Terri, you are awsome congrats on one year babe that is one HUGH achievement and you know how proud we are of ya?......Right cos we are This Dj's playing this song just for you, and there we all are dancing with ya xxx
Terrianne I don't know where to begin with this.....you are just awesome.Everything good in your life you deserve, you made it happen. I am so blessed to have someone like you as an example and inspiration. One year is HUGE, I am so proud of my neighbor.
Go~Go~Go Boo-Dawg it's your Birthday! Were gonna party like it's your Birthday! Thought I would try and rap to you this morning,LOL Have a wonderful day and a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS ON 1 YEAR!!! WAY TO GO GIRLFRIEND!!! Rae
thanks you guys all so much you have put me in this huge giddy mood. i love it. its indescribable the love !!
john dee and you remembered chocolate. mmmmmmmmm i'm gonna be at the gym extra this weekend. what happened to that first slice? did you set it aside just for me? awe how seet you are :)
thank you guys so much this feels so much better then any other b-day anniversary and even better then christmas!!! seriously. i cant explain it but i feel like i have just accomplished a hug mission and i am ready to take on the more challanging one. like its time to branch out and learn more and grow some more. its really exciting to me!
Terrianne! Congrats on ONE YEAR!!!!!! You have been such an inspiration to many here, and I remember you reaching out to me right after I started to post.... I am blessed to have met you! I sure hope that today, you just put a big smile on your face..... sending you a huge HUG!! Bee
Terrianne...........CONGRATULATIONS!! 1 year....what we are striving to attain, and you DID IT! That's great! you are an inspiration to all of us and a great, funny asset to this board! It's been great getting to know you, and you've taught me a lot! Have a great day today, do something great for yourself! You deserve it.
terrianne, this world is full of pleasures...little ones, simple ones, big ones ect...and then there are those that come along and give us so much... it give me pleasure to see a great friend enjoying success over such a formidable disease and living a rich life again and I know you are enjoying being able to share that success with us.... These are the times that the pain of getting here is made worth it most of all...
Congrats to you my friend... you deserve all the riches life holds for you....
Congratulations on this special day for you. From day 1 on this board, I realized you were someone that everyone looked up to, admired, and loved. You always seem to be there when you're needed most with warm, kind, and encouraging words. I think I speak for everyone here when I say you are our inspiration.
I said before that today was your birthday. Well you may not have been brought into this world on this day but it is the day you came back. I can honestly say that this world is a better place with you in it.
You have touched the lives of so many people and for me you will always have a special place in my heart.
you guys have made my day more the happy : ) just knowing i have somewhere to come to for support. i dont care it isnt face to face. it doesnt make it anyless special to me. trust my i called my own family my biznatch sister and was excited to tell her about my accomplichment and her respones was why do you keep bringing it up. let it go!!!!! well uh huh. just to give you an idea how supportaive my family is. outside my god and kids for support all i have is you all for the most part and that is simply priceless to me.
redd, we definately need to get together. we are too close in geography and so close with things in common and i cant wait to start baby shopping!!!! :) i seriously am sooooo way excited : )
well what can i say .... its to late to say get to work so instead "TAG YOUR IT" and no tags back ha ha ha ha : ) ((HUG)) oh an thanks for your support big bro
sorry going out of order. you are definately my drill sargent all in the name of love. thank you for your encouragement and inspiration, laughs and your amazing friendship, your one of a kind angel.
i love your style so much you are so giving caring and have an awsome sense of humor with the no beating around the push that makes me laugh and helps me see teh message as intended. I LOVE YOUR STYLE!!! dont ever change :)
john dee,
you rock!!! you are always there willing to help and kepp a posative outlook even on some days i know your not up to it. you certainly have made a huge impact in my life and helped me to see things from a different percpestive as well.
you my friend OH MY GOSH!!!! that website was amazingly beautiful and meant everything to me there is so much more i want to read from there. thank you from the bottom of my heart. it was truly one of the most priceless gifts that is worth more then any amount of money can buy. i love that kind of stuff. :) you prolly already knew that and thats what makes it even more special to me .
thanks a loads pal you bring me so much inspiration and hope with your post you my friend are truly an amzing miracle and a great asset to us all
you are such a blessing. you definately helped to add to my smiles. i'm truly glad to have you part of the team. helping you helps me. your gonna make it girlfriend i have faith and trust in that. keep on keeping on. your one amazing woman
what can i say? and no you can not be my shadow i enjoy being your shadow you bring something to this board i respect and admire with every post. your real and your compassionate and believe it or not something i aspire to be. but since there is only one cowgirl and will always be the one and only i proudly follow in your footsteps : )
you bring sunshine in my day every morning.i look forward to it daily. you offer so much hope and awesome advice with such caring compassion and wisdom. oh and you are the best cake maker ever!!!! well next to john dee but you get extra credit for counting out the sprinkles :)
TERESA, I am so glad we became friends. its so comforting to know i can come to you with anything and everything and you are there with out judgement to leand an ear and offer straight up compassion advice my goal is to be where you are in 4 years. you are a great teacher full of wisdom. i am super blessed to know you and call you my friend ((((HUGS)))
i love reading your posts. you have educated me so much about so many things. your intelligence is admirable. your humor adds to your charm. you always know what to say and just how to say it without judgement. you yourself are a miracle as well. i am glad to have the pleasures to be on the same team as you :)
thank you so much for your well wishes. i know we havent posted much to each other but i look forward to knowing you more and wish you all the best in your recovery please look me up if there is anyway i can help somehow.
thank you again, you are another one of a kind. i summed it all up in email for you but again. your support means everything to me : ) i'm so glad your here. you yourself reach out and helps so many so unselfishly. you rock!!!
you are such a joy to have here. i pray for you every morning. thank you for all your support and well wishes. yours will be returned soon with the easter plunge i have faith in you and you will do this. i know you can. you will be held accountable to the world and i have no probs sailing across lake mich to shaboygen hehehe. i always wanted to go to wisconsin
loves and hugs all around (now lets hold hands and sing heheh)
Hey Terrianne, sorry this is late (the aol thing). I'm so proud to know you and have you for a friend. I couldn't be happier for you. You did it!!! The big year!! I get a kick out of talking to you as we have pretty much the same history, so now I long to follow in your footsteps and have the same future. You're such a blast to know, home dawg! I hope you celebrated and did something cool for yourself, you really deserve it. Tons of love being sent your way, Kat