I don't know what this is, but since I've been clean I can't get enough sweets.
I've always been a pepsi drinker, and do like sweets, but it seems now I crave them.
Last night on my way home from the meeting, I stopped at Walgreens for twizzlers and milk duds, everyday I've been eating sweets. Is that normal? Does it even have anything to do with being clean? Just curious because it seems like I need them.
Just wondering if this happened to anyone else.
Hey Roe!
I want to thank you for putting your story out there. I am learning so much from it. I read your posts alot. You are doing an excellent job! Keep up the GREAT work Roe. I mean it.
Anyways I too CRAVE some candy. I will try everything else, nothing makes me feel better than a piece of candy. Why is that? I have read somewhere here that as addicts we tend to go from our DOC to sugar or another addiction. I dont know if thats true either. I do sometimes think I am addicted to candy.
Hello my name is Bemartha and I loveeeeeeee candy!~
I want to thank you for putting your story out there. I am learning so much from it. I read your posts alot. You are doing an excellent job! Keep up the GREAT work Roe. I mean it.
Anyways I too CRAVE some candy. I will try everything else, nothing makes me feel better than a piece of candy. Why is that? I have read somewhere here that as addicts we tend to go from our DOC to sugar or another addiction. I dont know if thats true either. I do sometimes think I am addicted to candy.
Hello my name is Bemartha and I loveeeeeeee candy!~
Someone said they are addicted to popsicles. I had to laugh because I eat those Trader Joe's lime fruit floes. I've gained weight since I became clean. About ten pounds over the ten that I wanted to lose before I got clean. Because of this I am pretty much terrified of candy. I do love the sticky stuff though. Skittles, starburst, licorice and milk duds. I am staying away for now. If I start in on that stuff I'll have to be detoxed from it.
I find I eat certain foods almost everyday for a couple of months and then I never want to see them again. Like used to eat T.J.'s vegetarian ricebowls every day, then it was veggie burgers, then a chef salad. Now I have to eat green apples with p-nut butter every single day. Is that weird?
I find I eat certain foods almost everyday for a couple of months and then I never want to see them again. Like used to eat T.J.'s vegetarian ricebowls every day, then it was veggie burgers, then a chef salad. Now I have to eat green apples with p-nut butter every single day. Is that weird?
Are you on Sub? Just a question because when I first started it I couldn't eat ENOUGH sweets. It has tappered down now thank God :)
Are you on Sub? Just a question because when I first started it I couldn't eat ENOUGH sweets. It has tappered down now thank God :)
Hi Beebah and Bemartha,
No, I'm not on sub. But I have been craving sweets like crazy. I'm at the weight (was till a few weeks ago) that I could gain 10 lbs and be ok, but now I think I've gained it already, I can tell by the way my jeans fit.
I am enjoying it tho, before I never wanted to eat.
I must have gone through six packages of twizzlers (one regular, two pull and peels, two fire hot regulars and one nibs).
Plus the jujufruits and mike n ikes. Plus the laffy taffy and charleston chews.
And the ice cream. Wow, seeing all that in print seems like alot.
I've stashed some in my sock drawer, I hope thats not wierd behavior.
Hope you guys are having a good day.
No, I'm not on sub. But I have been craving sweets like crazy. I'm at the weight (was till a few weeks ago) that I could gain 10 lbs and be ok, but now I think I've gained it already, I can tell by the way my jeans fit.
I am enjoying it tho, before I never wanted to eat.
I must have gone through six packages of twizzlers (one regular, two pull and peels, two fire hot regulars and one nibs).
Plus the jujufruits and mike n ikes. Plus the laffy taffy and charleston chews.
And the ice cream. Wow, seeing all that in print seems like alot.
I've stashed some in my sock drawer, I hope thats not wierd behavior.
Hope you guys are having a good day.
Hi Again,
Not sure what part of the country you live in but I know Winter and being stuck in the house a lot can make you just want to eat and have cravings if your bored.....
Not sure what part of the country you live in but I know Winter and being stuck in the house a lot can make you just want to eat and have cravings if your bored.....