Sure Is Day Three

Hey Davey,

It sure is Day Three and if I had the time I could probably count the hours and the minutes since my last toot.. I'm in much better form today than yesterday whereas Kev is finding today to be a bit of a battle.. he wud have chatted away if he was his usual self.. I usually have to drag him away as he's a right chatterbox at the best of times...

I'm really looking forward to Friday morning now, and feeling quite good... looked up the Comtrex and they're a benzo, so I'm sorted now, what with the stuff you gave me and the stuff I got from the doc and the OTC meds too I'm practically prepared for every eventuallty.. I've also got potassium tablets and some Nux Vomica from the Homeopathy shop so 'sorted''....

I didn't ask the doc for a letter to cover the comtrex but my name is on the front of the box so I'm hoping that'll do for the customs guys.. I thought I was being really smart, I told the doc that I was going away for 4 weeks so that I'd have an extra 2 weeks supply - which of course is for my other half... we're gonna do it this time, I just know that we will, it feels different somewhow..

Geoff, how are u doin? still in it with us? isn't it a s*** situation to be in, that urge to use is just so strong... I know I wouldn't have made it thru yesterday if it wasn't for my other half.. he keeps reminding me of what it is we really want out of life and it certainly isn't as Robbie described, being at the beck and call of someone and something else.. u were so accurate Rob, I used to hate that 15 minutes that turns into 30 minutes then an hour etc.. then being afraid of ringing too much so's they'd get pissed off and give out a crappy bag.. the hell of it all...

you're all very quiet this evening but I'll put that down to the football, I won't pretend that I've any interest coz I don't, I'm just pissed off that all my soaps have been rearranged and I'm lost as to wot's on and wen.. I do feel sorry for poor oul Michael Owen, I can't imagine that was the way he wanted to return home..

davey,, Kev has a joke for you.... wot do you call two sheep tied to a lamp post in Cavan..... the leisure centre...

I'm gonna get him to log on with his own blog as soon as we get back from our hols.. thats if I can get him away from the flaming football..

tomorrow I'm gonna try & stick to the 20mls, I topped myself up with 5mls and it made the difference between being able to go out and about and staying in feeling sorry for myself... as i said tomorrow its 20 mls and some of that Homeopathy stuff to see wot its like....

Hope you're all in good fom...
Best wishes to ye all....
sounds like yer doing real good lou,liked the joke[cavans a place were men love there mammys&the sheep are frightened].robbie just posted about a t.v prog. about addicts&recovey,so am gonna checkthat....see u later all the best ..davey
..Lou..davey.. are ya ain,t on mate..theres sum other programme they put on in place of it..Robbie..
Goodmorning everyone,

Tried to come on last night, after I finished work last night, and then I ended up falling asleep, have 2 long days at work friday and saturday so I think I will just stay on the 10 mil til sunday and drop down some more.

No what you mean lou I still can't believe how withdrawels and coming down of meth etc fast can really affect the body, why do we always convince ourselves that it was easy and go right back on it, well I always did in the past.

I am feeling worst today than I was yesterday, can hardly lift my arms today but I am very positive if I can stay on 10 mil I am on the home run,

Glad to here how well you doing, my meth situation is getting low, but the gf has got me 120mil, I know that if I go to dublin to get meth I will end up buying gear, will I ever be able to go back to dublin.

There is one good thing that has came of all this, for the first 2 years of being with my gf, I could never really understand what she was going through, now I fully understand and end some, makes you wonder why we ever took that first toot.

Davey and robbie, how's the form today, don't know how you to watch that football, don't know why just never seem to get into it.

Robbie if you don't mind me asking were you from mate?
..Geo.. ok cheers..just gonna take the day easy with the usual 6 hours of from London by the have a good day mate..Robbie..
geoff mate robbies gone from a smack addict to a football one,hes gonna have some turkey when its over,best wishes to ya both...davey
..How are ya..yep im a proper footy addict..gotta have sum pleasures in life a mate..the checz are out..i can,t believe it..i thought they wud be one of the strongest teams..oh well its a funny ole game as they ya later..Robbie..