First of all thank you for all who have responded to me, you are all very caring and because of you I don't feel so alone anymore.
I had convinced myself when he called I would be calm but he is so rude, he has no patience and is aggravated over anything and everything I say. Of course in his eyes he is doing no wrong.....
I ended up telling hik if he doesn't talk to me like a human being not to call me and I hung up the phone, I tried calling him again but he has his answering machine on.
Is this behavior normal for an addict?????
I am hurting so...
Thanks for listening
Marie, my bf is rude to me also, and acts like he's not the one in the wrong also..and yes this is normal behaviour for an addict. Sometimes the way he talks to me, I wonder why I even bother talking to him at all..if he can't have any respect for me then I just do what you did, I hang up on him. I don't call back or he'll see you aren't very serious, let him call you.
They are drug you not see them putting their addictions before you? These are not things couples are supposed to fight over....this is not healthy....get fast as you can.
They are drug you not see them putting their addictions before you? These are not things couples are supposed to fight over....this is not healthy....get fast as you can.
marie, you've asked for information regarding the behaviors of addicts and what they are capable of doing.
did you check out the website that you were referred to ?
did you check out the website that you were referred to ?
Mine SO will call and tell me it is over. The he will call every few minutes to say something else. The conversation always starts with.."you know, you're the one who......blah, blah, blah,..... then I just keep asking "what do you want?" or "why are you calling?" This goes on and on.. On New Years Eve, he called seventeen times after he said it was over and I said ok, I going to bed. I finally turned the phone off. The messages in the morning were rather interesting. He just kept escalating with his anger and tone of voice. And he started cursing more with each message.
Thanks again...I ersased his new cellphone # so I wouldn't be tempted to call. We use to get alomg so well he was such a sweet and loving man. Now everything I say to him upsets him and he seems to only be plesant with his friends.
I am not going to call him for I no longer have his #, I love him with all my heart and I know that even in is sick mind he knows I will always be here for him.
But I am not sleeping or eating and am getting sick overthis.
I figured I am hurting withhim calling me and us fighting I might as well stay away and see what happens, it will hurt anyways.
I think he must be with someone else I don't know my imaginaition is making me think all these things.
I must be crazy but I love him and am sorried about him...
If he is an addict do you think he has to take drugs every day or every week? he's out of a job I'm just wondering..
I appreciate you guys so much you are all I've got, I can't discuss this with anyone else.
I am not going to call him for I no longer have his #, I love him with all my heart and I know that even in is sick mind he knows I will always be here for him.
But I am not sleeping or eating and am getting sick overthis.
I figured I am hurting withhim calling me and us fighting I might as well stay away and see what happens, it will hurt anyways.
I think he must be with someone else I don't know my imaginaition is making me think all these things.
I must be crazy but I love him and am sorried about him...
If he is an addict do you think he has to take drugs every day or every week? he's out of a job I'm just wondering..
I appreciate you guys so much you are all I've got, I can't discuss this with anyone else.
Marie: I know exactly what you are going through. My guy was a sweet and wonderful man when I first met him. We dated and went places, did things together, etc. After a year and a half he began to change drastically. We starting fighting over and over again. He's sooooooooo addicted to crack right now it's sad. He would yell and scream and curse and like you I would tell him not to talk to me like that. He would blame me for everything and also get so freaked out he would say that I did something that I didn't. Your boyfried is having an affair, but not with someone else, but with the drug. They don't care what they do but as long as they can have this fix when they need it. Bob is right please go to It surely opened my eyes. I just read this the other day. I'm through with protecting him anymore. I've kept alot of what he does just to me and not anyone else. However, I'm now talking to other people about what has been going on. I needed to do that. So don't protect him that's what they want too. My boyfriend right now tells me AGAIN, that he is going to re-hab . Well, we'll see if that really happens. Good luck and I hope things work out. Don't know how long you've been with this guy but if it hasn't been that long, I would get out of this relationship as soon as you can. I wish I knew then what I know now because I would not have even given him a chance with me. It's been a nightmare and too stressful. Constantly wondering what is going on. Again, good luck and do the right thing
Okay he is calling me more I think he might need something from me. He keeps telling me that it's my fault that we're not together.
I told him that with or without him I am miserable because I don't have the man that I fell in love with. He doesn't listen to me and is very aggressive, frustrated and angry at the world.
I have such a bad feeling that something terrible will happen to him, I asked and he isn't taking his depression/bipolar medication.
