i am using photobucket for uploading all my avatars now. i also have some other images in there i would like to put in the BODY of my signature.
but i can't seem to do it.
if it is animated, a message comes up telling me ARG does not accept dynamic tags and i know the board does, as i see others doing it.
or, no image appears, just the http:// link.
can someone help me please?
thank you so much!
spoke too soon!! i got it now.
i was using the url instead of copying the img line.
thanks anyway!
i was using the url instead of copying the img line.
thanks anyway!
Miss Kate,glad you figured it out.I had to play with it for awhile before i figured it out too.It looks great!~KIM
thanks J&J!
i love this feature on here!
i love this feature on here!