From the bottom of my heart i wanted to thank all of you who posted to me in the last few weeks! if it wasn't for all of the people i met here i would NEVER be on my way to recovery! I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you! it has only been 23 hours but i now truely see the light at the end of the tunnel, this is the first time in a very long time i have hope! and it is because of all of you great people. THANK YOU soooo much i love you all so much (sounds like an oscar award speech or something lol) love angela xoxoxoxo
Glad to see you are feeling better. Have a good evening and keep us posted. So how many mgs did you take today? Sometimes people adjust there dose for the 1st couple days to find what works for them... Rae
hey rae, i took 1/2 of an 8mg, my dr suggested i take the other 1/2 before bed and repeat tomorrow. have a great night
good night everyone i'm off
good night everyone i'm off
where is everyone today? where did you all go?
Good mornin' Angela. How was your night? You sound like you feel pretty good. So, what is your plan? Do you take the sub 2 or 3 times per day? Did you take the first 4 mg and then another 4 before bed or did you end up needing more? Glad to hear you sounding so positive! Keep up the good work!
good morning jmr, that is exactly what i did yesterday (4mg then 4 mg 8 total) i think i took the second 4 mg to close, i took it right before bed but i started my 1st dose late also. anyway i think it was 2 much 2 fast cause i felt a little dizzy, hey i'll take that any day over percocet wd! yeah i do feel really great today mentally! i feel pretty good physically i am real tired but thats ok. i am just very ready for this i feel like a completly different person than i was this weekend (and the last 2 years) god i wish all the people on the fence could feel this feeling just for a minute so they could see there really is hope! how are you today?
I'm doing okay today. Thanks for asking. I'm just trying to get ready for this trip I've got this weekend. Not fun trying to get myself and my husband and 2 kids ready. I just want to get it over with and get back home so I can start moving forward with getting clean and getting on with my life! I'm sure you will figure out your doses/schedule within the first couple of days. I'm glad you found something that will help you. Did your doctor talk about how long you will probably be on the sub?
jmr, my dr said basically the time frame is up to me, initalilly he suggested 2 months but i want to take it day by day.are you leaving for your trip friday? and you said you want to start with a program when you get back? what are you thinking is going to be best for you? (sorry it took so long to reply i had to go to the food store)
I leave for my trip on thursday to washington dc for a wedding. (8 hours in a car with 2 boys 10 and 13 that fight constantly) we will be back on Monday. My husband is then on vacation the rest of the week. I'm gonna have to go cold turkey and I won't do it while he's home on vacation. Don't need to listen to his bullchit and I also don't want to ruin his time off. So I'm aiming for a week from Monday.
You still feeling pretty good today? Hopefully you can be on the sub long enough to be successful but not so long that you have a hard time getting off of it. I'm sure if you do it right it will be a god send to you. I'm happy for you. You've come a long ways in the last 3 weeks!
You still feeling pretty good today? Hopefully you can be on the sub long enough to be successful but not so long that you have a hard time getting off of it. I'm sure if you do it right it will be a god send to you. I'm happy for you. You've come a long ways in the last 3 weeks!
jodi, no luck with finding a sub dr in your area? did you check on the sub dr locator? there was about 10 in my area listed on there. if thats not working will you get any help from your regular dr? i forget how many pills are you taking a day at this point? will ct be bearable?my sub dr called a little while ago to check on me, then informed me i will need to have an office visit with him one day next week, at $250, i am a little anoyed, we just gave him $500 on friday which i thought was a per month fee he said that was for the inital consultation. i guess there is a down side to everything, it seems a little expensive to me?but if i didn't get on this i would be spending in on the streets on percs.
That does sound expensive but I guess it's worth it when you consider what you are getting in return. Having to pay that amount of money would be enough motivation to be on the sub only short-term. Anyways, the sub dr locator only lists 2 doctors in my area and I didn't even bother calling them. I have been tapering lately. I used to take 10-12 percs a day -- occasionally mixing in 30-60 mg morphine. I am down to approx 5-6 percs a day and 1 - 30mg morphine (morphine only 3 or 4 days a week). So I'm hoping it will be a little easier than the last time I went thru this. Plus, last time I couldn't get my hands on more pills. This time I will be doing it because I want to -- doing it on my own terms -- so maybe I won't feel so out of control. I wish I could get help from my family doctor but she just moved out of town at the end of May and I have yet to find a new one. She wasn't the type to help anyways. I don't really want my first appt. with a new doc to be about asking for help because I'm an addict. So I will be doing this on my own. Not looking forward to it but it's time.
jodi, mabye if you cut down a little more the wd woln't be so bad? sounds like you know a lot more about this stuff than i do. i don't blame you about the new dr thing, that would be a real crappy way to start your new relationship with a doc.