Thank You

This morning I woke up at 5:30 and, like most mornings, felt too guilty to go back to sleep. As soon as my husband left for work I logged onto my computer and typed "vicodin addiction recovery" into the search box. I found you guys. What a wonderful board. After reading some of your stories I called my doctor and told him that I was addicted to the pills he's been liberally prescribing me. Then I made an appointment with another doctor to talk about addiction and therapy. I'll see him at noon today. I'm so very scared. I know it will be hard to find the '"fun" in everyday activities again. But I have so many things to be grateful for.

I know I can do this but I need support from people who understand.

Thank you.

I am new here too. Seems like a great place to find information AND support.

You took the crucial first steps, good for you!! Please let us know how it goes!

Welcome to the board Cici and Detroit Johnny! I'm so happy that you have both decided to take back your lives...keep coming back!
Welcome to both of you! Life is better on the otherside, and you can have fun again.
That's a promise.
Welcome to the board,CiCi&DetroitJohnny.

CiCi,youve taken some very huge steps in taking back your life,congratulations.Its not going to be easy,and its going to be a long process,but one thats well worth it.

Tell us a little more about yourself.We are always here to help support as best as we can.Everyone here has been where you are,and experienced all that you will.Please hang around,post and read,you will get alot out of this place.It was a life saver for me,its been almost 2 years since i found this board and im still coming and still learning and still getting support from all the members here.(plus outside help is very useful)I look forward to hearing more from you both.~KIM
I hope we can pray for each other. This is my third time back here and I almost did not come back here out of shame but no one is judgemental they know addicts relapse. Do you have a goal??? My goal is to be clean sober and as funloving as I always was by our family trip in August. My mom is sick and it may be her last trip dammit she is a great mother I should be able to give her at least that!!!
It's good to see you back Roxy and Nice to have new people.. Welcome CiCi and Detroit Johnny!

No need for shame here.

I don't know how many times I relapsed. I can't count that high. lol.

I have faith in you all that you'll get there. You have to really want it and ask for help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help! It doesn't mean you're weak. It means you're smart.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help! It doesn't mean you're weak. It means you're smart

Stacey,truer words were never said!~KIM
It took me a while to learn that Kim. Then I was just like.... "what have I been doing!, I'm so stubborn!"

It's great to see you girl. Your new grandbaby is gorgeous. I'll write you soon and we can catch up.

Have a GOOD night!!!