Things I Will Not Miss

I've been thinking alot about after surgery finally getting a plan to get off of these things for good. More problems have risen that I'll talk about at another time.
But I was thinking about how when I first get a bottle, how I feel on top of the world, for me, I start thinking of things to do, wash windows, clean, take the kids places, do things, all kinds of things and I look forward to them.
Then as the bottle goes down so does my mood. I get nervous. I try to stretch them out to the next rx, then say screw it, and just take what I have. Withdrawls don't seem so bad when your high. Then the w/d's set in and you know how that goes.
I'll be so happy to be done with that. I've been doing better, I'm just talking in general, but I know what I have to do.

Liz, your above post is a true inspiration by the by.

I need other addicts, I need to be honest, I need to understand that as we get older, there is going to be a certain amount of pain we have to deal with. I've never tried alternative methods. I like things easy. Always have. I'm just sick of thinking about pills all the time. They truly do become your life. I want my life to become not taking pills. I just get kind of sad when I read all these sucess stories (not sad for the succesfull ones, sad for me) because alot of you guys have really done this and here I am, been here since July, almost a year and I'm still using. And alot of the old timers have put alot of time and effort into me. Anyways, I'm just sitting here thinking of things I will not miss when I get clean (if I do). And there's a slew of them. I get anxiety at every single one of my doctor's appointments. And I go once a month, but now I have an ankle doctor too.
I'm ashamed to say this, but my husband has been in my pills. That is the problem I referred to above. He's an alchoholic, but doesn't drink, but doesn't go to meetings either and is I think a dry drunk, I read up on it. He's negative alot and I've wanted out of this marriage for a long time. Being the catholic girl that I am, I stay for the kids. When we first came to AZ, it was without him and I was dead set on divorce, I was willing to help him move down here and get him set up in an apartment to be by the kids, but that was as far as I was willing to go., As time went on, I didn't change my mind, the kids talked me into letting him come and live with us. I felt I owed it to them. I can't beleive I just said that. He can be really mean, not physically, but emotionally to me.
But I am coming to the realization that nothing changes unless I change it. I can't change him but I can change me. I don't even want these things around me anymore because I have to hide them from him. I hate living like this. Thanks for being here for me you guys.
I feel for you roe, dont know what to say but you CAN DO IT, you sound depressed....feel bad for ya.

well roe.. yes that sounds like me when I was using all that you said.. mt spouse was mean he gave me the pills .. he was my dealer bascily ..but also dr internent etc... yes when the pills got low depression would hit and when I was on them its ok ya rite it was heck all the way.... and yes now IM sober but still think about but it gets better ... I get happy when I walk the dogs before a pill for cooking a pill for walking apill for gocery shopping a pill for work a pill fpr going to the toilet weell maybe not ....but yes they controled me so yes theer is LITE AT THE END and my world got hardeder has I stopped them but now better ... so hang in there we all feel like you do at one point in our life im clean but still have bad days ......alone scared to death and meetings do help but still feel like that empty void looking for answers still ONE DAY SOON I HOPE SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN but I have to work on that ....just enjoy life the best you no how things will work out for you soon love poopie
Dear Roe I feel I could write a book to try & say things to you.I can see & have seen how bad this addiction holds you.I understand wanting & knowing it must stop & than being so scared to actually do it.But you even said it yourself.The pills just arent making you happy.Anyone that thinks that pills can make you happy are only fooling yourself.I belive in my heart that you want to stop.For all the right reasons.I will keep pulling for you & hopen you find your way back out of the darkness.If I can be a shoulder to you than I will in a heartbeat.Please take care You deserve such a better life than what youve been settling for....mj
Roe - I love you and always will.

You know and I know that things will have to change BIG TIME. Does Ken know? I got your email, I dont know why you didnt get mine. Maybe that was a GOOD thing, cuz when I wrote it I was in a bitchy mood and you need all the love and support you can get.

As for me, I dont want to talk about me anymore right now. I have the oncologist appt on the 6th, then maybe I can let you know more.

