T.v Junkie/hbo Documentary

If you have HBO check out this show. Its called T.V Junkie--Good Story for me anyway. Coke addict -Check it out--

Cocaine is a powerful drug and this show was a perfect example of what happens to many coke addicts.

Its worth wacthing IMO


Jeff...and I speak from experience too......aren't we glad that the 70's and 80's are over. Man, that stuff was EVERYWHERE, hard to avoid...I learned to HATE it!

Thanks for the encouragement on the cig thing! Really appreciate it!

Sarah if you watch this documentary you really see what coke does to a family. I had no kids during my using. My fiance decided to stay with me. She went through it all. But this show well just check it out if you can.

Sarah JMHO but like any drug its hard to quit, Nicotine is one of the toughest. You can try the drugs -patches etc? but the key to quitting is are you ready? Have you hit your bottom.

I quit drinking coffee why? Because my doctor told me its messing up my stomach my throat my B.P My liver and I did not give up coke and my lifestyle to die of a stroke at 50--So i quit and man i failed a bunch of times--

I just really wanted to quit. And I did it.

If you mentally are prepared to quit? you will quit.

Go for it



I didn't watch that HBO special last night, but it will probably replay, if it is HBO, it usually does.

I did however watch a movie called Darjeeling Limited. It is a Wes Anderson flick and it was really sweet and quirky. Check that out too! I think you may appreciate the humor.

I guess nobody has HBO? if you have HBO on Demand you can see it Sarah anytime any day

So nice to be home have my daughter we just hit whole foods--heart attck time--I love that store great food
This is a review of T.V Junkie onHBO

It was like listening to a bad AA or NA speaker, that is to say, someone who spends 97% of their time telling what is was like, and somewhat glorifying (as best one can) the so-called "high times" while spending only 3% of their time focusing on the solution and how truly life changing recovery can be when one puts as much effort into it as they did getting high.

That said, it was like a car wreck that you don't want to see, but from which you simply cannot avert your eyes. Which is why I rated it as I did - had it not held me I'd have scored it much more harshly. Rarely have I seen a person so far afield from the concept of personal responsibility, which I realize is not the typical strong suit of your average addict, but I've known far more than my fair share of alkies and addicts, and this poor guy just seemed to feel that life/the employer/the wife/anyone close at hand was doing it to him! And I literally screamed at the set at one point where his son is terrified and sobbing "WILL YOU PLEASE give that poor child a hug?!!??!?" There is no doubt that the insanity that is addiction was accurately portrayed, but it was a bit much to take for the majority of the documentary. And did the wife EVER once go to Al Anon/Narc Anon? That made me want to pull my hair out as well, that she was helping him stay sick and cluelessly allowing herself to be miserable in the process.

All in all, I'd recommend it, but brace yourself. I kind of let it blind side me a bit, I suppose. And it was hard to watch. The last 5 to 10 minutes was my favorite part.

It really hit home for me.

Check it out if your able
