I was wanting to know how long is suboxone is in ur before i will need the next one and if I was to have a relaps what would happen
Hello. Depending on the dosage you took, Suboxone will normally last for at least 36 hours in your system. You would probably start to begin to feel the effects of WD creeping in about a day and a half after your last dose.
No one here can answer what will happen if you relapse. That is up to you and only you. If you are serous about quitting then you need to keep taking the Suboxone as directed by your doctor. If you bought it off the street, well then you need to educate yourself on this medication as it can be dangerous and JUST as addictive as your previous drug of choice.
If you are choosing to use some type of opiate like heroin or Oxycontin then you need to know that the Naloxone found in Suboxone will buffer and deflect any positive effects or high that you are attempting to get from taking said opiate. It will be anywhere from 36 to 48 hours from your last dose of Suboxone, before Opiates would have any sort of noticible effect on your system. This can be a very dangerous game because people often OD by taking too much of a DOC to get the desired effect while they still have Suboxone in their system.
Please seek some medical advice if you have more questions and do take care.
No one here can answer what will happen if you relapse. That is up to you and only you. If you are serous about quitting then you need to keep taking the Suboxone as directed by your doctor. If you bought it off the street, well then you need to educate yourself on this medication as it can be dangerous and JUST as addictive as your previous drug of choice.
If you are choosing to use some type of opiate like heroin or Oxycontin then you need to know that the Naloxone found in Suboxone will buffer and deflect any positive effects or high that you are attempting to get from taking said opiate. It will be anywhere from 36 to 48 hours from your last dose of Suboxone, before Opiates would have any sort of noticible effect on your system. This can be a very dangerous game because people often OD by taking too much of a DOC to get the desired effect while they still have Suboxone in their system.
Please seek some medical advice if you have more questions and do take care.