Hi All-
Just wanted to let you know I only took 6 today, as scheduled. This time of night is the hardest for me; I usually eat a bunch of pills, go on the computer and then crash!
So tonight I have energy, mild anxiety, and I feel like I'll NEVER get to sleep later! Glad I got the Benadryl!
Thanks everyone for all your advice & help. BTW, None4me, I never answered your question the other night: YES, I am going CT after I'm done tapering. No suboxone, either. I just don't think I need to go down that road.
hey betsy......sorry i missed you yesterday. my computer is limited while power is out. i'll be thinking about you today, and praying you succeed and feel OK. I will try to email you when i get back on later!
Betsy sometimes in life it takes a while to do things hun i remember you when you were too shy to even post wow im so proud of you jackie xxxxxxxxxxx
addict mom,
good job girl, you have my support, keep talking and posting if it helps. you can do this. i'm proud of your decision.
good job girl, you have my support, keep talking and posting if it helps. you can do this. i'm proud of your decision.
'Mornin' everyone!
Well, I made it yesterday with only 6, as I said. I woke up with a headache, and took 3. That leaves me 3 for the rest of the day, which I can handle!
Tomorrow I go down to 5.
Can all my fellow pill-counters out there relate??? I finally feel like I can do this, although this is my big PMS week. If I can make it this week, anything's possible!
Well, I made it yesterday with only 6, as I said. I woke up with a headache, and took 3. That leaves me 3 for the rest of the day, which I can handle!
Tomorrow I go down to 5.
Can all my fellow pill-counters out there relate??? I finally feel like I can do this, although this is my big PMS week. If I can make it this week, anything's possible!
Betsy I just wanted you to know how proud of you I am your doing something I could Never do I think you are doing good just remember if it gfets rough we will be here to help...mj
Wacky Jax-
Are you SURE it's me you're referring to when you said I was shy? That's one adjective that's NEVER been used about me!!!! Thanks for the support, tho, I think you've always got such great stuff to say,,,
How's it going across the pond?
Are you SURE it's me you're referring to when you said I was shy? That's one adjective that's NEVER been used about me!!!! Thanks for the support, tho, I think you've always got such great stuff to say,,,
How's it going across the pond?
Betsy......I am so proud of you, you seem to have a new renewed sense of spirit going on, keep it up.....and good luck to you.
Thanks, Misty-
Feeling better about things? I know you were posting about fear yesterday. I've never been the kind of person to say "What if..." in a negative way. Maybe it's because I've been using for so long, I just tend to take things as they come. I think that's a good thing to do in sobriety, too, and it really goes back to the Serenity Prayer.
I absolutely feel like a hypocrite posting here while I'm still using. Only a few more days!
Feeling better about things? I know you were posting about fear yesterday. I've never been the kind of person to say "What if..." in a negative way. Maybe it's because I've been using for so long, I just tend to take things as they come. I think that's a good thing to do in sobriety, too, and it really goes back to the Serenity Prayer.
I absolutely feel like a hypocrite posting here while I'm still using. Only a few more days!
Hey Betsy..........i'm on for a few, are you still here?
dear amom I felt the same way for a couple weeks I was on here saying how I was tapering when I was just taking more & more.I still don't know what happened but I got to the point of being honest & fessed up.Everyone was so nice & understanding talk about guilt.Anyways try not to feel bad.Its ok remember all of us were usen at one time or another.We are here to try & help so no worrys OK?????mj
Why would you feel bad about posting while still using.......don't you realize how many people you help......with your experiences and just that reminder for them of how it was when they got clean...........puts things in perspective at times.....You post your heart out......thats what this board is for.....
I am doing real good today, the fear well it will be there, but I refuse now to let it overtake things!
I am doing real good today, the fear well it will be there, but I refuse now to let it overtake things!
Hey AM your so right lol dumb or what lol wrong betsy ah well old age lol . things here are so good thx and anyway still proud of you jackie xxxx
I'm so glad Misty! You must read some of these posts from us addicts and think "Boy, I'm glad I'm clean!!!" I am SO glad you're on this board, we need your perspective.
MJ- I've been pretty honest on the board here, because it's easy to just spill your guts through typing. Now with my husband and family, that's another story!!!! Thanks for relating with me.
How's the generator?
Yeah, saw someone with the name Betsy on here a few weeks ago, too. I wonder what happened to her? Anyone know?
MJ- I've been pretty honest on the board here, because it's easy to just spill your guts through typing. Now with my husband and family, that's another story!!!! Thanks for relating with me.
How's the generator?
Yeah, saw someone with the name Betsy on here a few weeks ago, too. I wonder what happened to her? Anyone know?
the sun just came out......i have to go take a picture,,,i will send it you on here ina few.......this is so beautiful......
PLease mom send me one 2 I love that one pic you sent with all the property....I LUV YA!!!!!!!mj
I think Carol just became a computer geek in the last week!!! LOL
Ya'll must think i am nuts.......we never get anything like this here, though. Everything you can see outside has coat of ice on it. And when the sun hit it,it just all lit up like diamonds. After 5 minutes, everything is melting. When you walk outside, you hear nothing but dripping and pouring water. It is so weird.
Pics coming soon.
Yeah shes getting down me Im still lost in the chips lol...mj
While we're waiting for Carol's picture...
Little Johnny watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream
on her face. "Why do you do that, mommy?" he asked.
'To make myself beautiful," said his mother, who then began removing
the cream with a tissue.
"What's the matter?" asked Little Johnny. "Giving up?"
Little Johnny watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream
on her face. "Why do you do that, mommy?" he asked.
'To make myself beautiful," said his mother, who then began removing
the cream with a tissue.
"What's the matter?" asked Little Johnny. "Giving up?"