I suppose that he is hanging out with people that party, takes drugs and that's what he wants.
I did tell him I love him but I can't deal with this hell. I haven't had a good night sleep in weeks.
I will let you all know if I see him tonight, there's a part of me that wants to but there's another part of me that is afraid to.
I hope that one day when he is as low as he can get he will realize that I was right.
You guys are the best, I have printed your emails so I can read them at home, I'm at work and it's hard to read them.
I told him that with or without him I am miserable because I don't have the man that I fell in love with. He doesn't listen to me and is very aggressive, frustrated and angry at the world.
I have such a bad feeling that something terrible will happen to him, I asked and he isn't taking his depression/bipolar medication.
I suppose that he is hanging out with people that party, takes drugs and that's what he wants.
I did tell him I love him but I can't deal with this hell. I haven't had a good night sleep in weeks.
I will let you all know if I see him tonight, there's a part of me that wants to but there's another part of me that is afraid to.
I hope that one day when he is as low as he can get he will realize that I was right.
You guys are the best, I have printed your emails so I can read them at home, I'm at work and it's hard to read them.
Marie good luck with whatever you decide to do tonight. I too am supposed to see my bf tonight and I'm kinda dreading it, I know we will fight. Anyways don't let him blame you for the break up. My bf is blaming everything thats happened on me recently even though he's not seeing the big picture. NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED HAD HE NOT PICKED UP THAT PIPE!
Good luck, and let us know what happens. I will update you also with seeing mine tonight..should be fun.
Good luck, and let us know what happens. I will update you also with seeing mine tonight..should be fun.
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that he didn't call me last night so I didn't get to see him.
It seems that lately he siads he is going to call and he doesn't, he makes plans to see me but he doesn't.
By his voice I know that he isn't "High" every day ar atleast the times that I talk with him. Is this behavior normal if he is smoking pot or crack a few times a week. He is irritable with me always and even his voice is dry with little emotion.
I know that he probably is having fun with his cousin and friends who do some sort of drugs and I am beginning to think that maybe he met a woman who does the same. I know that I must just be boring for him right now.
Can pot be making him do these things, I mention pot because he doesn't have much money and is just working a couple of times a week. Or can it be the fact that he isn't taking his medication for depression.
Again I am so sorry to dump all this on you but I have no one else.
My heart is breaking......
It seems that lately he siads he is going to call and he doesn't, he makes plans to see me but he doesn't.
By his voice I know that he isn't "High" every day ar atleast the times that I talk with him. Is this behavior normal if he is smoking pot or crack a few times a week. He is irritable with me always and even his voice is dry with little emotion.
I know that he probably is having fun with his cousin and friends who do some sort of drugs and I am beginning to think that maybe he met a woman who does the same. I know that I must just be boring for him right now.
Can pot be making him do these things, I mention pot because he doesn't have much money and is just working a couple of times a week. Or can it be the fact that he isn't taking his medication for depression.
Again I am so sorry to dump all this on you but I have no one else.
My heart is breaking......
Dear Marie
While your heart is breaking you are feeling quite low and upset, from my experience you will not have the strength to make the right decisions, please take out some time now to think of yourself and get yourself feeling better, do you have just one close friend to talk to? you are using all your energy and love to help your boyfriend but he has to help himself and admit whats going said he's not taking his medication - he has chose to do this and it looks like he has chose to do "pot" or whichever drug, hey you are a nice person he knows this but he sounds confused and distressed and of course he wants to be around others doing the same - just give it time hopefully he'll soon realise he's going in the wrong direction, just leave it with him, it's certainly no reflection on you if he goes down the wrong path - and you certainly aren't boring if you don't do drugs! take care have to go love Molly.
While your heart is breaking you are feeling quite low and upset, from my experience you will not have the strength to make the right decisions, please take out some time now to think of yourself and get yourself feeling better, do you have just one close friend to talk to? you are using all your energy and love to help your boyfriend but he has to help himself and admit whats going said he's not taking his medication - he has chose to do this and it looks like he has chose to do "pot" or whichever drug, hey you are a nice person he knows this but he sounds confused and distressed and of course he wants to be around others doing the same - just give it time hopefully he'll soon realise he's going in the wrong direction, just leave it with him, it's certainly no reflection on you if he goes down the wrong path - and you certainly aren't boring if you don't do drugs! take care have to go love Molly.