Thank God For This Web Site

Hi Everyone, This web-site is heaven sent. Once again leave it to my wife to find help for me.I have been glued to this web site all day now.It is interesting to read everyone stories and i realize i am not ALONE! Amazed at how much strength this is giving me.Sounds like we all have alot in common. Its so easy to go astray. My heart aches for all of us who are still suffering.I am also very thankful for the love i feel.Hope you all keep up the great job your doing and best of luck and God speed the recovery for each and every one of us.
Forever Grateful,
Hi there Larry may i welcome you to the site of hope and inspiration hun. It sure was a relief for me too wwhen i found this site just not beingso alone was a asset (((((hugs))))) jaxxxxxxxxxxxx

welcome, hang in there , be strong and believe in yourself, you will find alot of support here. believe in yourself that you can and will do this. all things are possable through god. you set your mind to it and everything is possable. i am pulling for you. you are worth it and deserve every chance that you have, just keep trying if you stumble a bit big deal you are human, we all have. you get up and start all over. be grateful for 2nd 3rd 6th 7th chances. so long as you are a live and fighting you stand a fighting chance of freedom. my prayers pour out to you.

Howdy doody booooooooooooooooooooo jaxxxxxx
hey ya sunshiney jaxxxxx, you make my world glow with warmth always : ) i sure hope you are feeling happy and content

Dear Larry,

Welcome to the board! You've found the right place to be if you need support and help to beat your addiction!

I came here when I learned that my caring, loving, kind, and hard working son had become a heroin addict. After putting himself in financial distress and getting into trouble with the law to support his habit, he went to rehab. From there he called me one day and said, "Hey, mom, I learned something today! I'm NOT A BAD PERSON, I have the disease of addiction!" Bless his heart! He went to rehab, the a partial for relapse prevention (because they couldn't find him a placement in a halfway/recovery house at the time he was discharged from rehab, and then attended intensive outpatient. He now has over 9 months heroin-free. That is a LOT to be thankful for as his mother. I am so proud of him!

You will be in my prayers!

God bless!
Hey Larry,

Welcome to the board....
hey larry........welcome.........i to was a distressed dad..............finding this site is the best thing that happened to me while trying to get clean........i am on subs and to me they are a godsend........i'll catch up with you later....gotta go..............chris
Hi Larry

Welcome home.

I too am new and have already found great strength in this site. I eagerly await your message because personally I find a message suited to me in everything everyone says.

God bless.