I work with someone that is abusing Oxycontin. This person has several symptoms of abuse. I was wondering if severe, scabby sores on the face are a symptom of this abuse. Please let me know if there is a website that lists this as a side effect of Oxycontin abuse.
The sores may be related to an side effect some experience of the medications which is simply itching, chances are she has them places other than her face.
it may also be related to the fact that the liver does not fuction as well when opaiates are taken and therefore your system is not cleaned out as well.
Perhaps their overall hygine is suffering ?
More than likely this is acne infected by touching, makeup, etc.
it may also be related to the fact that the liver does not fuction as well when opaiates are taken and therefore your system is not cleaned out as well.
Perhaps their overall hygine is suffering ?
More than likely this is acne infected by touching, makeup, etc.
I had a roomate who was using heroin for a brief period and she had sores all over her face.
I just realized that I can giv eyou signs of oxycontin abuse. My boyfriends signs and the signs of his friends: itching or playing with limbs touching them rubbing arms lightly, pin pointed pupils - huge sign of opiate abuse even overdose, I dont know how the signs vary from snorting to taking. If he is gone in the bathroom for extended periods he could be snorting, sniffing, irrational mood swings, talkative and hyper one day, quiet and miserable the next, nodding off, eyes rolling back at times, my boyfriends left eye gets almost closed sometimes if he is really a mess and/or is drinking with it, slowed movement, over functioning, amazing stamina to go to work and go out and party, being secretive, going off for hours, bank statements taking out lots of money at once, cash advances on credit card. I guess these could go with anyone. Look for the stash or just look in the mirror at your eyes and look at your friends. Chances are if their pupils are tiny its an opiate of some kind. Bad news.