Susan " Devangreb " How Is Your Son ?

Susan, How is your son doing? I have not heard from you in awhile and was thinking of you.


Thanks for asking and for thinking of us, Jake. I hadn't heard from my son for a while, so I called the counselor to see if he was doing ok. She said that he is doing a wonderful job. I heard from him last night, and he said that he's been doing a lot of cooking at the partial (he used to enjoy cooking a lot and is enjoying it are the people because he's a great cook), so it is hard for him to get time to call during the allowed times. I also think it's because he misses my granddaughter (his goddaughter) more when he connects with me. He told me that his eyes fill up when he opens his wallet and sees her picture.

We were hoping he'd be home for Easter, but he won't get released until the Tuesday after. I made him some homemade fudge and sent him a new shirt for Easter and some other goodies. He's been making a lot of friends there and has learned how important the peer support is.

How are you doing?

God bless!

Thats great Susan, It sounds like he is really appreciating life.

I have been OK. I am trying to come off of the Sub medication . It has been a great bridge between using and sobriety. My head and heart is the clearest it has been in years. BUT I still have a ways to go. I am tappering off of the SUB but am starting to feel (the mental and agitation part of w/d). Its not that bad. I fiqure in about 4 more weeks ...I should be free of all narcotics.
--The hardest part of my mind opening is realizing the damage my sin has caused. I cant get back those years with my children. But God gives me hope in that he says he is able to make Good come out of Bad. I appreciate your prayes and concerns . Thank you.
I am glad you are doing OK . I am sure , your son will be happy to get home . Hopefully he has made some new friends and will stay away from the same old crowd. He is very lucky to have a mom like you. Not only are you caring and loving but you are wise and took the time to come to a message board like this to really understand what has really happened to your son , instead of just condemming him.
I will continue to pray that God works out some special things concerning the legal battle you have ahead.

God Bless,
Hi Susan;

You've been thru so much with your son....I'm really happy he's doing well! Those tears in his eyes...his feelings are coming to the forefront. That is such a good part of recovery!

Take care;
Dear Jake,

My son was supposed to be on the suboxone (I'm not sure how much he actually took because I found out he was spitting them out) and was under treatment with a doctor here. He wasn't able to take the suboxone while away at rehab or in prison, so now that he is off, he's not going back on an opiate. BUT his doctor strongly recommended that when he comes home that he take naltrexone (sp?). He said it would help him to avoid relapse. I'm not sure if his treatment program from White Deer Run is going to agree with the doctor, but I let them know what the doctor here recommends. My son's counselor said that since he's been drug free for over a month and doing so well, she's not favorable about going back onto a drug but he was going to check with the medical board there. Our doctor assured us that the naltrexone is NOT addictive and would have no withdrawl symptoms coming off of it.

I'm sure for you and my son it is a great feeling to be feeling again. I am so proud of you! You also seem to love and appreciate what God has done for you. That is wonderful to see because so many take all the credit for themselves. Don't get me wrong, you have done a great thing, but you haven't been alone and you realize that. Stay close to Him, he will keep you strong during this difficult time. I will continue to pray for you, Jake.

God bless!

Hi Susan;

Sorry to poke into your thread with Jake...just wanted you to know I take naltraxone daily. From all that I've read, and what my doctor has told me, it is indeed a very safe and non-addictive drug. It seems to have helped me with my cravings, and I know as long as I take it I can't get high off any opiates. So it acts as a psychological barrier too.

Here's a link with more info if you're interested:

Dear Jim,

My son is feeling very blessed not to be numb anymore. I had started to see some emotions before he left for rehab and that made me feel this was THE time for rehab, even though the legal things weren't settled. I hate to have him come home to face them, but he has to someday. He knows that.

He is asking about his girlfriend less which is a good sign I think. When he does mention her, he says that he misses her and wishes he knew what she was thinking about the future of their relationship. He said he needs to know if he should move on or stay committed to getting back together in 4 or 5 months. He has had a few girls show some interest in him while he's been away, so that has made him realize that IF they break up he won't be alone for long. His girlfriend has battled drugs off and on for the past 8 years and she's only 23. Her father said this is the first rehab that she has really tried to make it work. The last time I talked to him, she was in a recovery house (for 3 months), but it was in a terrible section of town and we were all concerned about that because she's not very strong. I am trying to place this in God's hands, because I DON'T know who it is best for him to be with for his sobriety, but God does. I just hope he listens to God's leading, because sometimes he tends to jump from the frying pan into the fire with relationships with girlfriends!

