The Truth Comes Out

Well, after a week of everything wonderful, it hit today. Tell me what you think of this scenerio.
I was in the masterbath stripping wall paper. I clearly heard my husband say, "I've got to get him out of here" as he walked out of the room.
I heard my son say something about the dogs. Then I heard my husband and son going at it. This went on for a few minutes. I then heard my husband say "you better get him out of here, I don't care if you're coming home or not, just get him out of here." I grabbed my purse, walked into the living room. They were in each others face yelling. I heard my husband calling my son a 'retard' (I don't like that word). My son was in tears. He told his dad that he was just using him to get me to come back home.
As I was leaving, my youngest asked what happened. I told him I don't know, but I was getting his brother out of the house. Well then my youngest told me I was not his mother because I always leave. I told him to ask his father what happened. His father walked in the room and said I was siding with my son again. I said I was getting him out of there.
On the way back to the apartment, my son told me that everything was fine until his dad kicked the puppy. He told his dad not to do that. Which he not only did again, but he picked one up and dropped it also. This started the confrontation. It does follow the time line as far as what I heard.
The way I see it. My husband planned on a confrontation before it even happenned. This is my roller coaster. His word against mine. But to tell you the truth; when I moved out, he purposely stepped in my path causing me to stop. When I ran into him, he said he was going to call the police, I assaulted him. I have been trying to tell the police time and time again, that my husband purposely does things to my son knowing that it is his word against my son. I believe my son and this infuriates my husband. But I know that my husband uses. And as far as the law....I have been told it is not illegal to do drugs; it is illegal to be caught with drugs. So much for the law.
Sounds like your husband is turning issues around on you. This is typical. I have a boyfriend who is similar. I just finished reading a book called "Rebuilding Relationships In Recovery: A Guide To Healing Relationships Impacted By Addiction" by Catherine Patterson-Sterling. I heard about it from a friend and ordered it on-line from You might find this book helpful like I did. Now, I am working on boundaries and not getting caught up in these little games.
Best of luck,
I finally found the post you were talking about. Wow, it did sound like a bad time. It's bad when the kids become pawns that parents use to hurt one another.
I don't think I would be going back over there to help redecorate anymore if it were me. It seems you come back upset about something most of the time.
I know this is an emotional time with your older son leaving. Give yourself some space from this situation and cool off. The above post might be a good start on some reading that would benefit you right now.
Love and Hugs,
thanks to both of you. As I expected, today the story was twisted to his benefit. He made it sound like he was an innocent party and my son and I blew everything out of purportion. Of course he had numerous excuses why he did not bother to contact me before today. I need to stand my ground.