Love you girl,
Ellie Mae
Hey Roe,

I really feel for you and I know how you feel. Try not to be hard on yourself. I know how it feels to see people that just came to the board and are counting clean time and think, damn, I've been here for so long and I just am not getting it yet. I don't know how you feel about God, All I can really say is try praying about everything and just leave it with Him. You will see how your life will turn around for the better. You are loved here, Don't worry about how long you have been here because everything happens at the right time, God's time and no sooner. It will happen for you too. I'm not clean yet, I'm still on methadone but I know I will be clean. Just have to believe it. I tried a meeting on Monday, it was real nice to be around people who are recoverying and knows just where I'm at. The people there gave me hope. That's what I needed. I don't know if you go to meetings or not, but maybe consider trying one if you haven't been to any. I'll pray for you, hang in here.

As always, thank you guys for your undying love and support. I feel more loved here alot of times than I do in my real life.
Liz, thank you, you make so much sense. I love God. Always have. I don't go to church, but I have always had a deep belief and love for Him. When Tommy asks me questions about him (like Nick and Alex used to when they were small) I explain to him that the love he feels inside is God. The good things he feels are God. The good things that happen to him are God. That God is love and that He will always be here to protect and love us. I tell him that we all have two daddy's. The one he has here, and God, that God is all of our Daddy's, even adults.
Liz, I'm so happy to hear that your doing so good. We could talk alot about husbands and things, lets email ok? I feel an obligation to my husband because he has had seizures which have lead to mental illness and things like that, he does see a shrink and takes his meds, but does nothing to help himself. Sits around all day and can be really mean to me. Not physically, but emotionally. Hurts my feelings alot and now he's decided he can just help himself to my pills anytime he wants and between the pshych meds and the pain pills is an absoloute zombie, not to mention leaving me short when I really need them. These past two days are I think the first time I've gotten into this, because its really bothering me and I don't know what to do. But I've been too ashamed to say anything. Its good to be getting it out.
love you all,

roe, consider returning to Mass and the sacraments, if you are able to receive them. they truly are source of grace, peace, consolation, joy and happiness.
We've never posted to each other, but you seem to be a brilliant man.
When I met my husband and we got married, I stayed Catholic, had our daughter baptized, etc. but then his dad became a born again Christian (I don't have anything at all against that, but he was really off the wall, in fact it cost him his marriage of 36 years) anyways, we never had our two sons baptized because my husband fell into the stuff from his dad and refused to do it. Said that they do that when they're old enough to make that decision. I feel religiously I have failed as a parent by letting things go that I know are right. My parents both are dead now and have been for years, never saw my kids, but they would have never stood for that. Was I wrong? Can I correct it? If you'd rather discuss this more privately and would care to email me; feel free
Thank you Bob
roe, sorry i am not at a station to acces my email, so i'll just post here if you don't mind.

please don't ever think it's too late, but if you sense the call to return to Mass and the sacraments, don't delay either. in your case, it's so simple -- just return to Mass on Sunday. and the next Sunday. and, then you just may sense the call and desire to participate in sacramental confession. i find such healing there -- and have found there healing from habits and behaviors and ways of thinking that i never thought imaginable.

and, you know, many times other family members will follow -- for many different reasons. mostly, from the call and grace of God, because he is always calling us and his spirit is always moving within us. please, if you are hearing his call, respond, and don't let anyone or anything stand in your way. one person's quiet devotions can work in very mysterious ways in the hearts and minds and souls of other family members.

you ask if you were wrong -- those are judgments that none of us can make, except for ourselves, after considering our well formed consciences. but, in any event, God's mercy is unlimited. and he works in his own way in our lives and in the lives of others. the past is the past. God's mercy endures forever and has no beginning and no end. being all good and all loving, he welcomes us just where we are in life.

can you correct it, you ask ? well, i stayed away from Mass and the sacraments for quite a few years. and, after sensing those "nudges" that we as Catholics have called "actual graces" which are the movements of the spirit within us that lead us and draw us to Him, i just up and decided I was going to to go to Mass one day. and then confession and reconciliation.

