hello,as some have read im supose to be w/ding today to go to my sub. doctor in the morning at 10am.I was told to w/d 24 hour before appt. I have taken 5 pills today whick mean in only going to be 18 hours in w/ds .Do you think this is enough time ?I would hate to go in there and get my sub. and go into survie w/ds...Please help!!!!
gagrl, I do not know much about sub I have never taken it but I have heard that you have to be in w/d for 24 hours.. I am not sure what to tell you here, but please hang around I know there will be some one around to help you soon .. Good luck with the sub..
I started Sub about 12 hours after I took my last oxy. Some say this is too soon but for me I was fine. I mught be an exception so I do not want to go against what the doctor says and then it be different for you. But I think if you wait a full 18 hours you will be fine. How much Sub are you going to be taking. If I were you I would take no more than an eight. If I had it to do over I would probably on take a 4 or 6 maybe. My do had me on 16 at first and this is WAY to much. Anyways Good Luck tommorow keep us posted.
I'm not much for the sub. route, also don't know much about it. But, I'd say if you were asked by a doc. to wait 24 hours, maybe it would be a better idea to listen to him/her. I also read where someone said vics, only last four hours, that may be true as far as how it helps with pain, but it is still in your system, and, withdrawl usually doesn't start till the 24th hour, we crave before that, and obsess, but the body actually goes 24 hours before withdrawl starts really setting in. Good luck, follow direction, self medicating for me is what got me where I'm at today! Maybe it's time to follow direction, just a suggestion.
Take care......................................God bless.....................................Bob
I'm not much for the sub. route, also don't know much about it. But, I'd say if you were asked by a doc. to wait 24 hours, maybe it would be a better idea to listen to him/her. I also read where someone said vics, only last four hours, that may be true as far as how it helps with pain, but it is still in your system, and, withdrawl usually doesn't start till the 24th hour, we crave before that, and obsess, but the body actually goes 24 hours before withdrawl starts really setting in. Good luck, follow direction, self medicating for me is what got me where I'm at today! Maybe it's time to follow direction, just a suggestion.
Take care......................................God bless.....................................Bob
THis as my guess, or hypothesis, or whatever u want to call it. I think u will probably be OK & here is why: there is not gonna be a heck of a lot of difference between 18 & 24 hours. AT 24 hours there are still narcotics working in ur system. Sub is something i really don't know a lot about, but when i posed the question "Why do they want you to be sick when you first get on sub," someone (& if memory serves me it was a trustable voice who was on sub) told me that they have a narcotic antagonist mixed with it & it could send you into wd's. I didn't check into it too far, as im not gettin on sub (at least not for a while) but if i were getting on it, i would check it out on the net to see: if all sub had an antagonist in it or , they wanted you sick to moniter your dose.
But, in my opinion, or if it were me, i'd just go & not risk anything or wait another day, etc. I have got to believe that many people use even less then 18 hours before.
The other thing is i think at first you take the dose in his office and wait around. If thats the case, u will be really OK, cause if you do get sick, he should have something to help you. Because again, if it really did work that way, im sure some people would get sick even if they did follow the 24 hour rule, which I'm certain you would probably do what i would do & let him know that u havent used in the last 24 hours. Its a funny thing, but 6 & 8 are the same kind of point when you are playing craps, & its easy for me to mix them up & i often (about as often as i would find myself in ur situation) would multiply 3 x6 & come up with the results of 3 x 8, just like you mustve.
But, in my opinion, or if it were me, i'd just go & not risk anything or wait another day, etc. I have got to believe that many people use even less then 18 hours before.
The other thing is i think at first you take the dose in his office and wait around. If thats the case, u will be really OK, cause if you do get sick, he should have something to help you. Because again, if it really did work that way, im sure some people would get sick even if they did follow the 24 hour rule, which I'm certain you would probably do what i would do & let him know that u havent used in the last 24 hours. Its a funny thing, but 6 & 8 are the same kind of point when you are playing craps, & its easy for me to mix them up & i often (about as often as i would find myself in ur situation) would multiply 3 x6 & come up with the results of 3 x 8, just like you mustve.
18 hours will be o.k.,, my doctor also said 24, but I went 18 and was fine...
I've known some people who start the sub after 12 hours and others who do so after 24 hours....
Everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently.... It also depends on what you were addicted to, how much you were taking, etc....
I'll try to explain it to you:
Narcotics/opiates/pain pills stay in your system long after you take your last pill.
Your brain is full of chemical receptors that become filled with these pain pills..... like a glass of water gets filled when we pour water into it.
The longer you go without pain pills, the more "water" that empties out of the glass.
Suboxone is a VERY potent opiate..... It has a tendency to take over and fill the receptors in your brain (not to mention the opiate blocker that's in the sub)..... If you take suboxone while there are still pain pills left in these receptors, it is going to be like taking a glass of water and pouring it into the glass of water that's already there (in your brain).
Try this at home: Take a glass of water and fill it to the top.... now try pouring another full glass of water into the first glass.
The sub (or second glass of water) forces the water in the first glass to go rushing out (meaning that whatever pain pills were in that receptor will be forced out of the "glass" very quickly).... This will cause rapid withdrawal - what normally would take 3-5 days to occur will happen very, very quickly....
