Switching From Methadone To Zubsolv

I'm a healthcare worker that's been on 26 mg of methadone for the last 10 years was originally 70 mg and then weaned down by choice to 26 l. I've been without any methodone since Friday around 10 AM. I don't feel as bad as I thought I would, surprisingly. I have been drinking alcohol which has really helped to stave off the withdrawal symptoms. I have a pills for Zubsolv tabs, I'm just really scared to take them because the troubles I've been reading about. I took an emergency leave work for last five days which is how ive able to do this. I go back to work on Wednesday so I want to take the Zubsolv tomorrow because I want to know how it makes me feel before I go to work. I don't want to take it the first day back at work.

It's very hard for me as a healthcare worker to reach out for help... My aside from being scared to death over detoxing off of methadone & switching to zubsolv, I'm also drinking.

Any healthcare workers out there?
And ps-I want to hear from anyone who's made the switch from methadone to zubsolv-not only healthcare workers. I'm sorry as I think that my original post may have sounded rude or that I would speak with healthcare professionals?

That's absolutely not true. I would love Addie insight from switching from methadone to sub so then I was just also asking if there were any healthcare prof out there That have had addiction problems and struggling...
Any insight*