Tapering Almost Done!

Good evening fellow posters! Well I am 6 days into my tapering and happy to say that its going pretty good. I am down from taking 8 or 9 trams 3 times a day which was completely insane, to 4 this morning and 4 tonight. I started by cutting out my "lunchtime" dose and it wasnt too bad. Since last Tuesday I have decreased one pill a day and I can still function. From taking 24-27 pills a day to only taking 8 makes me very happy. The amazing part is that there has always been those extra pills in the bottle that I could have taken " just extra this one time" I think what did it for me is that I wasnt even getting a buzz anymore and I couldnt take any more then what I was. Tomorrow will start out with 3 in the morning and 3 at night. Its getting down to the nitty gritty, almost out for good, I hope. Do you think that tapering like I have been will make w/d easier? I was really hoping since I am taking so much less then before that it won't be terrible, I guess only time will tell. Thanks for listening, I always feel better just getting some things off of my chest.

Congrats. You are doing well. I hope it won't be bad for you. Sounds like you are committed to your health and wellbeing. Do you have any other support? Do you feel cravings or are you okay still?
Let us know how you are doing.
Oh Kim Im so proud & so happy for you sweety.I know how hard what your doing can be & I think you are a great woman with alot of MOXIE!!!!Keep it up & jot me a line anytime sweety...LOVE mj
PM-Thanks for the encouragment. I have to say the cravings arent too awful. I am actually throwing myself into different things to stop thinking about it. For example I just got done dancing with my girls! Work is a good diversion also. I work for a rape crisis center so there are many people that need me to be on my game to help them. In answer to your question about support, I have been down this road before and had the support of friends and family. They of course dont know that I relapsed, you could never tell I was using the first time either. My overwhelming guilt in letting them know I slipped again is keeping me from telling them. I know its wrong to not have them supporting me. I do have contacts from my IOP group that I attended before. They are local and such a great bunch of people I can talk to. Definatley this board is a support, I am so thankful for the honest people on here that prove that this can be beat. Granted I dont even have the drug completely out of my system yet, but this tapering from taking so much to what I am now gives me hope.
MJ-Thanks for being there for me as well, you know how much I have to do this, I won't lose my girls over this, I get strength from you and for that I thank you!

Well 3 more pills of tram sit in the bottle. Tomorrow is it-tapering done. Has anyone else successfully tapered gradually down from taking 3,2,1 a day? I will be taking 2 pills in the morning and 1 tomorrow evening. As far as w/d symptoms, I cant really say that I have felt alot of anything. I have been a little more tired in the morning, but once I get going it seems to get better. I have taken a total of 6 all day, no where near the 24-27 a day that I was at about 10 days ago. Do ya think since I have not been expereincing many w/d symptoms yet that it's a good thing? I would have expected to start feeling pretty bad now because my decrease was great. Don't get me wrong, i am not complaining by any means. I think its been easier not dipping into the bottle of pills because I found out that the more I took, I didn't get that buzz. Hopefully I am on my way... have a good evening all. I'll keep ya posted!

Hey Kim girl I never could taper AT ALL but I wanted to wish you ALL THE LUCK in the world & we will be here if you need us ok.Love mj