Thanks To You All For This Afternoon

Hey guys, I see it's a preety much different night group here. But if any one is on who helped thru today, THANK YOU:)
I'm on day 4 of WD's and was whinng all day about not being able to take it anymore, and this board ws there for me.
Work sent me home 1/2 hour early, cause I'm shivering at my desk, wearing a big oversized leather jacket. I'm in S. FL, it was in the mid 70's today, you do the math:)
I came home and slept for an hour, woke up in a mess of sweat (again) but after trudgingup the stairs(very, very weak) I got in the shower and...
Felt Normal!!!
No chills, no anxiety, nothing!
I know there is probably more to come, but thanks to everyone's help today, I kept fighting it, and pushed thru, and in the past week, have not felt this good.
Hugs & kisses to you all for today!

A great post to remind people that as awful as withdrawals are....they dont last forever...they just feel that way..lolo

Reminds me that God is a gentle and forgiving God and we do get 2nd chances..sometimes more than once.....

Suffering a bit is I think, a good incentive to stay away from playing around with pills...Im so happy for you that you made it through the worst of withdrawls...

If you have a few more moments of feeling bad..remember that this too will pass.


Hang in there!!!!!

hang in there,you can do this , all this will pass soon.kelli
Yeah, there may be more ickiness to come, still sneezing my butt off, but I feel like me again. It can happen. My fiance is shocked to look at me, says he hasn't seen me smile like this in over a week. He thinks I've had "the flu".
Thanks again to you all who have been helping me the last few days. God Bless!