My dr. gave me a 6 mo. RX of the orange strips you place under your tongue because I stopped taking Oxy's I was being prescribed for pain management. The good news was that I didn't have to take the Oxy's anymore, the bad news was that I'm now dependent on a medication that's about to run out. Rather than sit around & wait for doomsday, I began an attempt to taper myself off of the Sub. strips before I run out. I've been keeping a daily log to help me keep track of the taper, my symptoms, dose, etc. so that I can attempt to adjust dose & intervals to minimize withdraw symptoms. Every day I would cut the strip into smaller and small pieces to place under my tongue. The 1st 6 days I experienced symptoms that suck of course (e.g. watery eyes, sensitive skin, frequent need to urinate, sneezing, etc.), but thankfully NOT the dreaded twitching or nerve shocks that wrack your body inside & out which is the 1 & only symptom that breaks my resolve. After 6 days, I went down to taking a piece of Suboxone so tiny, I needed to pick it up with tweezers to place it under my tongue. Approx. 10 hrs. later I was hit with everything including the dreaded shocks. I don't know what else to do. I had to ingest a larger piece just to stop it, and now I'm really upset that I backtracked. I'm going to attempt to go back to the tiny pieces, but this time take them every 6 hours instead of trying to make them last an entire 24 (I was trying to make my body go 1 full day in between doses to kill off the receptors). Does anyone have any advice PLEASE?
Hi detoxing from suboxone is something that should be monitored by a professional addiction doctor or nurse .............
I''m new here and don't know exactly what the protocols about advise are but I personaly know about as many people that have gotten on and off of Suboxone without ever seeing any medical professional at all as those that have.
I don't advise this of course, but if you are living in the dumpster behind the 7-11 your chances of scareing up $50 for 5 8MG Subs is likely better than coming up with $500-$1000 to get started with a Sub Doctor.
I'm in the same situation you find yourself in, that is I have a finate number of Sub strips and no possible way to get any more.
I'm currently taking .25 MG, insulfated, morning and night. The oral bioavility of Suboxone is so rediculously low that I can stretch my supply twice as far that way. I disolve an 8MG strip in 40 CCs of water , that way it's easy to keep track of my doseage without resorting to tweezers.
With the low doses I have had a lot better results from the twice daily doseing.
Suboxone has made a big difference in my life.
I don't advise this of course, but if you are living in the dumpster behind the 7-11 your chances of scareing up $50 for 5 8MG Subs is likely better than coming up with $500-$1000 to get started with a Sub Doctor.
I'm in the same situation you find yourself in, that is I have a finate number of Sub strips and no possible way to get any more.
I'm currently taking .25 MG, insulfated, morning and night. The oral bioavility of Suboxone is so rediculously low that I can stretch my supply twice as far that way. I disolve an 8MG strip in 40 CCs of water , that way it's easy to keep track of my doseage without resorting to tweezers.
With the low doses I have had a lot better results from the twice daily doseing.
Suboxone has made a big difference in my life.
Hey im new here n would really really love to hear of a REAL success story from getting off subs! I take 2 8mgs a day n have for the last 8yrs...sometimes 28 i am at the point where i want to quit beings as i have used this drug for 9yrs! I have been thru the program before n obviously, it didn't work at all even tapering off doing exactly what my doc said. Anyway i just want to know the TRUTH ; i know its bs to just go down gradually n feel nothing like my doc btw who lost her license said!!! Any info would be helpful but cmon we all know ima have to take other meds as well to kick them, i laid in bed for 3 months untill my grandma finally brought. Me hydros because she n me couldnt see the light at the end! No BS replies please, and none from no one who hasnt even taken them Thanks!!!
Hi all, not sure when you posted your message about the suboxone and stopping it.
I did it last year after using morphine sulphate ampules injections for pains in back, and many other pain related issues, and I did the morphine for 8 months, 4 times a day @ 15mg/ml.
I still have my written guide from my doctor, who made the effort to helpandlisten. And when there was no stock of the Morphine ampules anywhere in the country of morphine sulphate ampule, I had to stop immediate with it as there was no replacement for it either.
so doc prescribed suboxone 8mg 2mg and wrote 1 tab mornig+1 tab evening under the tongue for ten days.
then 1/2(half) tab morning plus half tab evening for 10 days,
then you use the remaining tablets 1/2 in the morning only till your box is up(28 pills)
it acts asif it isteh same morphine and takes the pain away, yet it reverses the effects as you all should know.
