Suggestion For Prayer Requests/needs

Just wanted to share with you some advice I got from someone a long time ago and I was getting so many people to pray for I decided to start one for here. Take a notepad and start a prayer journal. It helps me a LOT to not forget anyone I promised to pray for. Then, whenever you get a few minutes, you can lift up the intentions in your prayer journal. God bless!

that is a good idea...I have heard studies on the power of prayers...
and I won't knock
I have a nephew with leukemia who I pray for a lot.....And there have been people on here who could have used my prayers as well.

That's a great idea
That's a wonderful idea! There are so many I want to pray for and I know sometimes I must forget a few here and there. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the good advice. Love, Kat
Hi, everyone

Glad you liked the idea. It has really helped me! Danielle, I wrote your nephew in my prayer book as well. God bless!
