about the freedom you feel from not having to take a pain pill....

Much luck & blessings...
Take care,
Hang in there!!!!!!
I started sub on 5/2/07. I was lucky because I had an early morning appointment. I went about 18 hours without a pill and was starting to feel moderate WD. I was anxious and slept very little. I am sure that I looked like hell when I got to the office. I took some immodium so I wouldn't have the scithers at the office. I had to fill out some forms and answer some questions.....the wait felt sooooo long, but it felt good to be I was admitting my addiction. The doctor examined me and then gave me my first dose. B-Bah, don't worry........the sub works FAST! The doctor kept me there for a couple of hours to monitor me and talk about some plans for my sobriety.

B-Bah, this is the worst of it and I can tell you that it will be over soon. The suboxone works amazingly and you will be out of WD. I promise that you will feel physically better!!!!! (Now the mental part.....that may take some more time!)

Hang in there! I will be at my computer for the next couple of hours in case you need anything.
Hi Stacey and Jer,

Thank you so much for responding to me. I feel more calm now that I sort of know what to expect. I just hope I didn't screw up by taking a PP today at 11:00am I'm so afraid he'll make me come back. I hope he will give me the script and let me take it tonight when the w/d kick in.

Sometimes the symptoms of my w/d start after just 3 hours after taking my last pp. That is how addicted I am too them.

I will post tomorrow and let you all know how it goes. I hope the Dr. can tell I am already in withdrawl. It doesn't take long for me.
Go with honesty...your doc wants the best for you too...good luck!
How much have you been taking each day? Of course you should be honest with the doctor, but you may be going through mild WD. You may not get the first dose until 6:30 or later.

I take between 5 adn 12 a day of percs or vicodins.
Do you get the 1st dose in the Drs. office?

I took the first dose at the office. The doctor will make sure tht you get enough to feel good. I promise you will be out of WD!!!!!!!!
First you said you took a perc at 1:00pm and then you said 11:00am
Personally I would bring the percs to the dr's office and flush them.

If they are onhand, they will be an awful temptation.

i thought you couldn't have any pp's in your system for a certain amt of time.
Depends on which typo is correct Danny, 1 or 11. I can see how that could happen.

I just know if she takes sub while not being in WD she will be sick.

Bee, you need to be strong enough to endure WD. You are not talking about being in WD for a long period of time. And the end results i.e. the sub will snap you out of them pretty quickly. It is worth the WD you will experience in the long run. Many people have done it, so can you. You can hang for at least 12 - 18 hours, frankly the longer the better off you will be.

Just be honest with your doctor. He may or may not give you a script. And if he follows protocol, he shouldn't until he sees you are in WD.

He shouldn't send you home with a script to be blunt, he should make you take one sitting in his office so he can observe you.
Brooke, i keep on remembering JW's precipitated withdrawal experience.. I realize he was going from methadone to sub and it is most likely alot different. Oh and one said 11 a.m. and one 1 p.m. I don't think that was a typo.

Beebah, please be honest with your dr. You will need to not only be honest with him, but with yourself.

Best wishes!
Yep you are right it did say am/pm.. Well either way still too soon to use sub.
Too many people think addiction can be cured by a magic pill, whether it be sub or an antidepressant.

Yes, I'd love to believe that, just as I'd love to believe that I can take these 30 extra lbs off with one and no work or exercise. It took me 2 years to put it on, it will take me that long or longer to get rid of it. If only....

I am sure your point is well-taken, but the suboxone DOES stop WD symptoms. If you read one of my above posts, you will see that I wrote to B-bah that the mental part would take a long time. For many people, fear of WD is a major barrier to recovery. Suboxone is a FANTASTIC TOOL, not a magic pill.
mrjer, believe me, I know the mental addiction. I am a cocaine addict. I had a major love affair with the coke and a needle, the mental was by far the worst part of my addiction.

I understand the sub stops the cravings and the withdrawal, but, you must do other things in order to get and stay clean. It is not magic. The w/d symptoms can be overcome within days or weeks without Sub, I'm not a PP addict, but I know what I've read and shared with others here.

Honesty, Openmindedness and Willingness will get you far in your fight.
True! I am over the physical need to get hydro, but it seems like I am figuring something new out each day!
When I first was playing with the thought of quitting pp and ambien I looked into sub.on the internet. I did find a doctor in my area. The more I thought about it and read about it it just seemed to good to be true. Hell, it took me five years to totally screw up my life how in the world was 1 pill gonna get it back on the right track in one doctors visit. I now understand a little more about sub and how it has to be incorporated with some other type of progam like meetings, counsoling etc. I still to this day am glad I went c/t. but what works for some doesn't always work for another. Good luck Beebah. Shantel
So, Danny....

This woman is an addict. Her addiction has conditioned her to cover up and deny using. Anyone who's used Sub knows that if she hasn't followed her doctors instructions, she's going to be in bad shape if she takes the medication. If she tells the truth, (which I hope and pray she does) she'll delay beginning the Suboxone therapy. Those are her consequences.

This board is meant to be a support system...a place where addicts (no matter how pitifully defected they are) can come to feel safe. The only thing you chose to focus on was that she most likely lied about a two hour time frame and you chose to call her on it. Why would this matter to you? It DOESN'T matter. She won't get the Sub if her doctor feels she isn't in w/d or he'll give it to her and she'll be f***ed up. I'm just wondering....did calling her a liar serve any purpose? Might just be me but, I don't think your comment served any purpose at all.