so, yes, God makes all things new, for God is love. and through his son Jesus, he wants to bring us peace and tranquility and consolation. if we have a willingness to accept it. but he does not impose his will on us. and his Mother, Mary, looks after us.

and today is the first day of the rest of our lives.

tomorrow is sunday. please give consideration to simply calling for a mass schedule at you local parish churc and returning to Mass tomorrow. God will take it from there.

here is the gospel reading for tomorrow's Mass in the catholic church, which will be read throughout the world tomorrow in every catholic church in every country on the planet. It is a conversation that Jesus had with the apostles and some of his disciples right after his miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, when he fed the multitude who had gathered to hear him speak:

I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.' Then the Jews started arguing among themselves, 'How can this man give us his flesh to eat?' Jesus replied to them: In all truth I tell you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in that person. As the living Father sent me and I draw life from the Father, so whoever eats me will also draw life from me. This is the bread which has come down from heaven; it is not like the bread our ancestors ate: they are dead, but anyone who eats this bread will live for ever.

roe, God bless you in your prayer.
BoB Im a catholic and confession has always bothered me why do i have to tell some human whos no better than me all my sorted embarrassing misjudgements .Cant i just confess to God himself would that allow me to return to church and recieve the sacraments .I know deep down inside God is bringing me to my knees here with this demonic addiction but I have a huge problem with alot of catholic ideas espessialy confession to a mere mortal whos no better than me .Do you have any suggestions .Are you a minister?
Bob B.:

Can't you take the Eucharist without confessing, now? I thought it was changed in Vatican II.

Hey Roe,

Anytime you want to email me my email address is Hope to hear from you soon.

roe, i've sent you an email. please let me know if i can help.
tracey, the questions that you ask are very important ones for a catholic. thanks for asking them.

first, let's see if you and i can agree that one of the effects of baptism is the removal of sins, including origianl sin. and sin is simply a separation from God. and yet, we would never think of baptizing ourselves. we need another mortal to do that for us -- to baptize us, i mean. we don't even think about it and raise no objections to it. and so, due to Jesus' instructions and the authority that he gave to others, that is "go and baptize in the name of the father, and of the son and of the holy spirit" jesus authorized and commissioned mere mortals to administer this sacrament (one of seven). so it is possible for God to work through mere mortals to forgive sins and restore the world. in fact, that's the way he desired it. that one person would baptize others -- and sins would be forgiven and removed.

the authority to baptize has been given to mere mortals. and, through the ages, mere mortals have baptized. and sins have been forgiven in that process.

secondly, jesus said and did some very important things on earth while he was here after his death and reserruction and before his ascension into heaven. one of the last things that he did was give some further instruction to his apostles, who were mere mortals, we must all admit. and, this is what he did and said to them:

19 In the evening of that same day, the first day of the week, the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, 'Peace be with you,' 20 and, after saying this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord, 21 and he said to them again, 'Peace be with you. 'As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.' 22 After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained. John 20: 19-23.

and so, we can see from scripture that mere mortals do have the power and can be given the power to forgive the sins of others, for the apostles were mere mortals, and as with baptism, mere mortals can have the power to administer these important acts of God, which we refer to as sacraments. so it is not impossible. and, with what he said and did, is it reasonable to say that he intended this power that he conferred on the apostles, mere mortals, to die and fizzle out when the last of them died ? i don't think so. so the power was conferred from one to another, down through the ages, until the present time.

from there, as with baptism, we are confronted with a question: is this what jesus came to set up on earth ? -- the preferred process for the forgiveness of sins and restoration of the world to him ?

there is much more that can be said, but it would be too long for a message board. if i can help with any questions, though, i am more than happy to do so.

