
My bf has been a heroin addict for several years, finally wants to quit. He is no longer using daily but keep slipping up and getting high for a day or so then clean for awhile, etc. He really want to get on suboxone. The withdrawals are not as much of a problem anymore as is the constant craving. He has no insurance and there are only 5 doctors listed here who can prescribe it. Only one of them has returned his calls and he can't get him in for almost a month. Even then I'm sure the lack of money and insurance will be a problem. I have looked everywhere and can't come up with anything. He's gone thorugh detox before but now really just needs something to help him stay clean. This is ridiculous that the stupid government makes it impossible for addicts to get the help they need!!! Sorry, I'm just really frustrated and need to vent but would also appreciate any advice. We're in Ohio if anyone has had any luck there. Thanks!
Hey everyone,
He is still trying to get on suboxone with no luck. Should we even try anymore? I hate to have him start taking something addicting now after he has been clean for a couple weeks but he is still struggling quite a bit and he is desperate to try anything. We found one doctor who prescribes it and he can't see him for a couple weeks. Any advice? Thanks so much.
If he has been clean for 3 weeks then why does he need something. The hardest part is over. Good luck.

I know of this clinic in Washington State with suboxone openings. I don't know if you are mobile. Most docs fill up fast.

been there done that
If he is past the withdrawal stage you could consider the blocker naltrexone. It won't stop the cravings, but it will stop the effect. It may be enough to keep him off it.
Is naltrexone any easier to get? How expensive is it? Thanks!