Hi, I've been coming here for the last 6 or 7 weeks (which I would imagine would be a first indication that I wanted to get out), and have been watching you guys but did not talk. I have been on Ultracet/Tramadol for the last 10 months daily, sometimes up to 14-16 a day. Mollyjean, I've been following your story especially. Seeing all of you manage through what you've been through, and coming to grips with myself and my own situation, I've decided it's time to put a stop to it. Yesterday am, I took 6 tramadol, and later that afternoon I flushed the rest down the toilet. I am empty and I refuse to use my income to get more.
This morning I finally broke down and told my beautiful wife, who I have kept this from entirely. She has been very supportive to me today, but is clearly torn right now and is really really hurt by this. She is afraid that I'm not the person I used to be. We are going to a chemical dependence clinic tomorrow, my appointment is at noon to speak to a counselor and find out where I need to go from here.
I've tried all the previous methods...tapering (yeah, right), C/T, and every time the w/ds are too much for me. I'm dreading even today and tomorrow. My question to you guys who have had the suboxone is how do you go about getting it and making it a program you can work with. My biggest fear is that I am not going to be able to get in to see a doctor for several days before I can talk to someone about it, and I am dreading the thought of 4 or 5 days of w/d. I'm hoping the clinic I go to tomorrow will be able to refer me to someone who can hopefully help me right away...is there anyone else out there who went to a clinic like this and can tell me either yes or no, or can any of you share your stories about going to a clinic on an out-patient type?
you guys are really inspiring...without knowing it, you convinced me to have the courage to do this for myself.
Hey new guy,your right I have been through hell with that.My tolerence just kept going up & up.I finally broke down & he put me on the suboxone.I can tell you Tuesday will be 2 weeks since I had any Ultram.My first day on the sub I had no leg pain no W/D symptoms at all.I had alittle adjustments to make as my body got use to it but I feel GREAT.NOT HIGH.I just feel good.Yes I've had my depressed moments but I just work through it.I am usaually on the board in the amsNY time.I get up at like 5.I will keep checking in on you.This site helped me save myself & I will do all I can to help you.I gotta go for now but as I said I will check in on you.BY THE WAY >>>>>>WELCOME OPEN ARMS TO HELP YOU ARE PLENTIFUL HERE>You should feel very proud of yourself for doing this.IT IS WORTH IT....mj
J-D. I was introduced to Suboxone at a clinic. They had a Dr. there who was able to write a script. I then had to bring to pills back to the clinic and they gave me some there. They have to watch you the first day in order to figure out how much you should be taking. After about a month of meetings they let me just keep the pills myself. I have been on Suboxone for about 16 months and I am now trying to ween mself down. I just started taking 2MG a day. Someone also posted a web site on this site that listed Dr.s who could write for Suboxone. Hope this helps. Good luck. You have takin the first step which is the hardest.
Thanks to both of you. Wife and I are sorting through some stuff right now...she's really confused as to how I could go for so long without telling her or her not knowing.
Thanks old timer...my main question was if someone at the clinic would be able to help me with the w/d when i go to see them tomorrow. I don't care if they check on me every 2 hours, I just can't keep going feeling like this with the colds and hots and pain.
Has anyone else out there gone to a clinic like old timers? will they give me suboxone if i talk to them about it?
thanks guys...by the way, i'm 27 from st. louis, MO. Go Rams...uh, wait...go Cards!
Thanks old timer...my main question was if someone at the clinic would be able to help me with the w/d when i go to see them tomorrow. I don't care if they check on me every 2 hours, I just can't keep going feeling like this with the colds and hots and pain.
Has anyone else out there gone to a clinic like old timers? will they give me suboxone if i talk to them about it?
thanks guys...by the way, i'm 27 from st. louis, MO. Go Rams...uh, wait...go Cards!
also, molly...how long did you go without taking the ultracet before you started the sub? I've heard conflicting stories on how long you have to have gone before you can start the sub...when i go to the clinic, it will have been 48 hours for me since my last one.
Just wanted to say welcome. There are alot of great people here who can help you. I wish you well tomorrow. You can do it.
