Thank You!

I whined, asked for some prayer and encouragement, and though today was a tough one, I ended up making the rent, yahoo! (and the landlord scheduled me in for work next week! That is 2 for sure jobs I got today, plus a seperate bid!!) I was determined to finish a job I had going but not complete. Got there late, after a flat tire in the pouring down rain! I took the tire off, and thank god a used tire was available down the street for 30 bucks!! After getting to the job at 3:30pm I was ready to work it till midnight, as I allready post dated two checks and need to cover them in the morning. Picked up another contract today as well, and will work that as fast as I can, to collect for my way overdue utilities. I know this board has helped,its like my twighlight zone connection, hahaha!!

your awsome..........

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God Bless you..............

Thumper you are so cute! You brighten up the board with all your fun! (and sweet input)
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just a little test, I want to put pics up once in a while, lol
thank you.........
so do YOU..........

well allright !!!!!!!!

HI snoopy !

good job!

Oh, what a day you had, changing that tire in the rain by yourself....then working all those hours. I remember one day walking up a huge hill to work in the road since no sidewalks were shovelled of snow and getting splattered with slush from the cars because I had no ride that day. It sure is character building, but DOES build up your confidence in yourself. Pats on the back, honey and more prayers.
Bad days come and go...but just think how much easier they are to deal with without the pills and everything that goes with them. I'm in awe....poor thing, but you're getting there and you're doing it under your own steam. Good for you.

lol@ cybermom.....