My boyfriend is relentlessly going back and fourth on this stop start thing. He told me the other night that it is harder when taking methadone now because before he took pills and than was able to quit. Now he is addicted to snorting when he wakes up and says he doesnt know what to do with himself without doing that. And- the treatments dont work as well.
How does one kick that snort craving? I feel like telling him to snort some baby powder! Just kidding on topic not funny. He said that he got cocaine to have something to snort when going to his 20 year high school reunion. Now he hates cocaine or at least doesnt like it. Just wanted to snort so bad and not do oxy's or Heroin. He seems to have switched to heroin because it is cheaper I dont know.
Bottom line..if anyone who has had this problem has any tips as to how to not want to snort something let me know. I need to offer him some advice.
Good luck to all. Please help
Hey Jennifer,
Well I see that you are still fighting hard searching for answers for the bf.......they put him on methadone? Send me an e-mail or write back to let me know how you are doing. I have been worried about you.
Well I see that you are still fighting hard searching for answers for the bf.......they put him on methadone? Send me an e-mail or write back to let me know how you are doing. I have been worried about you.