The Visit Was Great

I was able to spend the day with my son.I was great.When they go out on visits another senior goes with us for support for my so,if he felt awkward he had someone to talk to.The other boy was great as well.good support for my son.I felt his uncomfortablness around us though,he said because he was actually straight, and he was breaking his routine.I thought at first it was because of us but it wasn't.He looks so good.I know in my heart it is for his own good,but god was it hard to leave him.He has never been away from home like this.I realized how spoiles he is though,everything he asked for yesterdat he got.(all stuff he needed).The other boy said my son was spoiled.He seemed to keep my son grounded.My kids are spoiled,but they normally only get what they need not what they want.He looks really good,he looks like he put on weight.Thank you again Judy for your kind and supporing words
I"m glad your visit went well, and thanks for letting us know. I hope you will continue to keep coming back here for support. I wish this support would have been available when I was going through my son's teen years. I'm glad that my experience can be of some help to you.
Your son is still young enough for you to have some control over his life. I wanted to use tough love with our son... my husband and I went to some classes at our church for it, but he was in such denial that he kept making excuses for him. He was going through a stage and he would do better if we did this or that, he kept saying. In reality, he was using drugs from 14 years on and turned into a different person from the precious son that we had raised that never, r went to bed without saying prayers, telling us that he loved us. The pot and pills and whatever else he did stole his innocence. And.. I could not stop it. That is the most painful thing.. feeling like your life is totally out of control..
The powerlessness that I felt was unbelievable, but it is a part of recovery, admitting that we are powerless is the first helping ourselves..
I think if I had it to do over again I would have left and not put myself or my youngest daugher through the agony that I did. I would have let my husband and son but heads without us. But.. I didn't know then what I do now. I don't regret the past. I appreciate the peace of mind I have today.
I have learned from all this pain and conflict and I hope that my experiences can help someone else.
