On my 7th day of sub wd. I had weaned down to .25 g. Syntops hiy day 3, worst on day 7 and then by day 10 see major symptoms subsiding and feel over the mountain headed down the other side. I did get a script of ambiem to help with sleep and after the 1st 5 days was able to get a scrip for Ativan. I admit the 3rd and 4th days I searched drawers fordropped pieces of the orange stuff but was fortunate in not finding anything. God Bless to all who tough it the orange evil called soboxoxe and at last get free.
All these doctors say they want to help. I think long term suboxone plans are Bull.
They figure these people have been coming up with cash everyday to support their habit and they want that income rather than the dealer getting it.
I was doing 1-2 grams of H daily. I got a script for 60 strips. 35 days in and I still have 30 strips after 1 week of 2 strips per day I started cutting it in half every 4 days. I'm now down to 1/4 strip every 24 hrs. And doing ok. I'm sore and still get clammy feeling and sweats but have been sleeping pretty good and I'm determined to be done after 60 strips
They figure these people have been coming up with cash everyday to support their habit and they want that income rather than the dealer getting it.
I was doing 1-2 grams of H daily. I got a script for 60 strips. 35 days in and I still have 30 strips after 1 week of 2 strips per day I started cutting it in half every 4 days. I'm now down to 1/4 strip every 24 hrs. And doing ok. I'm sore and still get clammy feeling and sweats but have been sleeping pretty good and I'm determined to be done after 60 strips
I'dk if you would be able to help me but I've been everywhere on the Internet looking for someone to help I have nobody to ask or talk about that knows and it's all starting to get me down