in this brief space, i can only say that confession has helped me, more than anything else, to remove defects and shortcomings and ways of thinking that i never thought possible. there is graces from God received in sacramental confession that are beyond our comprehension -- or at least beyond my comprehension. my belief is that in sacramental confession our sins are truly forgiven. when i walk out of the confessional, i leave with the knowledge and certainty that they are gone -- they are done -- forgiveness is received and i accept it. there is certainty. jesus works through the priest, with the power given to him at pentecost as recorded in scripture and with the words -- "I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spiirit" the act is completed. and, in confession, we celebrate that forgiveness and the forgiving power of Jesus. through confession, i am reconciled to God and to the broader community of mankind. it a beautiful thing. a wonderful thing. and one of the greatest experiences on this earth.

god bless you. please, if you feel called to do so, study further. there is plenty of support of the proposition that confession is a wonderful sacrament and very useful for our salvation -- and forgiveness.

god does not condemn us. god wants us to be freed from our past transgressions and shortcomings. he is full of gentleness and compassion. the church does not condemn us. the church does not heap guilt upon us -- the church helps us to form our consciences and then live with them. and when we can't or don't, the church offers a means of relieving ourselves from our guilt and our shame. god wants us to be free from those things that just keep circling in our heads and that we have trouble getting rid of, no matter how much we ask for forgiveness. he wants to relieve us of habits that plague us and keep us separated from him. and we have a way. i can speak for it -- it works. jesus gave it to us -- through his death and reserrection, and by the power that he left amongst us before he ascended into heaven. and for that, i am grateful.

there is such healing in the sacrament of reconciliation. access it. be not afraid.
hi rachel. first let me say tht your posts and advise and sharing here are a total inspiration to me. and you have such a manner about you in the way you write, while being quite steadfast.

regarding Vatican II, for catholics, there were no changes regarding the worthy reception of holy communion. and church law requires worthy reception of communiuon at least once a year. the sacrament of confession was undisturbed, although confession face to face (not anonymously) is now permissible for those who wish to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) in that way -- and many do ! most churches today offer confessionals of either type.

thanks for your question or comment.

and for whoever asked, no i'm not a minister or priest --- just a catholic guy sharing the faith.

Thanks BoB nobody has explained it to me as well as you have and now I totaly understand and I really feel that I need to releave myself and connect with the devine God bless you Tracey

tracey, i am glad to share.

if you haven't been to confession in a while, please consider going. i stayed away for years, then returned. you will be welcomed and comforted. and will leave with a real sense of renewal and forgiveness. and help. and grace.

i like to think of it this way -- where else on the face of this earth can we walk into a room, totally anonymously if we wish, dump our garbage and those things that we have done that we aren't proud of, and that many times just keep circling in our heads, verbalize them, have them taken from us and walk out totally cleansed ? in the physical dimension, it's like taking a good hot shower or bath after working outside all day long. where else ? and at no cost ?

and we are happy. sorrowful, but happy.

wow ! jesus knows what we need.

hey guy.. hope you don't mind me jumping in on this..
i saw you talking bout confession/catholics.
i myself was brought up in many differant faiths.i can not say that i'm a certain
one..i do however beleive in good and evil,right and wrong, God and the devil..
i know that one day i will meet my maker and i hope that he says to me you are welcome here.i accept you with all your faults.he knows what i have done, right and wrong..guess my point is i don't think i could go into a cofessinal(sp?)
i can't spill my guts to anyone..there are things that i have done that NO ONE
knows about.not that they are that "wrong" but its things that i'm not proud of and
would not want anyone to know about..i'll take those things up w/my god at a later time..i'm sure that many people have secrets like that...
do you or anyone else that you know go in and spill everything?
you are stronger than me...
for me i know i couldn't do it..even though it might make me feel better afterwards,instead of holding it all in...
just my thought..thanks for
hi dj.

i know how you feel.

but yes, calling to mind and then verbalizing faults, failings and shortcomings to another human being, before God, is absolutely freeing in this life !

and when they are gone -- they are gone !

and, many times, if they are habitual -- well they go away -- even the desire for them !

yes, i do it. it's not the easiest thing in the world to do, now i must admit.

but there is healing in it. real healing.

thanks for sharing.