You are much braver than I by a long shot.I only went 24-25 hours.I was Ok My md started me at 2mg every 2 hours till I reached the fixed amount of 8mg per day.My biggest complant I guess would of been my lack of energy.I hated that lazy feeling.i don't know how you'll be everyone is different.JUST SO YOU KNOW as I said before I will try & help you as much as I can.I couldn't or wasn't tuff enough to CT and tapering for me was not good either.So far the Sub has been great.This is the first time in 3 long years that Its been ALMOST 2weeks since I had any.When you get this point(where I am now at)it WILL feel great to be able to say"I am a RECOVERING ADDICT"You will feel that I'll be pulling for ya.Gotta go do dinner.Take Care & nice talking with you.....mj
did the same MD that prescribed you the ultracet give you the sub? I was just wondering if more doctors can prescribe sub than are listed on that website that everyone referred me to. Missouri only has 16 md's listed as being able to prescribe it.
thanks for all the encouragement...
did the same MD that prescribed you the ultracet give you the sub? I was just wondering if more doctors can prescribe sub than are listed on that website that everyone referred me to. Missouri only has 16 md's listed as being able to prescribe it.
thanks for all the encouragement...
Hey Jd you can also look in the phone book for addictologists, they can perscribe too and sometimes aren't listed on the locator..........
Hey new guy
Welcome aboard, you will find alot of help and support here. If you are going to an addiction recovery clinic that is a step in the right direction. They will help you. I don't know if just any doctor can prescribe sub but I would imagine that where you are going they might have a doctor that can or at least refer you to one. Try calling in the morning and ask them.
As far as how long you should be clean before taking sub, my doctor wanted me to be at least 24 hours. I was 36 hours clean and feeling pretty bad, but after the first dose I felt better and am feeling good ever since.
Good luck to you and let us know how you're doing,
Welcome aboard, you will find alot of help and support here. If you are going to an addiction recovery clinic that is a step in the right direction. They will help you. I don't know if just any doctor can prescribe sub but I would imagine that where you are going they might have a doctor that can or at least refer you to one. Try calling in the morning and ask them.
As far as how long you should be clean before taking sub, my doctor wanted me to be at least 24 hours. I was 36 hours clean and feeling pretty bad, but after the first dose I felt better and am feeling good ever since.
Good luck to you and let us know how you're doing,
Cant really talk but wanted to say hey to REDD you are still going good?ME TO.I think maybe we can do this.Its great to hear how well you sound.
As for the Question,my MD has a special liecnse? I know he had to go to classes etc to be able to prescribe,and yes he was one of the ones that gave me Ultram.I Know though its not a Drs fault that I took so many its because of me & my issues ya know.Gosh the things you can see away from the fog......mj
As for the Question,my MD has a special liecnse? I know he had to go to classes etc to be able to prescribe,and yes he was one of the ones that gave me Ultram.I Know though its not a Drs fault that I took so many its because of me & my issues ya know.Gosh the things you can see away from the fog......mj
JD, welcome to the board, your the same age as me, but different choice of drug,my is vic. or lortab, i can't be much help, i need to help myself first, before i start giving out advise, just take it slow, it will all work out for the good! My husband is my rock, he knows and trys his best to help. That is good, your wife is there for you, make sure she understands every, its hard when your not in our shoes. GoodLuck, i'll be on and off, if you ever need to talk.
Hey New Guy, Welcome!!!
I can relate about telling your wife about your addiction. I told my husband (but not the extent of the abuse and $ yet) and he was supportive, but doesn't really get it.
For persons who are not addicts, it's very difficult to understand why we pop a bunch of pills everyday. They say, "just don't take anymore! LOL!
My suggestion would be to get your wife some literature on addiction, maybe from NA or Al-Anon. She will need to be educated on addiction as you go through recovery.
I'm so glad you joined us; there's a lot of wisdom (and certainly a TON) of experience here!
I can relate about telling your wife about your addiction. I told my husband (but not the extent of the abuse and $ yet) and he was supportive, but doesn't really get it.
For persons who are not addicts, it's very difficult to understand why we pop a bunch of pills everyday. They say, "just don't take anymore! LOL!
My suggestion would be to get your wife some literature on addiction, maybe from NA or Al-Anon. She will need to be educated on addiction as you go through recovery.
I'm so glad you joined us; there's a lot of wisdom (and certainly a TON) of experience here!
So I called the clinic I'm going to tomorrow and they said they don't do anything as far as suboxone goes. How long am I going to have to wait to be able to get an appointment with one of the doctors on the list? I thought I would be able to get in somewhere on Monday and be able to get started on it. Was I completely naive to think that I could do that?
