I post a topic for my first week off of hydro and discuss my recovery and I get 3 responses. You guys are important to me and all that work I get 3 little responses.
Thanks a lot
Red, Keep up the good fight!
Red, are you being facetious?
Red, are you being facetious?
Morning Red,
I have been away for a few days..(prison) kidding.. work work work..
I emailed you a few days back regarding the day you went alone to the doctor. in your response to the one you sent me.
The bottom line is be proud of YOU, you have accomplished more than you ever thought you could,, taking the subway/bus into town alone, when you were scared to death, that alone was a new adventure, and will empower you and give you confidence. it is the things like this in life that is all apart of our growth, you made 's***' happen.instead of sitting back and whining about it. I for one am very proud of you.. I have told you this..
What would be a big help now is if you could read those posts of people starting sub for the first time and offer your experiences,, they will love to hear from you. Atlas comes to mind.. Check out her posts..
Take Care..
I have been away for a few days..(prison) kidding.. work work work..
I emailed you a few days back regarding the day you went alone to the doctor. in your response to the one you sent me.
The bottom line is be proud of YOU, you have accomplished more than you ever thought you could,, taking the subway/bus into town alone, when you were scared to death, that alone was a new adventure, and will empower you and give you confidence. it is the things like this in life that is all apart of our growth, you made 's***' happen.instead of sitting back and whining about it. I for one am very proud of you.. I have told you this..
What would be a big help now is if you could read those posts of people starting sub for the first time and offer your experiences,, they will love to hear from you. Atlas comes to mind.. Check out her posts..
Take Care..
Yes Janet he is..
Dear Redog:
I've been pulling for you all along - I'm sure the whole board has - that's a lot of people.
I know you can do it - you're a tough one and we know we have to be strong to whip this disease and pray that we stay clean.
Love, Jean
I've been pulling for you all along - I'm sure the whole board has - that's a lot of people.
I know you can do it - you're a tough one and we know we have to be strong to whip this disease and pray that we stay clean.
Love, Jean
Hey Red..if I didn't post to you, I am truly sorry. I look for your posts so I might of missed it. I also look for your emails...hint hint.
I guess I don't know much about the sub, so I don't know what to say. But I would like to know if your dr wanted you to get into any kind of support group?
I guess I don't know much about the sub, so I don't know what to say. But I would like to know if your dr wanted you to get into any kind of support group?
welcome dear,on the weekend things are slow.so dont feel to bad,we are here. so how are you today?feeling ok .what can we do for you?how much were you on? meetings?someone will come along soon,I have to go to work in a while ...poopie
Red, just curious if you had seen Rae's list of OTC meds for w/d...I just bumped it up for Percocet
Janet he started Sub a week ago..
thanks Brooks...as I have no experience with Sub there's not much that I can do, but give encouragement.
So you post a woe is me thread and then disappear...lol
Come on Red..I have to go and I wanted to at least say hi!
Oh well, use my email
Come on Red..I have to go and I wanted to at least say hi!
Oh well, use my email
Hi Red.... I don't get to visit the board much...but I just wanted you to know that even tho I don't know the exact situation.... I will be praying for you because I KNOW how hard it is to have hydro and then not have it in your system...so remember you have alot of people who care and are pulling for you....
God Bless you!!!
God Bless you!!!
Here is what he wrote on the 28th if this helps anyone:
Hey guys
How is everyone doing. Well i can not beleive its been a week already. I have been on sub for the past week. I am down to 8mgs a day and I should be off within a month, I am going to meetings and getting support. I relapsed severely this time and i am so thankful for all of you who cared and got me to where i am now. I have a long way to go but im getting there. Its been a week!
Hey guys
How is everyone doing. Well i can not beleive its been a week already. I have been on sub for the past week. I am down to 8mgs a day and I should be off within a month, I am going to meetings and getting support. I relapsed severely this time and i am so thankful for all of you who cared and got me to where i am now. I have a long way to go but im getting there. Its been a week!
Well today is day 8 for me. I went to NYC and went to the sub dr. I was on 16mgs a day then 12 now today is my last day of 4mg in the am and 4md in the pm. I have to call him tonight to see tomorrows does. I will be of sub in 2 weeks. Yes I also go to meetings. I relapsed soo bad this past time. As you may or may not know I have a girlfriend of 4 years. She left me about 3 months ago. Said she no longer loved me. I was going to buy her a ring lol. So any way that is when i used again. Up to 16 Nocors a day. So last week I said enough is enough and I went to the dr. I hate drugs and the way they controlled me and made me feel. YUCK
SO i treated myself and bought a Samsung 17inch flat screen monitor last night. Its sweet!