I also felt at the end that I could half the half tablet making it a quarter and that work great too.
I stopped with one prescription of 28 tablets and never looked back.
not one doctor believes me today, saying I used 90ml (6mg) morphine sulphate per day (injecting it in four dosses) and for 8 months long. It was the only thing keeping the pain away, but the problems are still there today.... it does mess you up on the long run, and you don't know when last you actualy felt great , or had a good nights slepep.
you know, the "WILL" must be there to stop.
unfortunately my pains aren't solved yet and have been diagnosed with MS and Fibromialga, and have been on oxycontine again taking 40mg 4 times per 24hours for the last 10months, and starting the SUBOXONE again asof tonight. I have lost 21kg, and it only helps for 6 hours.... but the problems don't get solved, only the pain gets block in the Brain, and you are back to square one.
whishing you all the best of luck.
If you want to stop, YOU CAN!
Jordi if you need or feel you want to have a chat.
I did it last year after using morphine sulphate ampules injections for pains in back, and many other pain related issues, and I did the morphine for 8 months, 4 times a day @ 15mg/ml.
I still have my written guide from my doctor, who made the effort to helpandlisten. And when there was no stock of the Morphine ampules anywhere in the country of morphine sulphate ampule, I had to stop immediate with it as there was no replacement for it either.
so doc prescribed suboxone 8mg 2mg and wrote 1 tab mornig+1 tab evening under the tongue for ten days.
then 1/2(half) tab morning plus half tab evening for 10 days,
then you use the remaining tablets 1/2 in the morning only till your box is up(28 pills)
it acts asif it isteh same morphine and takes the pain away, yet it reverses the effects as you all should know.
I also felt at the end that I could half the half tablet making it a quarter and that work great too.
I stopped with one prescription of 28 tablets and never looked back.
not one doctor believes me today, saying I used 90ml (6mg) morphine sulphate per day (injecting it in four dosses) and for 8 months long. It was the only thing keeping the pain away, but the problems are still there today.... it does mess you up on the long run, and you don't know when last you actualy felt great , or had a good nights slepep.
you know, the "WILL" must be there to stop.
unfortunately my pains aren't solved yet and have been diagnosed with MS and Fibromialga, and have been on oxycontine again taking 40mg 4 times per 24hours for the last 10months, and starting the SUBOXONE again asof tonight. I have lost 21kg, and it only helps for 6 hours.... but the problems don't get solved, only the pain gets block in the Brain, and you are back to square one.
whishing you all the best of luck.
If you want to stop, YOU CAN!
Jordi if you need or feel you want to have a chat.
To Orange kiss,
don't know how you can use it for 8 years..... its supposed to be used to get off heavy pain medication and addiction...
how do they even prescribe it for so long?
the purpose of suboxone is to reverse the withdrawel effect, although you can get hooked on it, but stop is stop...
don't know how you can use it for 8 years..... its supposed to be used to get off heavy pain medication and addiction...
how do they even prescribe it for so long?
the purpose of suboxone is to reverse the withdrawel effect, although you can get hooked on it, but stop is stop...
yes, you become hooked to the low amounts of opiate that's in the suboxone. but nothing compared to what ever the strength of the medication they initially were taking. the body becomes dependent of it. just like any other opiate medication. just use it the shortest amount of time if using to stop withdrawals. but if using for addiction, you may have to stay on it longer till you regain your life back.
I have been on 24mgs of subs. a day for all together 5 yrs and not a day goes my that I don't panic for a few secs at the thought of being taking off. I have tried to do it on my own too many times to count. Do it as your Dr. tells you so when you do have these symptoms you can call him and he may realize hes tapering you off to fast. I've had that happen and was so sick he had to up my does again. But if you can't tell your Dr. the truth, and try it your own way, you may end up in an E.R. and he will find out.
Hi All,
I wrote on the 9th of June as I started the Subuxone.
thanks for the person who wrote to me.
asof today, seven days later, IM DONE. OFF THE SUBOXONE, and DEFFINATLY OFF OPIATES.
went like a breaze as predicted.
3 times in a row.
I have no craving, no need, and the pills are history.
only used 9 of the 28 tablets. halved them each time day by day, and halved, the half until small quarters. JOB DONE
success to all.
I wrote on the 9th of June as I started the Subuxone.
thanks for the person who wrote to me.
asof today, seven days later, IM DONE. OFF THE SUBOXONE, and DEFFINATLY OFF OPIATES.
went like a breaze as predicted.
3 times in a row.
