Teen Mother Of Twins & Ice

My 17 year old daughter got pregnant at 16. Low and behold it was identical twin girls. She did very well through the pregnancy, no smoking, at right, etc. Naturally, since she still lives at home, the babies do too. I am still raising my own twin sons who are now 14 and still in school. I lost my job three weeks before the girls were born, which turned out well since my child needed help getting to the doctor, and specialist [it was a high risk pregnancy, and not expected to produce the girls alive] etc. I pulled my entire 401K out for us to survive, then my unemployment, then my federal taxes. I am now destitute except for a cheesy job as a grocery clerk to earn food money. My daughter did very well during the first four months of their little lives too, but then began using ice. The father of the babies hooked her up with it - how's that for a nice guy? Behavior began slipping and I found myself with more and more responsiblity tending the babies, while she was off with her friends under the guise of job hunting, etc. She's a high school dropout, no education, no job. I caught her by way of letters and notes she and a friend had written back and forth, so she got clean for about 8 months. She's now using again, the girls are 15 months old and I've had to quit my job to care for them while she's God knows where half the time. She's very belligerant with me, so I can't talk to her. I almost called DFACS this past time, but stood in fear the girls would be taken from ME. She's now on a "break" from it and is again appearing normal for a change. She's home the past 4 days and more like her old self. But I'm afraid it's a false calm. I'm also afraid to mention anything. Even though she's sober right now, she still isn't taking full time care of the girls, and I'm afraid to leave them alone with her for very long due to neglect. NOT ABUSE, neglect. She never abuses them. Now that she's "okay", I'm afraid to push the rehab/parenting skills issue because she gets so angry at ME. I sound like a weeny back pushover, but I'm held hostage by my sweet baby granddaughters. I and my two sons are angry that I have no freedom to get them to school or ballgames, etc. My car is too small for 2 car seats and 2 teenage boys. And I can't go back to work for fear of leaving the babies all day. Any suggestions?
haye whats up chicka? nuthin much here just chillin well me and yugio my boyfriend are only 13 and i have a kid and she is 15months old and i am a drug atic or w\e u wanna call it but i love u u love me were a happy family witha great big hug and a kiss from me to u wont u say u love me to well email b back sweetie pie
You have to take her to the school of hard knocks. She may have to loose her babies in order to appriciate them. She will never get anywhere if you always cover for her, and she knows you will. She is a young mother and is very confused, she probobly feels smothered and ashamed. But hey nobody, nobody ever said life is fair. When she got pregnaunt she made the choice to do what she did. She will never feel good about herself unless she gets her head out of her a** and starts trying to raise those babies. Mom you have the hardest job of all. You have to be the sability of the whole bunch. And you need to run the ship, DO NOT LET THE KIDS RUN THE SHIP. Which is what you are doing. Alot of times we try to be friends with our kids, and we try to make things easier on them. Well, that will only give them a crutch,and they will use that crutch their entire lives if you let them. You have to be strong enough to pull the crutch out, give the best guiduence you can and let go. Indirect learning is when you make suggestions in the way things need to be, the you walk away and let them make the decisions and let them live with the consequences. All you can do is be there when they fall, but to only put a band-aid on it and help them back up and put them back to work at getting on with their lives. It's hard for parents to know what to do, expecially when a lot of parents did not get the best guidence at home when they were kids. And let me tell you it is easier said then done. But what you need to do is take care of those babies, give young mom options, tell your older boys to cope with it and pitch in when they can, and find what you want to do with your life as a career. What are you good at? Who are you? Where did you see yourself when you were growing up? Then start climbing that mountain to get to your goal. Before too long your going to have two grown boys and two young grandaughters that are all going to look up to you. Teach by example. If you can do it, so can they. Read books on Meth or ice, Knowledge is power and control. If you know what reaction she is going to have you can better deal with it. You can give her options of treatment and know what may actually work. Read books on parenting. Dr. Phil is one of my favorites. I know you may not have time to read, but make time. This is your life and weather you like it or not only you can make these decisions. It's going to be tough, your going to want to crawl in bed and cry your heart out somedays, you may feel like you just can not go on another day. But you can go on, and crying is good sometimes. But give yourself a moment to be sad, depressed, then get over it or you could end up there forever and who wants that? You can do it only if you want to do it.