Right now I just feel like I made a huge mistake flushing the rest of the pills...I'm pretty miserable, and the only thing that was making me feel better was knowing that tomorrow I might get onto a program that would work for me. I just hope I don't have to wait 4 or 5 days before I can even see someone who can help me with the sub.
ugh...this feels terrible
Right now I just feel like I made a huge mistake flushing the rest of the pills...I'm pretty miserable, and the only thing that was making me feel better was knowing that tomorrow I might get onto a program that would work for me. I just hope I don't have to wait 4 or 5 days before I can even see someone who can help me with the sub.
ugh...this feels terrible
what else can i do for myself right now? wife is frustrated because she doesn't know how to help...but I don't really know how to help either.
i took a b-12 vitamin earlier today, but that didn't really help me at all.
anyone who's been there before, can you help me with some suggestions?
i took a b-12 vitamin earlier today, but that didn't really help me at all.
anyone who's been there before, can you help me with some suggestions?
don't give up quiet yet, the clinic tomorrow, might be able to help you, just try to make it through tonight, and then get up and go to the clinic. Have you looked on the suboxone finder and try to find a doctor in your area, you might have to travel alot of miles but it might just be worth it. I know the closest one to me is in kentucky, which i live in wv, but its closer to for me to go to kentucky, a 2 hour drive then go up north 4 hours away! Your suboxone doc. might be able to take you in, in the next week, so just don't give up, there is a cure out there somewhere, be patient!
Hey, you are on the right track. I was on methadone for 2 1/2 years in an attempt to get clean from opiates. Then I needed to get off methadone which proved harder than the original opiates. I found, by the grace of God a doctor who prescribes seboxone and subutek. It worked like a freaking dream. He gave me valium and klonopin to help with the anxiety. After not taking Methadone, I just had to wait for the withdrawals to come, I kept calling the doctor to see if it was ok to start the saboxone. He could tell by the sound of my voice when it was time. So realistically I only suffered for a few hours, then I took lmy first dose. 15 minutes later I was stable. I stayed on it for a few weeks, slowly tapering my dose, until finally one day I woke up and didn't have totake any" Yahoooo!!!!!! I do take anti depressants now, religiously, and probably always will. Small price to pay for getting my freedom back from the hell of addiction. Good Luck to you, you are in my prayers!
Hi JD,
Just wanted to say welcome and CONGRATULATIONS on flushing the remainder of those tramadol! I had to do the same thing, with hydro, after trying to taper down for 2 weeks. I think you're in store for a bit of a rough period with physical withdrawal. Drink lots of water, Motrin for the aches, Immodium A-D liberally for the runs, OTC meds for the flu-like symptoms, hot baths or showers, Sleepy Time Tea or some other sleep aid..... If tramadol is like hydro, the worst should be over by day 3 or 4, then it gets much better physically. Going to see a counsellor is a really smart move -- getting a plan to treat the mental addiction is essential.
Good luck and glad you're here.
Just wanted to say welcome and CONGRATULATIONS on flushing the remainder of those tramadol! I had to do the same thing, with hydro, after trying to taper down for 2 weeks. I think you're in store for a bit of a rough period with physical withdrawal. Drink lots of water, Motrin for the aches, Immodium A-D liberally for the runs, OTC meds for the flu-like symptoms, hot baths or showers, Sleepy Time Tea or some other sleep aid..... If tramadol is like hydro, the worst should be over by day 3 or 4, then it gets much better physically. Going to see a counsellor is a really smart move -- getting a plan to treat the mental addiction is essential.
Good luck and glad you're here.
DEAR JD HOT BATHS are awesome for leg cramps & such.Try to keep drinking alot of water & juices.I really don't know much more because I was too weak to do it your way.Thats why I think you are so brave.Keep on doing what you wanted to do & kick this habit to the curb,,,,mj
OK guys well I tried to call every doctor on that list in my area...none of them can get me in to see them until 3 weeks from now except for one, which doesn't take my insurance and told me it would be $5000 ($3000 up front) for the program. No way I can afford that, so now I'm just really stuck as to what to do.
I am still going to the clinic at noon today and then I actually broke down and called my MD and I'm going to see him at 2 today. I hope maybe he'll have some answers for me as to where I can go to start a sub program. My wife is my rock right now...I'm a freakin mess. Wish me luck...thanks for the advice and support.
I am still going to the clinic at noon today and then I actually broke down and called my MD and I'm going to see him at 2 today. I hope maybe he'll have some answers for me as to where I can go to start a sub program. My wife is my rock right now...I'm a freakin mess. Wish me luck...thanks for the advice and support.