I have no craving, no need, and the pills are history.
only used 9 of the 28 tablets. halved them each time day by day, and halved, the half until small quarters. JOB DONE
success to all.
HI orange kiss, would like to know how its going??
something that helps with building it down, is Rivotril 0.5mg, its used for anxiety, and definitely high PROTEIN shakes helps too. Drink lots of fluids, like pure 100% Orange juice.
I drank 3 liters per day.
must say I feel great.
the day you say this is my last pill. take the box of pills if left, and hide them.
last day might be itchy, but BITE it.
take something to relax or calm you down, and the next day its history.
something that helps with building it down, is Rivotril 0.5mg, its used for anxiety, and definitely high PROTEIN shakes helps too. Drink lots of fluids, like pure 100% Orange juice.
I drank 3 liters per day.
must say I feel great.
the day you say this is my last pill. take the box of pills if left, and hide them.
last day might be itchy, but BITE it.
take something to relax or calm you down, and the next day its history.
I have been on suboxone since july 17th of this year when I decided I no longer wanted to be addicted to opiates. Ive tried so many times to get clean and it didnt work out, so i figured this time being on suboxone would be a change and maybe help. well I tired to get off the suboxone about a month ago and tried the whole tapering down thing and what was left of my script gave it to my boyfriend to hold didnt want to take them anymore. i tried for three days and was so miserable it was starting to affect my mind way too much, which i did not like because i suffer from depression as it is already. I started taking my suboxone after breaking down. I am still on it today, i freak out everyday worrying about getting off because i too only have a few days left and no doctor to prescribe more, ive been taking at the very most half a strip a day sometimes less, I really just want to know how long it takes to get them out of your system before you can take percocet or any other opiate and it help with pain? can someone please help?!? I hate these little orange strips!
***Please do not post personal contact information. thank you, the moderators
***Please do not post personal contact information. thank you, the moderators
What "pain" do you need help with ?
To those looking to come off suboxone completely and safely, it is 100% possible. I have been on them(if I wasn't getting high) since they came out in 2003ish. I've been an opiate addict for 20 years. In the last week I've taken a total of 3 mgs. 2mgs one night and 1mg another night. I managed to bring myself down from 16mgs a day to 1/2 a mg. Not half of a pill, 1/2 mg. very small piece. Never told my doctor about it until I was ready to come off the 1/2 mg. because of coarse I wanted to hoard all my extra pills like a true junky. But if you're doctor knows you're serious about coming off completely, he will help. Mine did. My withdrawals are the worst at night. The tossing and turning and not sleeping for 1-2weeks. To bridge that gap my doc prescribed Xanax for sleep and it's working wonders. The two times I took the total
Of 3mgs that I talked about earlier were when my Xanax ran out and it was the weekend. Otherwise I feel. Great. I felt no withdrawals tapering until I got to the 1/2 mg. but thT wasn't bad. Only effected me at night. I went from 16mgs-8mgs-4mgs-2mgs-1mg-1/2 mg. I believe its recommended to stay at each dose for a week-2 weeks. Unless you're feeling fine doing less. Good luck. It is possible. If I can do it, BELIEVE ME, ANYONE CAN!! Too many of us dying out there. Good luck everyone!
Of 3mgs that I talked about earlier were when my Xanax ran out and it was the weekend. Otherwise I feel. Great. I felt no withdrawals tapering until I got to the 1/2 mg. but thT wasn't bad. Only effected me at night. I went from 16mgs-8mgs-4mgs-2mgs-1mg-1/2 mg. I believe its recommended to stay at each dose for a week-2 weeks. Unless you're feeling fine doing less. Good luck. It is possible. If I can do it, BELIEVE ME, ANYONE CAN!! Too many of us dying out there. Good luck everyone!
I have been on subs now for atleast 8 months. I was taking the 8-2 twice a day. I gradually tappered down by taking a half a strip in the morning and the other half at night,for a week. Then cut the half in half and take for a week. After a month I waited for twelve hours to let the sub exit my system then I took half of a 5mg hydros once a day for a week,and Boom clean as a whissle. You should know the truth theres nothing that will take away Addiction those of us that have dealt with it should realize we will always be addicted to pain pills or what ever it was that took over our lives. It will be a never ending good luck and god bless you all.
