The Attacks Are......

well they are just plain childish
i came here in october wanting help and i mean i was a mess. well i got it (then). i got help from addicts and i got help from non-addicts both equal and both the same i believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can get back to the place we need to be. i know my higher power (God) is not happy with the junk going on here and that is the reason i have been realativly quiet til now. the only power i see benifiting from all this mess is the lower power (the devil) which seems to be most peoples h.p. lately. so why don't we just quit it and start over:

hello my name i johnny and i am an addict...........

thank you
IM gone for awhile until things settle down this is getting out of hand ... still love all poopieg
I came here to talk to others with the same problems as myself..and for support during my withdraws and in quitting pain killers. I'm sorry I don't know what is going on but please don't argue we are all here for one whenever we need it.
Hey Johnny,

Well, It's a new day and I for one will like to just start over. My name is Liz and I'm an alcoholic/addict, I really would like to be able to be support to people as I can surely use some myself.
I want to apologize for my part in the arguments that went on here yesterday. I seriously don't like to hurt anyone's feelings. I just felt bad for somebody who was getting their feelings hurt. I shouldn't had went out and started hurting others though. I have to be honest too, this thing with Danny and what he is doing to those girls was a huge trigger for me. It's not right that he keeps posting that stuff then calls people here junkies. I'm not trying to start things back up but something needs to be done about him too and his part in the chaos around here.


Hey Johnny, Y, Mdgirl and Liz...............

Johnny, you are such a sweet guy. Thank you for this post. I know God is not happy with how we are acting, either. I have asked Him to forgive me for my participation in it, and I am asking all of you, too. I lost it. Plain and simple. It would have been so much better for me to stay out of it because of the triggers.

But anyway.....just wanted to add.......yes, it is a new day and I would like to start over, also.

Hi, my name is Carol and I am a drug addict. I would like to help anyone on this board who I can and maybe learn something about my disease and myself in return.

Thanks everyone.......
Love, Carol
Hey Carol,

Nice meeting you, I hope everyone else will follow...I'm not going to get into the drama anymore. I just can't deal with it anymore...Good new day here.


Hey Liz, Nice meeting you, too. I truly hope many will follow and that they will mean it. This board did so much for me during my withdrawal period, I feel an attachment that I am not ready to let go of yet. Hope this works.
Have a great weekend! and thanks!

Love, Carol
see doesnt that feel good i love you guys huddles i give you my heart and part of my peace of mind love poopie
Hey Carol,

Well I truley mean it. This board has been a great help to me also. I really do love the people here. Everybody just got off on the wrong foot here lately,just been a little crazy but believe me, These people here are great. I really do love them all.
I'm going to take a nap now, so tired. Up at 5 after I couldn't get to sleep last night. I suffer with insomia. It really sucks.

look at all the postes we all all angel its funny oooo one dod and a tiger i thought it was funny i mean dog poopie now im going my dogs are going crazy mommy I lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo poopie i love you all

sorry, got a phone call that took 1 1/2 hours........ are so funny and sweet and we love you too. Have fun w/the dogs!

Talk to everyone later!
Hey everyone, now that we are getting back to support and recovery..I want to come back..
Kerry isn't it great to know we can all still come together for our common bond?????mj
Standing Up for Ourselves

We learn some behaviors have self-defeating consequences, while others have beneficial consequences. We learn we have choices.
Beyond Codependency


It is so easy to come to the defense of others. How clear it is when others are being used, controlled, manipulated, or abused. It is so easy to fight their battles, become righteously indignant, rally to their aid, and spur them on to victory.

"You have rights," we tell them. "And those rights are being violated. Stand up for yourself, without guilt."

Why is it so hard, then, for us to rally to our own behalf? Why can't we see when we are being used, victimized, lied to, manipulated, or otherwise violated? Why is it so difficult for us to stand up for ourselves?

There are times in life when we can walk a gentle, loving path. There are times, however, when we need to stand up for ourselves - when walking the gentle, loving path puts us deeper into the hands of those who could mistreat us.

Some days, the lesson we're to be learning and practicing is one of setting boundaries. Some days, the lesson we're learning is that of fighting for our own rights and ourselves.

Sometimes, the lesson won't stop until we do.


Today, I will rally to my own cause. I will remember that it is okay to stand up for myself when that action is appropriate. Help me, God, to let go of my need to be victimized. Help me appropriately, and with confidence, stand up for myself.
There are no "big deals" on a recovery bulletin Board, unless someone is close to using or in severe pain because they can't see a way out. All the rest is ego. And I have been drawn in with the best of them. Especially, as Boo Its me's post points out, when I feel the need to come to another's defense......So here's my prayer for today:

Lord, please help me when I feel like my input is desperately needed in a pi***ng match on this Board, or when I believe my character has been questioned and needs to be defended at all costs, or when I believe someone else is being unfairly maligned and desperately needs me to come to their rescue. . . . . Lord, in those times of trouble and discord, please give me the strength to reach way down . . . way down under my desk.....and turn my computer off.

LOL. Peace, M.
none, nice prayer..mind if i uses that one myself? ;) here's one more i found that might be helpful....for whatever its spoke to me anyway.....

The process of human change begins within us. We all have tremendous potential.
We all desire good results from our efforts. Most of us are willing to work hard
and to pay the price that success and happiness demand.

Each of us has the ability to put our unique human potential into action and to
acquire a desired result. But the one thing that determines the level of our
potential, that produces the intensity of our activity, and predicts the quality
of the result we receive is our attitude.

Attitude determines how much of the future we are allowed to see. It decides the
size of our dreams and influences our determination when we are faced with new
challenges. No other person on earth has dominion over our attitude. People can
affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking habits or unintentionally
misinforming us or providing us with negative sources of influence, but no one
can control our attitude unless we voluntarily surrender that control.

No one else "makes us angry." We make ourselves angry when we surrender control
of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose, not
they. They merely put our attitude to a test. If we select a volatile attitude
by becoming hostile, angry, jealous or suspicious, then we have failed the test.
If we condemn ourselves by believing that we are unworthy, then again, we have
failed the test.

If we care at all about ourselves, then we must accept full responsibility for
our own feelings. We must learn to guard against those feelings that have the
capacity to lead our attitude down the wrong path and to strengthen those
feelings that can lead us confidently into a better future.

If we want to receive the rewards the future holds in trust for us, then we must
exercise the most important choice given to us as members of the human race by
maintaining total dominion over our attitude. Our attitude is an asset, a
treasure of great value, which must be protected accordingly. Beware of the
vandals and thieves among us who would injure our positive attitude or seek to
steal it away.

Having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. The
combination of a sound personal philosophy and a positive attitude about
ourselves and the world around us gives us an inner strength and a firm resolve
that influences all the other areas of our existence.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

Reproduced with permission from the Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine. usual, you have a simple solution to a big problem. Thanks for the laugh. My peace here was just shattered by the sound of BB's flying through my house. Major problem here. That son I am always bragging about has really done it this time.Anger mgmt. is just what I need to be focusing on right now.
Pray for me (and him).
You are so funny!

Carol your cute.Pray for him?????mj

Lol...You are one funny guy.

Rachel, what you been up to? I know it can't be shoveling snow.... M.