I want to thank everyone on this site, I have learned alot over the last few days, and most importantly, to me, I no longer feel so alone.
I am currently at day 9 of my detox, and as you can see from the time I am struggling with insomnia..........have been for 20+ yrs. infact that is what got me using.
I have been clean of my DOC hydrocodone for as long as 10 days in the last few months, but always relapse, this has been my pattern over the last five years.......I have no support system, nobody knows I am using, and I have been too ashamed to go to meetings......I know this is common, and this forum is my first step into starting my support. I have researched a group tailored to my profession, and plan to contact them if this type of support stops working and I relapse again. I know I should contact them now, I just am not ready.
My point is I feel so much more hopeful I can do it, because I know I am not alone in this struggle ....getting hard to type ,,......O'm tearing up, and it is because of everyone of you out there. So thank you!
Ok, I'm going to try to get some rest...wish me luck on day 10
Hey Paul i remember being where you are right now full of emotion once i relised there are people who understand and prepared to listen, what a huge weight off my shoulders. good luck on your day 10 such a huge step in the right direction, jackie xxxx
I do wish you luck and hope on day ten. Your post was very encouraging. It sounds like you are well on your way to recovery. I, too, have trouble with insomia at times and I get on here and read alot. It helps me put things into perspective and I am grateful that this support group is here. I have a son that is fighting an addiction with pain pills. Actually, I came close myself after having surgery.
I hope you find the support and help you need here. I have formed some very close relationships on here with a few people that have been there for me and vice versa. I believe some key components to recovery is the support and the understanding and unconditional acceptance of others in similar situations. We are all in the same boat so to speak, sharing our struggles and stories of hope, whether we are the addict, or the loved one of an addict.
God Bless you,
I do wish you luck and hope on day ten. Your post was very encouraging. It sounds like you are well on your way to recovery. I, too, have trouble with insomia at times and I get on here and read alot. It helps me put things into perspective and I am grateful that this support group is here. I have a son that is fighting an addiction with pain pills. Actually, I came close myself after having surgery.
I hope you find the support and help you need here. I have formed some very close relationships on here with a few people that have been there for me and vice versa. I believe some key components to recovery is the support and the understanding and unconditional acceptance of others in similar situations. We are all in the same boat so to speak, sharing our struggles and stories of hope, whether we are the addict, or the loved one of an addict.
God Bless you,