I am on day 8 coming off Suboxone. Over the last year, I weaned myself from about 8mg to 0.5mg per day. Not too bad so far except the depression is brutal! Over the last several months I've been in a state of mild withdrawal from tapering. Symptoms were chills all the time (mild) and loose stools. I had insomnia for the first 2 nights last week. This is the hardest thing mentally. I hate the thought of antidepressants (just another thing to be chained too). Has anybody had the depression? If so, what did you do? Rx? Hold on for dear life?
Jodi congrats I'm tapering my self almost off subs I'm gonna do it have no choice my doc retired and I really want off so I'm not looking for another doc. I'm on .5mg here in Illinois no detox will detox you if your lower than 2mg so it's all up to me and I'm more than ready.But thanks so much for hope I'm grateful I read your post .
It's probably tougher if you've been on Subs for a long time, but I've read that reducing by 25% every 4 days and making the jump after being on .25 for several days is the way to go. That's the schedule I am using and so far so good.
Best of luck to you and good luck to everyone today.
Best of luck to you and good luck to everyone today.
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Posted: April 6, 2013, 4:45 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: April 6, 2013
My dr. gave me a 6 mo. RX of the orange strips you place under your tongue because I stopped taking Oxy's I was being prescribed for pain management. The good news was that I didn't have to take the Oxy's anymore, the bad news was that I'm now dependent on a medication that's about to run out. Rather than sit around & wait for doomsday, I began an attempt to taper myself off of the Sub. strips before I run out. I've been keeping a daily log to help me keep track of the taper, my symptoms, dose, etc. so that I can attempt to adjust dose & intervals to minimize withdraw symptoms. Every day I would cut the strip into smaller and small pieces to place under my tongue. The 1st 6 days I experienced symptoms that suck of course (e.g. watery eyes, sensitive skin, frequent need to urinate, sneezing, etc.), but thankfully NOT the dreaded twitching or nerve shocks that wrack your body inside & out which is the 1 & only symptom that breaks my resolve. After 6 days, I went down to taking a piece of Suboxone so tiny, I needed to pick it up with tweezers to place it under my tongue. Approx. 10 hrs. later I was hit with everything including the dreaded shocks. I don't know what else to do. I had to ingest a larger piece just to stop it, and now I'm really upset that I backtracked. I'm going to attempt to go back to the tiny pieces, but this time take them every 6 hours instead of trying to make them last an entire 24 (I was trying to make my body go 1 full day in between doses to kill off the receptors). Does anyone have any advice PLEASE?
Posted: May 12, 2013, 10:10 AM
Hi detoxing from suboxone is something that should be monitored by a professional addiction doctor or nurse .............
Der Alte Krieger
Posted: May 21, 2013, 8:46 PM
Posts: 3
Joined: May 21, 2013
I''m new here and don't know exactly what the protocols about advise are but I personaly know about as many people that have gotten on and off of Suboxone without ever seeing any medical professional at all as those that have.
I don't advise this of course, but if you are living in the dumpster behind the 7-11 your chances of scareing up $50 for 5 8MG Subs is likely better than coming up with $500-$1000 to get started with a Sub Doctor.
I'm in the same situation you find yourself in, that is I have a finate number of Sub strips and no possible way to get any more.
I'm currently taking .25 MG, insulfated, morning and night. The oral bioavility of Suboxone is so rediculously low that I can stretch my supply twice as far that way. I disolve an 8MG strip in 40 CCs of water , that way it's easy to keep track of my doseage without resorting to tweezers.
With the low doses I have had a lot better results from the twice daily doseing.
Suboxone has made a big difference in my life.
This post has been edited by Der Alte Krieger on May 21, 2013, 8:50 PM
Posted: May 22, 2015, 8:02 PM
Hey im new here n would really really love to hear of a REAL success story from getting off subs! I take 2 8mgs a day n have for the last 8yrs...sometimes 28 i am at the point where i want to quit beings as i have used this drug for 9yrs! I have been thru the program before n obviously, it didn't work at all even tapering off doing exactly what my doc said. Anyway i just want to know the TRUTH ; i know its bs to just go down gradually n feel nothing like my doc btw who lost her license said!!! Any info would be helpful but cmon we all know ima have to take other meds as well to kick them, i laid in bed for 3 months untill my grandma finally brought. Me hydros because she n me couldnt see the light at the end! No BS replies please, and none from no one who hasnt even taken them Thanks!!!
Posted: June 9, 2015, 7:50 AM
Hi all, not sure when you posted your message about the suboxone and stopping it.
I did it last year after using morphine sulphate ampules injections for pains in back, and many other pain related issues, and I did the morphine for 8 months, 4 times a day @ 15mg/ml.
