My doctor prescribed this to get me off narcotic pain meds. IF you are serious about quitting, this is a wonder drug. I was completely off everything in 2 months, even the Suboxone. The key is really being serious about getting off narcotics. If not, don't waste your time. My doctor insisted I stay on it for 2 years. For what? Don't even bother using this drug if you're not serious. It's being sold like heroin is. If you're not serious, it won't work, just another alternative drug. This is a wonder drug for those who desperately want to get clean but it's not a substitute. Get serious and get on it but you can be off everything within months IF you want to. It's all about how bad you want to be free.
God bless you all.
I was excited to read your post. There is so much negativety out there on suboxone. I am making my appt tomorrow to see a doctor that can subscribe suboxone but I am so ashamed & embarrassed to make this call. I have made my mind up and I am going to swallow by pride & ask for help. No one in my family knowers that I have been on opiates for 10 years. What was your visit with the doctor that prescribed your suboxone like?
Yeah them doctors know what theyre doing. Raking in the money. They give you little details and 100% of the time over-dose people (imo). I didnt need 8mg a day but I was doing it because he said so...half life..blah. But! I love your story. You have to want it. You have to be determined.
I have my first appt with a suboxone doctor tomorrow. I'm really scared but excited. Can you tell me about your experience with your first appointment?
My first appointment was kinda nerve wracking too...I was actually induced that same day. My appointment was at 11am and by 3 that afternoon I had taken my first dose of suboxone. I was a little nervous that I'd get sick from taking subs less than 24 hours after using but I was given tiny doses over the course of three hours and I didnt feel sick whatsover. It was actually a good experience. You just have to be ready thats what it comes down to it. If youre not, then youll find a reason not to follow through with it. You'll be good just go in there with the mindset that youre going to come out a step closer to your goal of sobriety no matter what. When I first started on the subs, I tried to play around with them...I would take them for a few days so I didnt withdraw and then I'd try to use again. It was so dumb, and pointless because suboxone stays in your system for a while...and I felt super guilty afterwards. I suggest just sticking with it. Trust your doctor and be as honest as possible with him/her so that they can give you the best help possible. You should really go to group meetings if your doctor offers them, or like an IOP program or NA meetings...something...cause trust me the support is really really really important. The first few weeks are mentally pretty tough so its good to have an outlet where you can talk to people who understand exactly where youre coming from
I have been Fed up for years and couldn't get off these pain pills. Almost killed me. I wanted sobriety bad and cold turkey I tried was horrible. I couldn't get passed 3 days. Then I finally went to doctor and was prescribed subox one and TOOK AS PERSCRIBED. Along with daily aa meetings and sharing like my life depended on it....because it did. Subox one saved my life. This will work if your serious about getting clean. Aa or na meetings are instrumental for me . God bless all of you.