If you've ever gone through withdrawals before, multiply that in strength and imagine having it hit you all at once.
I waited 24 hours before starting sub and I STILL had some rapid withdrawal symptoms hit (though it was over in 45 minutes, the worst over in 10, and I was willing to take that chance...).... My heart started racing, I got real dizzy, I started sweating real bad.....
There isn't much of a difference between 18-24 hours, but each hour that you go without sub will make it that much easier on you.
Hope this helps.
Everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently.... It also depends on what you were addicted to, how much you were taking, etc....
I'll try to explain it to you:
Narcotics/opiates/pain pills stay in your system long after you take your last pill.
Your brain is full of chemical receptors that become filled with these pain pills..... like a glass of water gets filled when we pour water into it.
The longer you go without pain pills, the more "water" that empties out of the glass.
Suboxone is a VERY potent opiate..... It has a tendency to take over and fill the receptors in your brain (not to mention the opiate blocker that's in the sub)..... If you take suboxone while there are still pain pills left in these receptors, it is going to be like taking a glass of water and pouring it into the glass of water that's already there (in your brain).
Try this at home: Take a glass of water and fill it to the top.... now try pouring another full glass of water into the first glass.
The sub (or second glass of water) forces the water in the first glass to go rushing out (meaning that whatever pain pills were in that receptor will be forced out of the "glass" very quickly).... This will cause rapid withdrawal - what normally would take 3-5 days to occur will happen very, very quickly....
If you've ever gone through withdrawals before, multiply that in strength and imagine having it hit you all at once.
I waited 24 hours before starting sub and I STILL had some rapid withdrawal symptoms hit (though it was over in 45 minutes, the worst over in 10, and I was willing to take that chance...).... My heart started racing, I got real dizzy, I started sweating real bad.....
There isn't much of a difference between 18-24 hours, but each hour that you go without sub will make it that much easier on you.
Hope this helps.
Well explained Danni,
Do you know what would happen if you were even further into w/d's. Say 2or 3 days?? My son wants to start suboxone, after he detoxed for days 5 days in the hospital, we asked about suboxone and they said he was already out of physical w/d's so he wouldn't be a canidate for it because his w/d's were over.
Well he's been using again don't know for sure if he was back to where he was or not...wants to go on the sub, and it could be several days before he can start, he has no prescription or supply of the oxcys, so he has to steal money and get it from wherever he gets it. Needless to say that hasn't been working for me !! He has his mind set on this stuff, thinks it is going to magically make everything better. He won't read any of the posts, I have asked him several times to take a look. Any experience in this would be appreciated greatly.
Do you know what would happen if you were even further into w/d's. Say 2or 3 days?? My son wants to start suboxone, after he detoxed for days 5 days in the hospital, we asked about suboxone and they said he was already out of physical w/d's so he wouldn't be a canidate for it because his w/d's were over.
Well he's been using again don't know for sure if he was back to where he was or not...wants to go on the sub, and it could be several days before he can start, he has no prescription or supply of the oxcys, so he has to steal money and get it from wherever he gets it. Needless to say that hasn't been working for me !! He has his mind set on this stuff, thinks it is going to magically make everything better. He won't read any of the posts, I have asked him several times to take a look. Any experience in this would be appreciated greatly.
If your son is past the first few days of withdrawal, then he should start with a very low dose of suboxone...... it doesn't matter when you start the drug, as long as you are already in withdrawals......
The suboxone will help your son get his energy back, get rid of that "fluish" feeling, help keep him from relapsing (since it has an opiate blocker in it), and give him time to start getting his life back.
I wish you both the best.
The suboxone will help your son get his energy back, get rid of that "fluish" feeling, help keep him from relapsing (since it has an opiate blocker in it), and give him time to start getting his life back.
I wish you both the best.
Hello. i started my sub. today.I is really good stuff not a high feeling but,it like im going to get my life be in order.Keerbear,its like danelle said i have been through w/ds of my own.I had a very low energy level and i detox at home for 2 months and went back to the pills.Good luck with you and your son.crystal
Thanks Danielle and Crystal
He has an appt tomorrow morning at 9:00. Dr told him he didn't think he would be able to start him tommorrow. Not sure what that's about, the Dr. is about 45 minutes away. If he can't start tomorrow, it's gonna be a long weekend! I know he will end up doing something stupid to get something. I have bought several of the OTC remedies for w/d that folks have posted on here. I think the mental cravings are the hardest part for him. Cyrstal, I am so glad you are having a good experience so far with it. The main thing I have been getting from this board about sub, is as low a dose as you can get by on and not for more then a few weeks. I have to admit it still scares me a little, could be trading one addiction for another. Thanks again you two, it meant alot to see your replys.
He has an appt tomorrow morning at 9:00. Dr told him he didn't think he would be able to start him tommorrow. Not sure what that's about, the Dr. is about 45 minutes away. If he can't start tomorrow, it's gonna be a long weekend! I know he will end up doing something stupid to get something. I have bought several of the OTC remedies for w/d that folks have posted on here. I think the mental cravings are the hardest part for him. Cyrstal, I am so glad you are having a good experience so far with it. The main thing I have been getting from this board about sub, is as low a dose as you can get by on and not for more then a few weeks. I have to admit it still scares me a little, could be trading one addiction for another. Thanks again you two, it meant alot to see your replys.