Thanks To Everyone

I am working on Day 5 and I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has given me such wonderful feedback. I go to meetings, talk to people, pray, and read - which is all very helpful. But I have to tell you that the warm feelings I get from all of my fellow addicts (even those who are truely struggling) is what helps keep me stronger. You guys are my shoulder to lean on when I need it and you gently nudge me in the right direction as well. I just always thought I found this site by accident ( but for those of you who know my story my Mom must have figured I needed all of you wonderful people to help in my recovery now that she was gone)
I know we are all working on staying clean - God knows that is a full-time job and then some, but I just wanted everyone to know what I difference you have made for me and help get me back on track. I know I am just one of a whole bunch of addicts looking to stay clean but I thought you should all know how much I appreciate all of your feedback - coming to this site makes my heart happy, even when I am feeling down.
You should all feel a part of my good feelings.
Thanks for evrything so far and everything else I will need in the coming days,
Thanks for making my day, JD. I love stories like yours. You can and will do this.

Hey Jd,
Well done for getting to day 5, thats awesome!!! Just keep letting us know how your feeling xxx
Gabs xxx
Keep up the great work JD -- you are helping all of us.
Great news JD. Keep on going. You're an inspiration to me. Thanks
Jd you put a smile on my face..Keep up the great work..big hugs, Kimberly
That's WONDERFUL, JD! Glad you "accidently" found this site!

God bless!

way to go JD, 5 days and still going strong!