Thanks for caring. God bless!


P.S. Hey, you never answered what the 1954 stands for in your name. It made an impression on me because I was born in 1954 and wondered if you were too. Just curious. lol
Dear Jim,

Please don't feel that way about responding on this thread. I feel if people want to get into private (exclusive) conversations, they should use email. Otherwise, we're ALL friends here and we all can learn so much from each other no matter what thread. That FAQ section on naltrexone was particularly helpful to me. Thanks for posting. Possibly it will help Jake and several others too!

Glad to be of help Susan!

The 1954? I wish it were my hourly salary, but yes it is the year I was born. I hit the big 5-0 last November.

It was a very good year, yes?
Yes, it was a very good year, Jim. I wish my children would have had the blessing of growing up at the time we did. Of course, the high school years had their challenges but I guess because of my father's alcoholism, I didn't give into addictive substances. I remember going to find his car when he was out on a binge so that he wouldn't get into an accident and kill himself or anyone else. I remember the fights and the threats of our home being torn apart. It wasn't worth it to me.

By the way, I'm a little older. I was born in April. lol I would much rather it be my salary too! When I worked as an Instructional Assistant for the Emotional Support students I only made $10.10/hour!!!! But I loved making a difference in their lives. It paid bigger benefits than money!

Susan I am so glad that you son is doing so well, I know that you feel such a relief.. I keep up with your post and I just wanted you to know that I am so happy for you and for your son. Please keep us posted.
Thanks, Paula, it is SO nice to hear him sounding so positive and happy again. I know we have to keep the prayers coming though, because he has to fight this for the rest of his life and also he's not yet dealing with the legal trouble he's gotten into. Hopefully, they will see that he wasn't a criminal before the drug (heroin) started controlling his life.

God bless!

Susan ,
God has a way of touching peoples hearts. Including Judges. : )
I think every thing is going to turn out OK.

I enjoyed your post about the Stations of the Cross. So true.

Have a nice Easter.

Dear Jake,

Your post lifted my spirits. I know my son should have some consequences for his actions, but some of his offenses are in one county (with a horrible prison) and some are in another and that prison isn't too bad. I did find out the public defender my son has is the best they have to offer. I just hope and pray the judge has a heart like you said. God bless!

How many children do you have besides your 12 year old son?

Hey, Susan
Tomorrow is the big day ...right ? I bet you are excited. It is going to be so nice to just casually sit and talk with him in your own house. How does he feel ?
* I have a 10 year old daughter and 12 year old son.
My biggest regret is losing some quality time with them through out the past 4 years. My emotions were contigent on my pill intake.
* I pray our Lord is able to have some good come out of the whole negative experiance. I hopefully have many more years as a Dad and want to be the best Dad I can be.

I am Happy for you,

Hi, Jake

I'm so excited about seeing my son later today. The people from the partial are bringing him home, so he's not sure what time. I think God even planned this in a way we could handle. If, when he left, we would have thought he's be going this long, he probably wouldn't have gone. But since it came one week at a time and kept getting extended and he liked it, it was something he could deal with. And with all the anxiety and worry about him going back to that horrible prison, having him go to rehab was much easier because he could improve his life and possibly avoid or lessen the jail time. Thanks so much for the prayers!

Jake, my dad was an alcoholic who binged or drank heavily at home. He was never one to do much with you or speak of his feelings, but I always knew he loved me by the way he provided for me. My mom made no secret of the fact that she favored my older sister, and my dad, therefore, favored me. I still loved him with all my heart and as I got older and older, I realized he couldn't help himself and that he truly loved me very much. Ask God to fill any void your children may have suffered or sensed with His love and erase any ill affect your addiction has had on them. Then let go, stop beating yourself up about it (it doesn't help anything or anyone), and start anew to be the best dad you are capable of - which is pretty special in my opinion. In fact, before I knew you had a 12 year old, I was telling my daughter Juliet about this nice, caring guy online and I said I wonder if he's taken. I'm always trying to find a special guy like she deserves. She was hurt very badly by her last relationship, and even thought she's had several very positive experiences with guys, this one was pretty brutal. She's very leary of giving her heart away again. Hopefully time will heal those hurts for her.

God bless!
