Suboxone Heroin Relaps

I read these forums all the time but have never posted, I guess I am now cause I really want to get cleaned up. I'm a heroin user smoker a g a day and I got off and onto Suboxone but I can only make it 2 days or so before going back to smoking . my body doesn't feel right even on Suboxone is it cause I'm just not taking enough ?

also. I took a sub this morning and then smoked immediately after all day up until about 1pm and didn't get high at all just made my body feel like its normal and not so lethargic. can I use a sub tomorrow morning? to try to keep moving forward or do I have to wait for withdrawal symptoms again
I can not begin to tell you how close your story is to my own. SO please listen to what I am about to tell you.

I was using (snorting) a gram sometimes a gram and a half of high grade black tar heroin a day everyday for the last year. I started on norco or vicodin like allot of people do and just worked my way right up the chain.

Anyhow I will cut to the chase. When I quit heroin the first time and went onto Suboxone, I did not wait long enough. The trick is to be in moderate to severe withdrawal before you take your first Suboxone. Not only to avoid precipitated WD, but because it has a much greater effect when you wait.

The second time I quit, I waited nearly 48 hours after my last dose of Heroin before taking my first dose of Suboxone. And I only took 2mg at a time over a 2 hour periods until hitting a full 8mg strip cap.

One 8mg strip of Suboxone should do for most people, but some may need more or less. Everyone is different.

Also, please note that you are not going to feel that great for the first 3 to 5 days of induction. At least I didn't. The first five days I was tired, depressed had some difficulty sleeping but was still able to catch a bit of rest at night.

Just try to hang in there for a few days, and I know it is hard to get over that first period of not using and being sick. But let me tell you, when you are in severe to moderate WD and you take that first Sub and 30 minutes pass and that relief finally washes over your body...its a great thing man.

Take care of yourself and if you have more questions just ask! GOOD LUCK
thank you man , I know what your saying . I never wait till I'm dying cause I'm such a p**** when it comes to DT's(withdrawl)

I don't want to be on the Suboxone program I just want to get cleaned up , when I was using only lightly I could take a sub and it was like a bandaid . I was back to completely clean off everything within like a week or 2 by cutting subs into 16ths and taking little pieces.

but I feel like Im way to far out to sea this time. making it 3 days even with subs feels almost impossible. IM committed for real right now so I'm gunna give it everything I have.

do you have any advice for the lethargy thats the hardest part for me . is going from so fast to so slow, heroin doesn't give me the nod very often it hypes me up and make me wanna vacuums the house and work hard . so when I stop its like hitting a brick wall.

sleeping I have under control , but any advice with the lethargy?

thank you for replying man I need it right now
Man I really hate to tell you this, but I don't know what to say or do about the lethargy. I am dealing with the same dam thing. I have nearly two weeks under my belt of nothing but Suboxone. My last dose of Heroin was on the 26th of January. I am still suffering from low energy and although the Suboxone has helped significantly with most WD symptoms, I am not tired but just no energy or drive to do much of anything.

This sucks allot because like you, I was a high-energy user. I never nodded off on the couch in front of the TV. I got high off heroin and went fishing, or outside to work on projects or in the shop to build something. I hate that I just have no freaking drive now.

And please don't consider yourself a p***y because you have a tough time with WD symptoms. I consider myself a fairly tough dude. Been in a few brawls, worked for years on different ranches, been run over by cattle and horses many times, and never shed a tear. However WD from opiates makes me into a little cry baby sniffling in the fetal position wishing god or someone would have mercy on me.

Anyhow man, just know that I know what you are going through and I hope we can both hang tough and get clean man. Also I thought I should tell you that I am not on any kind of a Dr. certified Suboxone program. I was just lucky enough to buy about 30 of them off the street and I am using them sparingly to get off that Demon Drug Heroin. I won't be it's slave anymore.

I am not looking into/researching some neurotransmitter repair amino acids that are supposed to help our brains recover post addiction and start functioning and producing dopamine normally again. A few supplements that I can suggest to you are L-Tyrosine, Vitamin D-3 and a good all around multi-vitamin. Good luck man. Hit me up if you need anything at all. Take care. -Bats
I meant to say "I am NOW looking into/researching" in the last post. Not "NOT looking into/researching". Just wanted to clear that up!