Suboxone In Ontario?

Posts: 26
Joined: December 8, 2009

Can anyone please tell me if they have had any luck finding a doctor in ontario that can perscribe suboxone?My doctor doesnt know anyone and I was advised to ask my pharmasist and they dont know of anyone.I had my son in detox but now that the waiting period is too long to get him into rehab I am almost positive he is using again.i need help!I cant afford for him to keep using as he continues to break into my house and stealing from me,and yes the police have already been involved and he is still stealing while awaitng his court pathetic is that.I need this all to end soon.
BHM, I'm in Ontario...I work in a pharmacy, I don't know if it is even in Ontario. Only thing I know of is methadone. Unless bigger cities like Toronto or maybe Ottawa have it. Sorry I don't have good news for you.

Homewood Health Centre in Guelph is covered by OHIP. I know a couple of ppl that have had great success there. I don't know where in Ontario you are so I don't know if this is an option.

Good luck
HI foggyeyes,homewood is the place we are waiting to get him in to.He had to have a doctors referral so hopefully they will have that sent in by tomorrow and we can get the waiting period started .Now however I'm not sure how long he has to be off oxys before they will take him and I'm not sure if he is still clean or not.Suboxone must be somewhere in ontario because if i had of sent him to the rehab in elliot lake,i had to send a cheque for $25o to cover the cost of the pills. hmmm the search continues.
thanks so much for you info
Have you checked out the bupenorphin or suboxen web site. They have an 800 number. (Suboxen is a combo of bupenorphin & naxolin, so that it cant be shot up). Subtofex (sp) is just bup. Sometimes they put people on the subtofex a few days & switch them, though If the first dose of suboxen is taken after at least six hours of using subtufex is not usually necessary. U dont need all that info now anyhow, what u need is a sub Dr.

I am pretty sure that if u think your son is using, he most likely is. Like I said, do a search on either suboxen or bupenorphin and a website will pop up with and 800 number as well as drs.

I would be surprised if they dont have sub in canada, it has been in your mother country (UK) for a long time. But I guess things dont work that way anymore. It must have been fairly recent (last 10 years) that they got methadone in canada. I remember when I was in the Niagara Falls NY methadone clinic this gu used to come frorm canada to get it.

What part of Ontario are you in. Even if it is a few hour ride to the States, it might be worth it to you. Usually they give you the first script for one or two weeks, but after that they give you a 30 day script. SO once a month wouldnt be so bad..
I just did a quick search on suboxone in canada and one guy said its not there yet.

You should check it out urself by just doing a search for suboxone. I think u can get in direct contact with the makers of it.