The Difference Between A Sponsor And A Therapist

Twelve Ways To Tell The Difference Between Your Sponsor and Your Therapist:

1. Your sponsor isn't all that interested in the "reasons" you drank or used.

2. Your therapist thinks your root problem is your lack of self-esteem and your negative self-image. Your sponsor thinks your problem is yourself.

3. Your therapist wants to pamper your inner child. Your sponsor thinks it should be spanked.

4. Your sponsor thinks your inventory should be about you, not your parents.

5. Speaking of your parents, your sponsor tells you not to confront them, but to make amends to them.

6. The only time your sponsor uses the word "closure" is before the word "mouth".

7. Your sponsor thinks "boundaries" are things you need to take down, not build up.

8. Your therapist wants you to love yourself first; your sponsor wants you to love others first.

9. Your therapist prescribes care-taking and medication. Your sponsor prescribes prayer making and meditation.

10. Your sponsor thinks "anger management skills" are numbered 1 through 12.

11. Now that you haven't had a drink for 6 months, your therapist thinks you should make a list of all your goals and objectives for the next 5 years, starting with finishing up that college degree. Your sponsor thinks you should start today by cleaning coffee pots and helping them carry a heavy box of literature to the jail.

12. Sponsors will not lose their licenses if they talk about God.

That's good, August.

6. The only time your sponsor uses the word "closure" is before the word "mouth".

I think Ms. Katbird used that one on me a time or two...LOL

I love my sponsor!
There's a reprint for my daughter...very good!
6. The only time your sponsor uses the word "closure" is before the word "mouth".

.......or when you can't pay the bill
I hear what your saying A but it depends on your therapist. I realize that this was serious and part tongue in cheek but my therapist is awesome and we talk about God all the time. I'm not trying to be argumentative I'm just saying.
Whatever works work it. btw She is always at the end of the line if I call and need her too. I'm sure you would agree there are good and bad in both professions. I did get a few chuckles out of the post though.

With Respect,'

Oh I absolutely agree, Jan. In fact, I would not have gotten past the "God" thing without the help of my therapist. That pretty much rules out #12 as far as I am concerned. Well, for that matter, I never would have realized I was an addict or sought out NA and AA without her help. She worked with AA, not against it.

The official position on therapists is along the lines that we are screwed up people and we need to take advantage of professional help when we can.

As I see it, AA is more like a battlefield medic in the addiction wars. Therapy is the hospital and the long term rehab from the wounds we have suffered. This addict needs both.

I got this indirectly from a former sponsor who went out on a slip a few years ago. He does not think much of therapy (I think he could use some) but I was so happy that he is addressing his addiction issues again, that I posted it.

It was more tongue in cheek than anything. I do agree that sponsors are all about action, whereas therapists are about transforming our motives for our actions.

Thanks for your views,

I knew there was a reason why I was dragging my feet in getting a sponser!
Hey Alice, that getting into action part can be pretty difficult. You might find it is worth the effort, though.