Well today is day 8 for me. I went to NYC and went to the sub dr. I was on 16mgs a day then 12 now today is my last day of 4mg in the am and 4md in the pm. I have to call him tonight to see tomorrows does. I will be of sub in 2 weeks. Yes I also go to meetings. I relapsed soo bad this past time. As you may or may not know I have a girlfriend of 4 years. She left me about 3 months ago. Said she no longer loved me. I was going to buy her a ring lol. So any way that is when i used again. Up to 16 Nocors a day. So last week I said enough is enough and I went to the dr. I hate drugs and the way they controlled me and made me feel. YUCK
SO i treated myself and bought a Samsung 17inch flat screen monitor last night. Its sweet!
LOL reddog see 'thats what Im talking about' ... do things nice for yourself.
Let the girlfriend go, as I told you, can't make someone love you and no one needs anyone to be who they are. OR to make them whole. You are doing fantastic!!!!
Like I said you may want to try and share with others on their posts/threads that are begging for help on SUB. I have no experience with it. I can not offer any experiences on it whatsoever. But you can.. :) A little encouragement to others goes a long way Pal..
BROOK (lol had to do )
Let the girlfriend go, as I told you, can't make someone love you and no one needs anyone to be who they are. OR to make them whole. You are doing fantastic!!!!
Like I said you may want to try and share with others on their posts/threads that are begging for help on SUB. I have no experience with it. I can not offer any experiences on it whatsoever. But you can.. :) A little encouragement to others goes a long way Pal..
BROOK (lol had to do )
RED GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I think you deserve a treat.Im sorry to hear of your loss.I am so glad you realized what you were doing &took the steps to help yourself All I can say is KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.Im sure going to meetings for the extra support as well as comming here helps..Take Care....mj
Hi redd
So how do you feel on the sub? Are you excited that you only have a couple more weeks of it and then your off drugs and ready to start your new life?
Its going to be great... You'll be clean, you'll get healthy inside and out, you're going to meet new people and friends and chics and youre going to look hot and have lots of fun adventures to look forward to-- Im so jealous!!!
So how do you feel on the sub? Are you excited that you only have a couple more weeks of it and then your off drugs and ready to start your new life?
Its going to be great... You'll be clean, you'll get healthy inside and out, you're going to meet new people and friends and chics and youre going to look hot and have lots of fun adventures to look forward to-- Im so jealous!!!
Hey Redd,
Hope you are doing better. Sorry I hit and miss the board alot. I do know how ya feel though. Sometimes I post something I really need a response on and don't get a response then I just go wipe it out. smile. Makes me wanna pick up my marbles and go somewhere else. I'm sorry. I hope you are doing well.
Sometimes I think people get caught up in the drama and forget to look out for the ones who need support.
Hang in there.
Hope you are doing better. Sorry I hit and miss the board alot. I do know how ya feel though. Sometimes I post something I really need a response on and don't get a response then I just go wipe it out. smile. Makes me wanna pick up my marbles and go somewhere else. I'm sorry. I hope you are doing well.
Sometimes I think people get caught up in the drama and forget to look out for the ones who need support.
Hang in there.
Lol Firesign such a nice post. Yea I will be a lot more interested in going out and meet new woman once in totally clean. I have not felt sick with the sub. I think it takes a few days to toally work in to where you feel pretty oggd. You dont wake up with that empty stomach like the hydro gave me,. Sub has a long half life of 37 hours so it lasts. I will be off of it in about 2 weeks, I have cut down a lot with little or no ill efftect. I do take a little prescrobed ativan at night, some muscle relaxers and 5mg ambien oh and .2mg clonodinbe at night. That really helps the legs and sweats
I have realized there is no reason to suffer and go ct again for me. I did it in february, it was hell and you feel very alone. Sub could be a wonderful live safer
I have realized there is no reason to suffer and go ct again for me. I did it in february, it was hell and you feel very alone. Sub could be a wonderful live safer
Well i hope when you get off the sub it will be smooth sailing from then on out.
Im really looking forward to reading your posts when your done with it! i know youre going to be so happy! And i agree, if you dont have to suffer, then dont!
Im really looking forward to reading your posts when your done with it! i know youre going to be so happy! And i agree, if you dont have to suffer, then dont!