I still have my written guide from my doctor, who made the effort to helpandlisten. And when there was no stock of the Morphine ampules anywhere in the country of morphine sulphate ampule, I had to stop immediate with it as there was no replacement for it either.
so doc prescribed suboxone 8mg 2mg and wrote 1 tab mornig+1 tab evening under the tongue for ten days.
then 1/2(half) tab morning plus half tab evening for 10 days,
then you use the remaining tablets 1/2 in the morning only till your box is up(28 pills)
it acts asif it isteh same morphine and takes the pain away, yet it reverses the effects as you all should know.
I also felt at the end that I could half the half tablet making it a quarter and that work great too.
I stopped with one prescription of 28 tablets and never looked back.
not one doctor believes me today, saying I used 90ml (6mg) morphine sulphate per day (injecting it in four dosses) and for 8 months long. It was the only thing keeping the pain away, but the problems are still there today.... it does mess you up on the long run, and you don't know when last you actualy felt great , or had a good nights slepep.
you know, the "WILL" must be there to stop.
unfortunately my pains aren't solved yet and have been diagnosed with MS and Fibromialga, and have been on oxycontine again taking 40mg 4 times per 24hours for the last 10months, and starting the SUBOXONE again asof tonight. I have lost 21kg, and it only helps for 6 hours.... but the problems don't get solved, only the pain gets block in the Brain, and you are back to square one.
whishing you all the best of luck.
If you want to stop, YOU CAN!
Jordi if you need or feel you want to have a chat.
Posted: June 9, 2015, 7:53 AM
To Orange kiss,
don't know how you can use it for 8 years..... its supposed to be used to get off heavy pain medication and addiction...
how do they even prescribe it for so long?
the purpose of suboxone is to reverse the withdrawel effect, although you can get hooked on it, but stop is stop...
Posted: June 9, 2015, 8:05 AM
yes, you become hooked to the low amounts of opiate that's in the suboxone. but nothing compared to what ever the strength of the medication they initially were taking. the body becomes dependent of it. just like any other opiate medication. just use it the shortest amount of time if using to stop withdrawals. but if using for addiction, you may have to stay on it longer till you regain your life back.
Posted: June 14, 2015, 12:12 AM
Posts: 1
Thank you for posting something positive I'm tapering from suboxone 8mg,4mgs,2mgs ,1mg now I cut the 1mg in 1/2 ,I'm gonna try to cut that in 1/2 and then stop. I've been on it since april 2015 I have klonopin prescribed to me I have bipolar,depression,ptsd and adhd .
my sub doctor decided he was going to retire so I'm forced to do this on my own .I have a appointment with a primary doctor to see if he can prescribe clonidine or something for my legs Thanks again for posting you give me hope .my email is if you would like to email me I'm very lonely I have no friends and my brother doesn't understand at all he thinks I can just stop. He doesnt even call to see how I'm doing oh well.Also no detox will take me cause I'm on too low of a dose I've called numerous rehabs,hospitals,detox centers.They cut you off at 2mg and think that your done
Greets I get your question as I have been on 16 mg of suboxone per day for five years now. I started the medication because I was dependent on 15 to 20 hydros per day and was addicted for two years. But five years later on this amount of suboxone I just want to stop and move on with my life without medication and the constant reminder of the past. Not to mention the suboxone has changed me personally and physically. Who knows what long term issues I may have in the future. I ask my doctor about weaning every so often but she just avoids me. I have decided to do it on my own now and am very scared but determined. I feel better just cutting dosage in half for the past week. I have more Clarity, energy, regularity, and the feeling of control. I also on the negative side have more agitation, restless sleep, and trembling or sweating episodes. I also feel cutting my dosage has caused more anxiety , something I already take lexepro and have for for over 20 years (starting on Celexa) for but I am expecting great difficulty . I guess I just wanted to give my story to let others know doctors will prescribe this suboxone with no talk of weaning or ever stopping, I've been prescribed this for over five years with no expectations to ever stop. I am hoping I can do this on my own, because I am all I have.
Ariel, just read your post and thought you might be interested in a post I put on "is it possible to taper off suboxone" I think the first post I put on that thread is on the next to last page. Hope you can find it and I hope it can help. My doctor, even though I liked her as a person, didn't seem to really want me to get off of suboxone. I knew it was up to me if I wanted to get off of it and I did it! I'm nearing my 30 day mark now and i can't remember the last time I felt this good! Anyways best of luck and hope to hear back from you!