Tapering Question?

Hi everybody,

I am new to the board. These last few days have been diffucult as I have been tapering off of oxycodone 5mgs at about six to ten a day for the past 5 months. Tapering is hard for me because I am a drug addict and I LOVE the high I get from the pills. But they don't love me. I am about to cry as I type this because I once had 3 years clean and sober through the fellowship of AA. It was a good life and it gave me a life. Being an addict I thought I could handle it and here I am...I don't have any money to go to the dr. so I am doing it on my own and trying to use the last few pills I have to taper. Tuesday was my first day of only taking 1 and 1/2 pills, I started into pretty heavy withdrawal and I have not taken more than two pills in a day since Tuesday. I have clonidine and that has helped but my question is for anyone out there who has ever detoxed off of two pills a day. I have to start back to work on monday and I am pretty anxious about it. I am thinking of just stopping all together and suffering through it after these last two pills are gone, or maybe breaking these in half and stretching the taper a little further. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am so tired of trying to figure this out on my own.

Hi Lou,

Welcome to the board. I can really relate even though I'm on a different drug. But it's all the same I'm sure...The withdrawals for me was getting too hard. I went through a week of it and gave in to taking the pills again. Now, I don't have any money or any health insurance, but I see a doctor on a sliding scale fee. For me to detox at home, well I've tried that too many times and I drive my family crazy. I just got back from the doctor and I'm going into a detox for a few days next week. I know others will have advice for you too. Just giving you my story. I have heard of others detoxing at home and made it through. So, good luck to you and you may want to break those pills.

Lou, Hey and welcome to the board!

My drug of choice was not oxy, so I can't be sure this is OK, but I think at only 1-2 a day this week so far......you should flush the rest and get on with the w/d. If you have to go to work Monday, you need to get days 1-3 behind you before then. I do not know how bad it will be, but I do know you can handle it. It'll be comparable to the flu. Get some Benadryl for sleep, Imodium for what it's for, and B12 to keep energy level up. Also Advil or Motrin, Comtrex for other symptoms.

Hopefully someone else will come along shortly who has Oxy experience. If not, start a new thread and entitle it OXY HELP or something to get their attention. Good luck and DON'T GIVE UP. Also, you need to make a plan for what you are going to do to stay off of the pills. Quitting is hard, staying quit is harder. Keep posting and reading, there is much here to learn. Take care!

Thanks so much for your reply. I am glad to hear that you are going into a treatment program. After reading your posts it sounds like you are really ready to give it up and that's what it takes. When I got clean for those three years I was in the same place...and then I got to busy to work a program of recovery. Now I would rather be working a program of recovery than working to try and get off of this mess. I guess it takes what it takes. Best of Luck to you and I have a feeling after reading your posts that you are going to beat this! I do plan to go back to meetings, although I do it begrudgingly, it does help. But first I need to get through these withdrawals.
For anyone reading this... I am open for all suggestions.

Thanks again,
hey LouLou,
How are you doing now? I can really feel your pain. I was taking 30-35 Vicodin ES a day for 5 years. I was sleeping for about 3-4 hours a night. Something just clicked in my head. On February 4th I took 10, and as of today I am down to 8. If you had told me I would ever be at this dose I would say you were crazy. But for me it, it was time I was just sick of them, so that really helped, I turned 39 February 5 and I promsed myself whe I turn 40 I will be clean of these things. I start Subutex Tuesday and can't wait to get my life back. If you really want to stop you can do it. If you feel better using the last few pills, then break them in half, and take a advil with it, this will make you fell like your taking two pills (you know a small mind game), then keep yourself busy, the last few days I have watched the clock untill I could take my next pill but you know what we have all had the flu, at the rate of pills your taking I am sure that will be the worst of it. I think you should gear up for the mental battle. That's the hard part. Your only human, people care about you, you are worth it, just try and jump in a do this for yourself. Let me know how your doing. If I can do this, I am sure you can.....GOOD LUCK!
I quit pills twice, once in nov 04, no tapering, just ct. I was pretty painful. I lasted 14 days and went right back to it. The next time I tapered down to 2 pills (percocet 10mg) a day and quit. I was uncomfortable for a least a week, but not the same physical hell I was in in Nov. Just my 2 cents
