Terrianne (my Shadow)

Thought I'd start your own thread so that we can leave that one for Bob..what is going on with you that your having troubles? Talk to me...

Love you

you asked for it!!...j/k just getting overwhelmed with my divorced proceedings is final moday. trying to get all that stuff together and trying to get my daughter straightened around with school issues. on top of all my other daily tasks. prolly just put me in a mood i'm overwhelmed and irritable thats all. its not life threatening. i know its all gonna pass and work out as planned. just lots to do and so lil time. basicly my head is just to cluddered with my own junk to be caught up trying to save the world. thanks for asking. your awesome. : )

I had no idea that you were going through a divorce... what a bummer. Isn't amazing that our lives continue with or without drugs. It's up to us to decided how we're going to deal with it. I'm so proud of you.

I know that when my mind gets cluttered the only thing that works is to do something that will help quiet me. It's usually riding. But anything will work, take a deep breath. Maybe it's as simple as that.

Love you kiddo...have an easier day.


thanks, yeah thanks for the reminder. cleaning always gets me out out my mind. not a fun hobby but makes me feel productive and like i accomplished something good.

a thought popped in my head why i feel like i do. duh its cause i cant control the situation or the outcome. regarding my kid or my divorce. so i will do everything i can do to focus on doing my part the best i know how. the rest is to god. thats his department. i'll let him roll around in it instead of me.

i feel better already. so i think i'll polish off the last brownie turn on some tunes and clean something.

thanks so much

Cowgirls Im very sorry to cut in.Im just reading everything & wanted terri Ill be on for a bit & if she needs to talk Im just lurking.Once again sorry to cut in...mj
Sorry to hear about your divorce. Things do have a way of working out. I went through a divorce 2 years ago so I know it's hard,paperwork and this and that. So hang in there. Rae

you bust in anywhere you want. your always welcome : ) and thanks i'll catch you on i.m : )


thanks yeah it will be over soon. thats the good part : ) its just going through the process. thanks so much for all your support gals. i'm hangen tough. its equally as exciting as it is sort of a bumber to close a chapter in my life. i get to be an independant person for the first time in my life. i think i'm more excited about it then anything. but will certainly be glad when its over and done with.

Hey Terrianne how long were you married? Just wondering was this something you wanted or him? I would think it would be really hard on the person that doesn't want it. I did and my ex still calls me after 2 years with my bf and us having a 10 month old together. Since my ex and I have my 6 year old together he thinks it's best we get back together. I am like there is no way.You had your chance and I am not going backwards in my life. He is a great man just couldn't be with him anymore.I do feel bad it has taken him awhile and I wish he would find a woman,I think it would make his life much easier. After an 8 year marriage it was hard even though I was the one that wanted it. it is like starting life over and mourning the loss.. I know I did. Hang in there~ Rae
Hi guys

Made it the first 4 hours at work but had to come home and be with you. I feel better already. I been reading for 30 min. I just had to say something.

Terrianne, Cowgirl, & all Thanks for being there.

PS Terrianne That was nice!!!!

was 15 yrs of marriage and it never really was good from day 1 long story i'll spare ya the blah blahs. i filed but we both knew it was done.


hey guy, glad to see you are hanging in there holding strong. i admire your will and drive. dont feel bad about needing to take some time off work. you need to be good to yourself while you withdrawal. you are worth all your efforts and so is your family. you deserve to be free from the bonds of those wicked lil pills. i am proud of your progress.
