My b/f is trying so hard to stay away from the stuff I think it's making him crazy. He hasn't done anything since Friday, last week. At least I don't think so. He's trying to get into another re-hab and has called many numbers trying. However, last night he was feeling very depressed and edgy. I really never saw him like this before. He finally told me that he was getting the craving big time and didn't know what to do. He told me to take his keys, which I did and I hid them. I told him if he got really agitated that I would give them back to him because I just don't want to fight anymore. I've had enough fighting. I really felt bad because I could tell he was hurting. Not sure if this was the right thing for him to do but he did have a couple of beers. He said that took the edge off. I suppose this is better than "crack".
But like I said I don't know whether that was the right thing either. One hand feeds the other. But he did make it through the night and he did fight the craving, I think. So here's another day and I'm at work right now. His keys are on the table so let's see if he can go another day. I really hope so. He says he really wants to stop and that he hates the stuff and it's not worth it anyway. I'm on edge wondering whether he'll take off again. I told him not to answer his phone if the people who gives him the stuff calls. I guess I sound like I'm mothering him, which I shouldn't do either. I really hope that he does what he says he really wants to do. He realizes that this is the last draw and that there will be no more chances. He's so depressed about his past and how he has hurt alot of people, including himself. He said he never fit in with his family and the only fit with what he's doing now. It's very sad to see him like this. He is pouring his heart out to me which he's really never done before. As I said to him the bottomline is that you need to get into a re-hab soon before it's too late. Please pray for him that he does the right think today. Thanks for listening again. One question I have is : what is the right thing to do when the craving begins?
I would suggest that if you are around during the cravings, that you do something to keep the mind otherwise occupied. At all costs, avoid alcohol and weed, as this just makes matters worse. I am in the same boat with my bf, unfortunately though, he does it straight from work, so I am not around to try help at that time!!! It's horrible coz I spend alot of my time dreading the fact that he might be doing it. Ultimately though, they have to help themselves, they should try and be strong and fight the urge, I know it's not easy, but it's the only solution.
I went through the "take my keys" lastnight, and let me tell you, even though he doesnt want to, Im sure he has a spare you dont know about. Mine did.
And Ive found, with few rescources as students (not having the time anymore to leave for detox) Weed and Alcohol are some of the few things that DO help fight a relapse.
And Ive found, with few rescources as students (not having the time anymore to leave for detox) Weed and Alcohol are some of the few things that DO help fight a relapse.